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Where can I see the screenshot? Where are screenshots saved on Windows? Changing the default location

Snipping Tool in Windows 7

The Snipping Tool allows you to take a screenshot of any element on your desktop or the entire screen. The program is launched from the menu Start → All Programs → Accessories.

More details

Mac OS

To take a screenshot in Mac OS, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3. A file with a snapshot of the entire screen will appear on your desktop.

If you want to take a screenshot of a specific part of the screen, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 4 and highlight the desired area of ​​the screen with the cursor.

To take a screenshot of just the active window, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 4 and then press Spacebar.


The iOS platform allows you to take a screenshot using standard tools starting from version 2.x. The resulting images are saved in standard application Photo . The method for taking screenshots depends on the iOS device model.

iPad, iPhone SE–8 Press and hold the button for a couple of seconds On/Off and Home. iPhone X–XR Press and hold the button for a couple of seconds On/Off And Raising the volume.


Take a screenshot on mobile device under Android control Can different ways- depending on the device manufacturer and platform version. The resulting images are saved in the standard Gallery application.

  • Android 4.x–9.0
  • Android 3.2 and higher
  • Android 1.x and 2.x
  • Samsung

Press and hold the button for a couple of seconds Decrease volume and Nutrition.

Press and hold the button for a while Recent Programs.

Platform Android versions 2.x and below does not support taking screenshots using standard tools. Nessesary to use third party applications installed from Google Play.

Press and hold the Home and Power or Back and Home buttons for a couple of seconds (depending on the device).

Press and hold the Power and Home buttons for a couple of seconds.

A screenshot is simply an image of the desktop that shows exactly what is shown on the user's monitor screen. You may need screenshots if you want to capture something and send the file to someone or save it for one purpose or another on your device.

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of various programs that allow you to create screenshots. Some of these programs are paid, and some are free. To be honest, it only makes sense to use them if you regularly post screenshots online (the program may have a built-in automatic download image to a photo hosting) or you need to save a photo of the entire Internet page - the usual way The screenshot saving feature present in Widows does not allow you to save an entire web page if it extends beyond the screen. In other cases, there is no point in using such programs.

I talked about this in great detail on the pages of the site. Let me briefly remind you that you only need to press the key once Print Screen on the keyboard, then paste the image into graphics editor and save it. There is nothing complicated about it. However, people often have such an unusual question - where, in fact, are screenshots saved? They are actually stored in the clipboard, a dedicated memory for storing temporary data. In this case, the user will not see the image itself until he places it in the graphics editor.

How does this happen in practice? Now I will show you the whole action using the example of Windows 7. So, there is a desktop. I press the Print Screen key and what I see on the screen of my PC is saved on the clipboard. In order to see this image and possibly save it, I must place it in a graphics editor, which in this case is Paint. To do this, you just need to press the key combination CTRL+V. An image appears in the window (I've already cropped it, so don't pay attention to the photo itself).

Actually, that's all. Now you can save the photo on your computer and send it if you wish.

It is extremely important to remember that the screenshot that is still in may be replaced by other information. Let's say you pressed the Print Screen key and immediately copied some text on the page in the browser. In this case, the clipboard will contain exactly the copied text, and the image will be deleted from it (in this case, the last user action is stored in the clipboard - the copied text). I hope this is clear.

Hello. I have been asked more than once about where the screen print is saved on the computer? In this article I would like to answer this question, because often you simply cannot do without a screenshot. In the operating room Windows system There is a specialized option, but the OS is constantly being improved and it can be difficult for users to immediately understand the updates.

In addition to the pre-installed function of creating a photo monitor, it is possible to use special software, where you can set the folder yourself. For convenience, you can install one of these programs if you often create and edit images, but usually Print Screen is enough for users. So now you just need to understand where they are saved?

Every representative of the Windows family has a print screen button, including XP. As you already understand, it is needed to take a screenshot. By pressing this key, a full photo of the monitor is obtained. You will capture everything that is there at that time.

