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How to get free internet on Android. How to make free internet: a few simple tips

Today I will tell you how to make the Internet free. You will learn where and how to use it for free, all the ways to access the Internet for free.

Nowadays the Internet in Russia is very expensive. Just imagine, for example, Estonia is located next door to Russia - the approximate cost of Internet there is 700 rubles per month! (speed 5 Mbit/s, and unlimited traffic) You can surf the Internet for days, download songs, movies, programs and not worry about your pocket.

Ways to get free internet:

1. Connect to WiFi.

Wifi is a network wireless internet, in which no wires are connected to your PC - the computer scans the nearest WiFi hotspot, connects to it and the Internet appears. Your computer or laptop must support WiFi technology to connect to it.

WiFi can be either paid or free. The latter option is usually offered by various shops, restaurants, offices, etc. Surely the owners of these establishments already know how to provide users with free wifi at ciawifi.ru. After all, this service is very beneficial for them, since it allows them to attract and retain customers. Surely, if you have the choice of going to a cafe with or without the Internet, you will choose the first without hesitation. Don’t try to find a free WiFi point while sitting at home - in the nearest radius there are only your neighbors who probably know how to password-protect their router so that no one can connect to it. So if you want free Internet, go to some establishment with the corresponding “WiFi” icon.

Here is a very convenient site http://wifi4free.ru/ - everything is shown here Wi-Fi points in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. There is even a special SMS service - you send an SMS and receive the address of the closest point with free Internet access via WiFi.

2. Satellite Internet.

Surely you have heard from your provider about paid satellite Internet? So the entire flow of information from a satellite can be intercepted for free - this is called “Fishing”. That is, with the help special programs You can scan who is downloading which files via Satellite Internet in your city and intercept them on your computer absolutely free! Alas, in this option you do not have a choice in the files to download, however, those files that you manage to intercept will be absolutely free for you, and just think how many thousands of files people in your city download every minute - there are probably a lot of interesting films there, programs and mp3 songs!

So, for “Fishing” you will need one of the following programs Fishing, SkyGrabber, Manna - you can download these and others from this site.

You also need to purchase a regular satellite dish, receiver of a constant signal from a satellite, common cards for these purposes TT-budget S1401, Acorp, re-soldered SkyStar 2 rev 2.6D.

If you have everything listed above, then you can proceed.

3. Kindle reader with free internet!

Reader e-books Kindle can be bought for about 4,000 rubles. Its trick is that it provides free Internet access for its users. Who would have thought that with skillful hands this Internet could be transferred to your computer and used without restrictions! Complete Guide connection, as well as Internet access points, the Kindle can be found on the Internet without any problems.

4. Contact mobile operators.

Operators mobile phones They constantly hold various promotions and provide free Internet access to their clients. Just go to the nearest office and ask how you can use the Internet for free.

P.S.! Don’t look on the Internet for ways to “how to hack an Internet provider for free Internet access” - yes, this is quite possible, but sooner or later you will be caught and prosecuted!

June 30, 2016

It's no secret that Internet access has become an integral part of life. Few modern people see their day without viewing their social network feed and chatting with friends. However, Internet prices are not always loyal. What if you need to use Internet access, but don’t have money for the Internet? Is there a way out? Of course have! Today we will talk about almost anywhere in the world. The easiest way to do this, of course, is in a dense metropolis, but many methods work almost everywhere. So, now we will learn how to use the Internet for free and not pay for the Internet.

How to find free internet

So, let's start talking about methods for getting unlimited free Internet. Not all of them will suit you, but read the article to the end and I’m sure you will find a method that will help you get access to the Internet completely free of charge.

  1. Look for open Wi-Fi hotspots.

The easiest way to get free internet is to look for an open access point. Perhaps one of your neighbors carelessly did not set a password for their wi-fi, or maybe there is a cafe with an open access point not far from your house.

If you are too lazy to look for open access points, you can use one of the databases of wi-fi access points, which contain data on hundreds of thousands of points around the world and allow you to find the access point that suits you. One such service is WeFi. You can use the search for the desired point directly on the website or download the application for Android and iOS to always be aware of where to find free internet. You can also use other services free wi-fi to increase your chances of finding free internet.

If you need access to the network from your phone, but unlimited is not connected, you can ask your friends to distribute the Internet from their phone so that you can use it. This is extremely easy to do, whether on Android or iOS. Usually a few keystrokes are enough to do this.

3. Take advantage of free Internet from your provider.

You may not know, but your ISP may provide you with access to many wi-fi networks throughout the city just because you are its subscriber. It’s worth calling support or searching on the provider’s website for information on how and where you can use free internet access.

4. Promotional free Internet from a mobile provider.

Quite often, telecom operators provide their users with free internet as a promotion for a limited time. Sometimes this period can last a month or even more. The simplest thing is to call the support of telecom operators and ask about the availability of promotions for connecting to free Internet.

5. Share the same access point with your neighbors

If you have good relations with your neighbors, you can connect to the Internet of a local telecom provider and split the Internet bill. High-speed Internet access allows several people to use one channel without losing speed.

6. Public places.

You'll be amazed at the places you can find free internet. Nowadays wi-fi can be found almost everywhere - in car washes, cafes, shopping centers, libraries. I think that in almost any modern city it will not be difficult to find free wi-fi in a public place.

7. Use a more sensitive antenna.

If you live near a cafe or shopping center, there may be a great source of free Wi-Fi near you. But your device does not always have enough power to connect to wi-fi. Consider purchasing a more powerful one wifi adapter to be able to connect to free internet at any time. For example, Alfa 036. This adapter will allow you to connect even to those points that were previously unreachable for you.

8. Hacking wi-fi.

9. Satellite fishing

This method was popular before active development broadband internet. It consisted of receiving information from a satellite that was intended for other people. The fact is that the satellite sends information along the entire beam and any user within the beam, having a DVB card and special software, can receive this information. This method can hardly be called a full-fledged free Internet - it’s more of an entertainment.

So, in today's article we learned, how to get free internet. I hope this article helped you avoid paying for the Internet and take advantage of free Internet access.

As you know, you have to pay for everything. And connecting to the Internet or using traffic is no exception. Therefore, many people are wondering how to make free Internet on a computer or mobile device. To solve this problem there are several simple ways, which will be discussed further. But they all relate exclusively wireless connection, since for wired connection such methods are not provided (unless, of course, illegal actions are taken into account).

How to make free internet: the simplest solution

With the development of technology wireless communication Many public institutions, along with their main activities, offer visitors free Internet. How to make such a connection yourself in the sense of direct use VPN networks? Yes, just connect to it while within range.

Some cafes or even the metro have open spots Wi-Fi access, for which you do not need to enter a password when connecting. If the connection is secure, as a rule, the access password can be obtained from the administrative staff or the owner of the establishment.

In this regard, with mobile devices the situation looks simpler, because you won’t go to a cafe with a laptop every time you need to download something, watch news or email? In the question of how to make free Internet for a mobile device, you can become very serious helpers special applications, which have full information about most access points around the world (for example, at airports).

Simultaneous use of one access point

On the other hand, the problem of how to make free Internet can be solved through agreements with neighbors who have a point wireless access to the network (router).

If you have established trusting or friendly relationships with your neighbors, and all you need to do on the Internet is check your email, view the news, or communicate with friends and acquaintances on in social networks, and not download a bunch of information, which can lead to a significant slowdown in the network (especially when using torrent clients with maximum speed downloads) - why not? It is very possible that they will give you their password. As a last resort, you can simply divide the costs.

Connection to distribution

In almost the same way, the problem of how to make free Internet is solved by agreeing to connect to an existing distribution, which can be activated on a computer terminal or laptop, and on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet).

True, the one who will be distributing must initially set it up on his device.

How to make free internet on your phone?