If you need to make a picture of only one window, which is currently active, use the combination Alt + PrtSc. In this case, the top window used in the work will be copied. These buttons will function exclusively on Windows 7 and other versions of this operating system.

On Mac OS you can capture the entire monitor using the combination Command + Shift + 3. In order to select an area, instead of 3 you should press 4, the area is selected with the mouse.

On Mac, the created images are immediately sent to the computer desktop as png files. It remains to figure out where they are copied on Windows.

Where is the print screen saved on a Windows computer?

In releases of this operating system before the release of Windows 8, a screenshot from the display was sent only to the clipboard. After this, it was necessary to use a graphic editor, insert and edit there in the following sequence:

  • remove all unnecessary open objects from the computer display;
  • press print screen;
  • activate the graphic editor (you can use any);
  • combination Ctrl + V or using the context menu to move pictures to the active editor window;
  • edit everything, create a folder on the device where the pictures will be saved, select the format and confirm the action.

It’s better to save the image right away, because after that you won’t be able to find it. All temporary objects are replaced with new ones. If you take more than one screenshot, save one at a time. All pictures taken with the Alt + PrtScr combination are also sent to the buffer, so then follow the steps described earlier. The most common jpeg format, when you don't remember how to save, you should mark it.

In Windows 8 and later, the option to save pictures using your own means has appeared. The combination Windows + Print Screen sends a screenshot to a special folder, you can view it like this:

  • Libraries;
  • Images;
  • Screenshots.

Thanks to this, you can take several photos and then process everything at once.

Steam screen storage location

Lovers virtual games They often take photos of the computer display, especially for online games Dota 2, Warface and others. Print Screen in many games can be created not only with a special button, but also by clicking on F12. It will be saved in your Steam account in cloud storage. You can get there using a browser; you need to go in and download. There are other options:

  • in the game program parameters, look for the “In game” section;
  • Find “Save an uncompressed copy on your computer.” If you initially create a folder, you won’t have to look for where the drawing is saved in steam.

If it works, then during the game you click print screen, and then capture the area, open the editor, paste and save. But most users press Prt Screen or F12, then they are unable to find where the desired image is saved. There are instructions for such cases:

  • Dota2– the F12 button determines the photo in cloud storage. You need to go to the initial Steam window, move the slider down. The viewing function will be activated, click on it and look for “Show on disk”.
  • Warface– look at the printed screenshot on drive C, you can do it like this:

Users / username / Saved games / My games / Warface / ScreenShots

  • Fallout 4. There is no special space for the snapshot; it is saved in the root folder of the game application itself.

How to make and where to look for a print screen in the “top ten”?

Windows 10 is causing problems for many users. This also applies to creating and searching screenshots on a computer. You can use standard options:

  • Win + Print Screen ;
  • Alt + Print Screen .

You can also attract special programs designed for this purpose. For example, Windows 10 comes with a pre-installed application called “Scissors.” IN latest version The utility now has an option that allows you to set a delay of up to five seconds before taking a photo. main feature programs - creating screenshots on a computer of any size in free form or in the shape of a rectangle. You can do it like this:

  • activate the application via Start;

  • set the image creation settings: image shape, delay time, and then click “Create”;

  • determine the capture area;
  • using a marker, eraser, pen, make the necessary marks;
  • save the print screen on the computer using the Ctrl + S button combination or the “Save” key;
  • We mark the format and path to the file, so you can easily find it.

Where else might screenshots be located?

Where is a screenshot from Skype or some other programs saved? Typically, such files should be looked for in the folders with the corresponding program. So go to the folder where the application is installed (usually “Program Files”) and look for “Downloads” (sometimes it says “Downloads”).

When saving, the program may ask where to save the image. Here you independently indicate the place where it will be more convenient and quick to find the file. It is worth paying attention to the fact that even if the screen print was made by an involved program, but you used the PrtSc key, then you can save the photo only using the method discussed earlier.

I hope you were able to figure out where the screen print is saved on your computer, and now you can easily find it. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

First, let's understand the concepts. What do you understand by the word “screenshot”? Personally, I will give this word the following definition: a screenshot (or Print Screen) is a snapshot of what is currently displayed on the monitor screen.

How to get it?

There are two options. Classic, using the good old button on the keyboard (the method will satisfy the needs of 90% of users) and sophisticated when used special software.

Taking a screenshot using the keyboard

Your keyboard has a print screen sysrq button. So, pressing it will allow you to take a screenshot. The entire screen is complete.

And if you press print screen together with the Alt key, then only the active one will be saved. this moment window. Remember, this is really convenient.

Using programs

Software that takes screenshots is very common among gamers or people who need to take a photo of a specific area of ​​the screen. For example, the upper right corner, size 500x650 px.

What programs are suitable for these purposes? I will answer: there are a lot of them. These are Lightshot, SuperScreen, JShot, etc. The latter, by the way, is free, simple and perfectly meets the requirements stated above.

Where is the screenshot saved?

Depends on the way it was received.

If the screen was made by some kind of software, then by default the image is sent to the folder with installed program. However, the final address can be changed. Like expansion final file: whether it will be saved as jpg, png or something even more exotic.

If the screenshot is taken after pressing the print Screen key, it will be saved to the clipboard. Which leads us to two conclusions: first: after turning off the computer, it will be deleted. Second: to use an image, you need to insert it somewhere. For example, you can open paint and use the banal combination Ctrl+V to admire the fruit of your labors. If you have any questions on the topic, ask them in the comments below. Bye!


Where are screenshots saved on a computer running Windows 7 and 8?

A screenshot is more visual and eloquent than copied text, and sometimes you can’t do without a screenshot. Windows has a special function, but after the OS has been improved, the question arises: where are screenshots saved on Windows 8? In addition to the built-in capabilities of the system, there are special programs - screenshots, for example SnagIt, Screenshot Maker or FastStone Capture, where the save folder is specified by the user. They make sense if you take and process screenshots all the time, but for many people the Print Screen button is enough. All that remains is to figure out how to find the pictures.

How to take a screenshot using Print Screen

Print Screen key in all Windows versions, including on Windows xp, is used to create a screenshot. Just by clicking a button you take a full screenshot. Everything that is currently there is captured. If you need a picture of one active window, use the combination alt + printscreen. Then the top window you are working with will be copied.

These keys only work in Windows, for example, on MAC OS, capturing the entire screen is done using the combination Command + Shift + 3. And in order to “catch” a fragment, instead of three, you need to press four, selecting the desired area with the mouse. On a Mac, captured images are placed on the desktop as png files by default. We'll look into where screenshots are saved on Windows below.

In all versions of this OS until the release of Windows 8, the screenshot was placed only on the clipboard. Next you need to use a graphic editor, insert and process. The sequence is:

  • free the screen from unnecessary open elements;
  • press printscreen;
  • launch an image editor (Paint or another);
  • with the combination Ctrl+V or via context menu insert picture into open window editor;
  • make the necessary changes, or simply set the folder on your computer where your screenshots are saved, select the format, and confirm.

Important: if you don’t save the picture right away, you won’t find it later. Temporary files are replaced with new ones. When taking several screenshots, save them one at a time. Images received after pressing Alt+ Print Screen are also placed in the buffer, and all actions with them are similar to those described above. The most popular format for drawings is jpeg; if you don’t know what to save in, choose it.

Starting from the eighth Windows versions, users received new opportunity to save images. The Windows+Print Screen combination places your screen in a special folder; to view it, you need to follow the path: Libraries\Images\Screenshots. This allows the user to capture several images in a row, and then process them all at once.

Where are steam screenshots stored?