WITH Wi-Fi connection all clear. However, there are some other methods that users forget about. For example, many operators mobile communications offer tariffs that initially provide for the use of a certain amount of Internet traffic.

Calling this free Internet can be very conditional, however, when using 3G/3G+/4G networks, you do not need to pay extra for the Internet, unlike a GPRS connection, when money is withdrawn from your account.

In addition, there are many promotions on the mobile communications market, through which you can get free Internet. But the catch here is that the validity period of such offers is clearly limited, and besides, relying only on promotions is completely inappropriate, but it can be used as an option.

Hacking passwords and other illegal activities

Finally, there is another solution to the problem of how to make free Internet, although it looks more than dubious.

Firstly, you can try to crack the password of a Wi-Fi network of any rank (for this, specialized tools are used in the form software like Airslax Wifi Password Hack or sniffers). Secondly, some craftsmen easily connect to lines on distribution boards in entrances or even to installed hubs. All these actions are illegal and, for obvious reasons, are not discussed in detail.


Finally, it remains to add that you can also play the so-called “satellite fishing” if you have a DVB card and accompanying software. The connection can only be made because the satellite sends a signal to the receiving device over an expanding range, and not with a narrow beam, which is why many people use such a scheme. But, according to experts, this is more entertainment than a full-fledged Internet.

Example 1.
The provider provides Internet access via VPN (pptp).

What does it mean? In theory we connect to remote server using the login/password that the Internet gives us.
When connected network cable I was given the device DHCP address network: (network masks and gateway do not matter).
When connecting to the Internet, we connect to the VPN (pptp) server and it gives us another (temporary IP)
How did I get around it?
Elementary Watson. We change the IP of our connection to a free IP from those provided by the VPN. The main thing in this method was to put the right DNS address. We can use the Internet as much as possible, we use the maximum speed possible :)

Example 2.
The provider provides Internet access via DHCP bound by MAC address.

Something bad happened. My provider's payment system crashed. My last payment was not accepted and my internet was cut off on Saturday. What to do? Will you be without internet until Monday? Stupid..
The first thing that came to mind was to find a friend who has the same provider as me. Ask him for his MAC and register it in your router. There was hope that the provider does not check the number of connections with one MAC.
So it was :). After 10 minutes, I entered my girlfriend’s MAC address and surfed the Internet without any problems. But its speed was only 5 megabits.
And then I remembered... The statistics panel displays information about our account and... and MAC address!
My provider has not moved far from giants like Beeline (Kyivstar in Ukraine) and the passwords to access the account are the contract number (some put the contract number in reverse order).
After another 10 minutes, I sketched out a bot that went into the statistics, took the name/tariff/mac/remaining balance.
An hour later I had a list of about 2000 clients of my provider with their MAC addresses. We choose any tariff and use it!

Example 3.
The provider provides Internet access via DHCP bound by MAC address. Method 2

The idea of ​​the second method is not very different from the previous one. The only point is how to get someone else's MAC address.
If your provider is quite large, we are looking for open Wi-Fi points that are connected specifically to your provider.
You can look for them everywhere! In my city, for example, half of the establishments with Wi-Fi are connected to a provider that provides Internet access using a MAC address.
Found the point?
If we managed to log into the control panel of the point with the default login/password (I succeed in 60-70% of cases), look at the connection settings and rewrite the MAC address. When we get home, we plug it into our router. We use it :)
Example 4.
We need Internet in 2 different houses connected to the same provider.

It's more complicated here. In my example, house 1 has a static IP address. Most likely, this same method can be used not on a static IP, but I have not tried this yet.
House2 is connected to the same network as house1. Since providers provide access to the internal network even with a zero balance, we can ping house1 from house2 without any problems. So why don't we share the Internet at home1?
House1 has a router that can create a VPN server.
Create a user for yourself and connect to him from home2. We use it :)

All of the methods were invented by me personally. I can’t guarantee that at least one of them will suit you.
The author does not bear any responsibility for any problems!



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