Gamers take screenshots all the time, especially when it comes to online games such as Warface, Dota 2 and fallout 4. Screenshots for most Steam games, in addition to the printscreen key, are also taken by pressing F12. By default, they are located in the Steam profile, in the “cloud”. The way there is through the browser, go in and download. There are other possibilities. In the Steam client settings, select the “In Game” tab, click on the “Save an uncompressed copy on your computer” option. In order not to search every time where the screenshots are located in Steam, set the folder.

There is an option to have time to click on the print screen during the game, and then do everything according to the standard scheme: capture a fragment, open the graphics editor, insert and save the picture. Many people press Print Screen or F12, and then have difficulty finding where the screenshots are saved. If the folder is not specified, you can find where the screenshots were saved like this:

  1. Dota2. The F12 key sends screenshots to the cloud. To avoid searching for them in the browser, go to the initial Steam window and lower the slider. The option to view your library will appear, click on it, then select “Show on disk.”
  2. Warface. View captured fragments of the game on drive C, through the folder “Users”/username/saved games/My games/Warface/ScreenShots.
  3. Fallout 4. There is no separate place for pictures; their storage is The root folder the game itself.

Video: where are the screenshots in Windows 7

If you have not experienced taking screenshots, a detailed video tutorial will help you figure it out. An experienced user will guide you along the entire path, from capturing an image with a print screen to the final saving of the processed image. You'll learn how to edit an image using Paint, which is installed by default, but not everyone uses it.


How to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer and copy it?

But first let's try to answer the question:

What is a screenshot?

A screenshot is a visible part of the monitor screen, saved as a picture image. Eat various ways Taking a screenshot of the screen on a computer using certain programs. But here we will look at a very simple option, taking a screenshot of the screen using the operating system. Windows systems.

What is this for and how to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer?

A situation arises where you need to remember some data from your computer screen or take a photo from the screen, because it is simply impossible or lazy for us to write down or remember. In this case, a screenshot of the screen will help us; we will save it; after time, we will be able to find and view the information or drawing we made on the computer.

To take a screenshot, you don’t need any special extraordinary abilities, you just need to remember only one or a combination of two keys on your computer.

How to take this screenshot on a computer?

Select an image on the computer screen, find the PrtScr (Print Screen) key, and click on it. As a result saving will occur copies of the image to the clipboard. All that remains is a simple step - take the image from the clipboard to your computer and save it somewhere. To do this, let's think about where it is better to save the captured image. The image can be saved using a free graphic editor in Windows paint editor, which we will use. Open the Paint graphic editor on your computer, do it like this:

Through the “Start” menu (2) – drive in Paint (3).

Open the program

Click on the “Insert (3)” button

-"Insert (4)"

or we use the “Ctrl + V” keys, thereby inserting a screenshot of the screen from the computer. Next, click on button No. 5 (see picture)

indicate the path to save the file to a particular folder in the format we need - “Save”

There is also a second option: saving a copy of the screenshot we took to a text Word editor, to do this you need to use the same keys and buttons as we did in the graphic editor.

There is also an option that allows you to save not the entire image on the computer screen, but a certain part of it. What needs to be done for this? To do this, you need to use the “Alt + PrtScr” keys, at which point a screenshot of the screen on the computer of the currently active window will be copied.

Everything is simple, we can simply take a screenshot of a page from any document, website, desktop, or a screenshot from some program useful to us.

Now, briefly, how can we take a screenshot of the screen on a computer, and where can we find it?

Selecting an image

Press “Alt + PrtScr”

Open the graphic editor Paint or text editor Word

Click “Start” - Paint or Word

Click “Insert” - “Paste” or the keys “Ctrl + V”

That's the whole trick on how to take a screenshot from the screen on a computer.

If anything is not clear, watch the video:

So you and I have learned how to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer. I wish you good luck in your creativity, and don’t forget to click on the buttons social networks at the bottom of the article or get a solid income from the program on how to make money for everyone.

Thank you for your friendship.


Educational program: where are screenshots saved?

A screenshot is a photograph of the screen that can be taken during any operations on
computer. For this purpose, the keyboard has a special “Print Screen” button. But where then can I find this picture, where are the screenshots saved? If you don’t know about this yet, then in this article we will tell you.

How the function and its analogues work

So, in order to take a screenshot, you just need to press one button on the keyboard. In this case, you will not be able to select a specific area, that is, the entire screen and everything that was on it when you pressed the key will be captured on the clipboard. To save a specific area of ​​the screen, it is wiser to use other programs that give you the opportunity to choose what exactly you want to save. For example, built in OS Windows utility called "Scissors". You can find it on your computer through a search, or in the “Standard Tools” section. How to use it? We launch the program, in the window that opens, click the “Create” button and specify on the screen the area that needs to be saved. Where are screenshots saved after these manipulations? The answer is quite simple: wherever you point her. Immediately after selecting an area, the program will prompt you to set a location on your computer to place the photo you just took.

Where are screenshots saved?

But let’s return to the “Print Screen” button and the standard function of saving screenshots. After clicking it, the file is not saved on the disk itself, but is only located in the clipboard, that is, in the computer’s memory. You need to go to any editing program, for example Paint, and save a screenshot through the program. What exactly needs to be done, and where are the screenshots saved in this case?

Where can I find screenshots?

If you are interested in the question “where are screenshots of Skype and other programs saved,” then this section is for you. Most often, the location of the files is in the program folder. That is, you need to go to the folder where it is installed (by default it is “Program Files”) and find the “Downloads” folder (or “Downloads”). Also, when saving images, programs ask where to save them. Everything is simple here; you can specify the location where it is more convenient for you to store the file. Please note that even if you took a screenshot of a program, but used the “Print Screen” key, you can only save the image in the way we discussed earlier. We hope that you have received the answer to the question “where are screenshots saved” and now you can easily find them yourself.


How to take a screenshot

MiaSet.com » Training » IT

How to take a screenshot of the screen - because we often need this. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly.

Despite the fact that today almost everyone is a computer user.

How to take a screenshot on a computer using Windows tools

The easiest way to take a screenshot of a computer screen is to use the tools of the system itself.

On the right side computer keyboard at the top there is a “Print Screen”, “Prt Scr” or “Prt Sc” key (names may vary). This is exactly what we need for at this stage.

Laptop owners need to pay attention to their keyboard, because certain models On laptops, the “Prt Scr” button can be combined with any other key, and in some cases, the “Fn + Prt Scr” key combination should be used to take a screenshot.

By pressing this key, we copy the contents of the monitor to temporary storage, where the picture will remain until our further actions. Opening any office program or a program for working with graphic images and by pasting the contents of the buffer there, you can save the picture or use it for other purposes.

The simplest program for saving a screenshot is system utility"Paint", it is initially installed in every OS. You can find it in the Start menu by writing the name of the editor in the search bar or by entering programs.

To insert a picture contained in temporary storage, you can press the “Ctrl+V” combination on your keyboard or left-click on the “Insert” function in the program menu.

Then click on the floppy disk icon in the editor menu, select a location to save the image and save it. The default saving format is Png, but experts advise saving all files of this kind in Jpeg format. It is universal for working with images in different programs and does not particularly overload the memory of your PC.

What else you should definitely read:

Ways to take a screenshot of the screen on a video:

We use scissors

For laptops or computers running Windows 7 or Windows 8, there is another simple option for creating a screenshot. Thanks to the standard “Scissors” utility, you can copy any selected area visible on the monitor.

After opening the program, a utility window appears on the monitor, which is initially in screen fragment selection mode. By clicking on the “Create” button, you can choose the option to save the picture: cut a rectangle, an arbitrary shape, copy a window or the contents of the entire screen.

After clicking on the desired function The cut out area of ​​the screen is highlighted. Next, an editing window will appear on the monitor. The editor menu has an eraser and simple drawing tools with color selection. You can save the resulting image by clicking on the icon with a floppy disk on top panel editor

On mobile devices

Modern smartphones, phones and tablet computers well-known global manufacturers have different operating systems, which in some cases are a simplified version of a set of interrelated programs for managing resources more powerful devices. This category includes iPhones and mobile devices with the WindowsPhone or WindowsMobile operating system.

There are gadgets that have operating systems designed specifically for touchphones, smartphones, communicators, smartbooks and other mobile devices. The most common today are Android and Symbian, less commonly you can find HPwebOS, Maemo, BlackBerry, Bada, AccessLinuxPlatform, MeeGo, etc.

For a larger number of mobile devices, if you need to save a picture on the screen, it is not the operating system that matters, but the presence of a utility compatible with it or a combination of some function keys:

  • When pressing the round button at the same time Home keys and the lock button, a screenshot is taken with the process displayed on it. It is saved in Png format and can be found in the “Photos” folder. On iPhone, you can take and save a screenshot in any running application.
  • If for some reason one of the function buttons on your iPhone does not work, you can activate the AssistiveTouch function by going to the device settings. When this function is activated, a touch key appears on the smartphone screen
  • On most device models of this type There is a button on the desktop that allows you to take a screenshot. You can find the saved image in the “Screen capture” folder.
  • When you simultaneously press the menu and screen lock buttons, a screenshot is taken and saved in a folder with the appropriate name, which can be found in the gallery.
  • For some smartphone models Android platform The keyboard shortcut may not give the desired result. In such a situation, utilities specially installed on the device can help, among which are ScreenshotUX, Screenshot It, Screenshot ER PRO, etc.
  • One of the most common utilities for taking a screenshot of the screen of Symbian devices is Tap2Screen v.1.6. After downloading and installing it, an icon appears on top of the screen, which is visible in all folders and applications. When you click on this icon, the display screen is displayed, the saved file can be found in the gallery or you can choose the save path yourself.
  • You can also install the screenshot program Best ScreenSnap v.3.01 on a smartphone with the Symbian platform. This utility more flexible, its feature is that it can work in background, and screen is made by a pre-selected key combination.

    After taking a screenshot, the camera shutter sound will appear; files can be saved in any format or quality. By default, they are saved in the images folder, but you can change the saving path yourself.

Typically the most common browser used mobile phones and smartphones is Opera. It does not cause disruptions in the operation of other programs; it works properly without slowing down. In your browser, you can find the “Saved Pages” section and click on the button labeled “Save Page”.

  • To take a screenshot Windows gadget Phone 8, you must simultaneously hold down the power button with Windows key. After the shutter sound, release the mono button and find the saved image in the albums of the Photos application, in the Screenshots folder.
  • On Windows Phone 8.1 The keyboard shortcut for screenshots has been changed by the manufacturer. Like some Android devices, you need to hold down the Power button with the Volume+ button to take a screenshot.

Screenshot in Internet browsers

Most programs for using the Internet do not initially have a screen capture function. To take a screenshot of an open web page, you can use the above methods. If this option is not available, you can install the extension:

  • Nimbus Screenshot is a very powerful screenshot extension. It is optimized for most of the most used browsers.
  • Awesome Screenshot is a fairly popular extension among Firefox users. Its advantage is that it is displayed identically in all Internet browsers.
  • For Opera users, a great addition is the Q-Snap extension. Its advantage is the ability to take a fragmentary or entire screenshot. This extension also allows you to change and edit images.
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You can take a screenshot on a computer or any mobile device in different ways using system applications and keyboard shortcuts or installing additional utilities and extensions. Images can be edited by any appropriate program.

Hello! In this article we will look at the main ways you can take a screenshot of your computer screen using standard system tools and using special programs.

Take a screenshot with one button

If you urgently need to take a screenshot, i.e. a screenshot of your computer, then just use the PrintScreen button. In this case, a photo of the entire screen will be saved in the computer’s temporary memory (clipboard), i.e. in fact, it still needs to be inserted into some photo editor and only then can it be saved on the hard drive.

It is most convenient to use standard Windows tools, in particular Paint. Open the program at: Start – All Programs – Accessories – Paint. After this, press the key combination Ctrl+V or select Edit-Paste from the menu, after which the screenshot of our screen will be pasted into Paint.
Now here you can edit the picture (crop, rotate, draw something) and save it to HDDFile - Save As...

Screenshot of the active window

How to take a screenshot on Windows computer for the active window? Active, this means the one in which you are currently working. To do this, you need to use the key combination Alt+PrintScreen. After clicking these buttons, the screenshot of one window will again be saved to the clipboard, so we repeat the steps from the previous point - open the editor, insert a photo, save it to your hard drive.

These two methods of taking a screenshot on a computer keyboard have a significant drawback - every time you take a picture, you have to paste it into the editor and then save it, which takes a lot of time. Sometimes you need to take a lot of screenshots, and you don’t want to spend two minutes on each one. Good, standard means Windows allows this.

How to take a lot of screenshots without inserting photos into Paint

In order to take several screenshots of the screen in a row, you need to press the key combination Windows + PrintScreen.

After this, the picture will be immediately saved to your computer’s hard drive, and you will not have to open another editor and save the screen. Photos will be automatically saved to This PC - Pictures - Screenshots. Later, you can open these files and edit them if the need arises.

How to take a screenshot of part of the screen

It is not always necessary to take a snapshot of the entire screen, or even the active window. Sometimes you need to take a photo of a certain part of the monitor so that other elements are not visible. Of course, you can take a screenshot of the entire screen and then cut out the desired part in Paint, but this is too time-consuming and difficult. How to take a screenshot on Windows laptop 7,8,10 for a separate part of the screen? To do this you need to use standard program Scissors (Snipping Tool).

This program is located at: Start - All Programs - Accessories - Scissors. After clicking on the program shortcut, the following window will appear in front of you:

Click on the Create button and the mouse cursor will turn into a cross and the rest of the screen will become foggy. Now click on the left mouse button and drag the cursor to select the required area of ​​the screen; it will be a screenshot that will immediately appear in the “Scissors” editor. Here you can make edits and save the screenshot on your computer File - Save As...

Special programs for screenshots

Standard Windows tools for taking screenshots are good only when the need for screenshots does not arise very often. Sometimes, for various reasons, a PC user is forced to regularly take screenshots, edit them, save them and send them via e-mail. To prevent this process from taking much time, specialized programs were created.

Personally, I use the program, more detailed description which you can read by following the link. Here I will only say that with this program you can select and take a photo of the desired part of the screen with one click of a button, it will automatically open small screen, where you can also conveniently make light edits, and from here save the screen on your computer, in the cloud, or send it to the recipient. It’s very convenient and fast, the program is always in my registry, and I use it all the time.

There are other programs that can be installed on your computer that allow you to take screenshots. Windows screen. Their descriptions are presented in the links at the bottom of the article.



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Introduction Measuring trueRMS of alternating voltage is not an entirely simple task, nor is it what it seems at first glance. First of all because...

Engineering samples Skylake (LGA1151) - Zionoviki

Engineering samples Skylake (LGA1151) - Zionoviki

The progress that Intel processors undergo when changing generations of microarchitecture has recently slowed down noticeably. Indeed, if...

Why magnetic cables for smartphones are dangerous and useful

Why magnetic cables for smartphones are dangerous and useful

The Mantis USB to USB Type-C nylon magnetic cable is a convenient and modern accessory designed to connect your smartphone to a charger...

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