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Using google forms for development. Experience using Google Forms to survey new employees

Good afternoon, dear individual entrepreneurs!

And the first video will be a video about Google service Forms. You can watch a short six-minute video, or read the regular text version below.

So, let's begin. First of all, you need to create an account with Google:

If you already have an email account in Gmail, you can immediately start creating your first survey. To do this you need to go to Google Drive

And immediately create a survey through the “Create” menu

Fill in the name of the form and answer options:

There is nothing complicated here, you will quickly figure it out. To add another question to your questionnaire, just click on the “+” sign (see above).

To change the color scheme, change the color palette as in the figure below:

But before you publish the survey in public access, you need to make a few more settings:

  1. “Collect email addresses”— I don’t recommend setting this setting, as it will scare away your respondents. Why on earth should they show off their email address?
  2. “Submit the form no more than once”– is also not necessary, since in this case only those people who have Account on Google. But in Russia not everyone has it. And people don’t want to give out their emails left and right.
  3. Change responses after submitting the form”- at your discretion. If the respondent wants to change the answers, he will be able to do this if he is given this opportunity in the settings.
  4. View other answers and summary charts”– I don’t recommend it, especially for commercial important surveys. By doing so, you will simply leak valuable marketing data to your competitors. I would reserve this ability to view responses exclusively for insignificant surveys. For example, for a survey from the series “What breed of cats do you like?”

And the last significant setting in Google Forms that needs to be done:

This is access to a survey that needs to be configured correctly. Otherwise, everyone who is not too lazy will be able to add their own questions and answer options, which will reduce your work to a Sisyphean task.

Make sure that the access settings are set as in the figure above and click on the “Save changes” button

How to publish a survey? Which link should I use?

Click on this icon in the upper right corner:

And we see our first simple survey:

You can make sure it works and even answer questions. As soon as you respond, I will receive a notification by email. Magic, and that's all =)

How can I view the answers? Where are the statistics? How to receive answers by email?

Just open the “Answers” ​​tab to admire the beautiful diagrams that are very helpful in making decisions.

And one last thing about survey settings:

In order not to forget about your own survey =) Set up notifications about new responses to your email. To do this, click on the inconspicuous icon with three dots:

And enable email notifications:

You can download the answers in CSV format for processing in Excel. But this option will be useful for Excel wizards and lovers of beautiful presentations.

  1. There is no need to fence the survey with many questions. No more than 5 simple questions that will take no more than 1-2 minutes. If the survey turns out to be very complex, then it would be wiser to split it into several parts. But under no circumstances should you torment your target audience.
  2. Extremely clear questions and answers. There is no need to write questions in the style of letters from the Ministry of Finance =) No one will even read too long or abstruse formulations.
  3. Before sending a respondent to a survey via a link, explain to people WHY your audience needs it. Outline the problem and what it will give the respondent. This important point which is often forgotten. There is no need to write that YOU need it. Nobody really cares what you want. But I think that most IPs already know this, since they have already gone through a good school of survival =)
  4. It is necessary to make an eyeliner for the survey. This could be a letter, an article on a website in which you appeal to the collective wisdom. If you simply place a button on your website or social networks “Take my survey,” the effect will most likely be zero.
  5. There is no need to collect personal data, as this will immediately raise many questions and mistrust.
  6. Be sure to note that the survey is anonymous. It is clear that it should actually be anonymous.

Somehow the article turned out to be too long, it’s time to wrap it up, otherwise I could write on this topic for a long time. If you have something to add, you can write about it in the comments.

Hello everyone!

Today is Friday again, the weekend is coming. Everyone wants to get away from thoughts about work and relax a little before new everyday life. That's why today's lesson is about this simple topic– how to create a survey in Google Forms.

In general, online surveys are necessary for an entrepreneur, especially if he works with something massive, like me, for example. Are you reading my blog? You gain certain knowledge from it. But how can I write about what interests you? How can I understand who you are? How can I even recognize you? Right! Only by conducting a survey among your readers.

Surveys help you get to know your audience better, help you understand what they need, that’s the beauty of it. More more than a year ago I conducted a survey among my subscribers and then I realized who reads me and what is most interesting to you: as a rule, these are small or medium-sized business owners, novice Internet marketers who want to learn better contextual advertising and how to analyze it. This year the audience has become a little more serious and people are already interested not only in CI, but also in end-to-end analytics, which is very, very difficult to build.

Naturally, I try to touch on all these topics to a greater extent than any others. Therefore, there have been no lessons on , for a long time.

Anyway. Let's move on to our topic today. So, the easiest way to create a survey online is to use Google Forms, which is what we'll do now. By the way, it's completely free. All you need is to be registered with Google.

Create a survey in Google Forms

So, follow this link. You will be greeted by an already familiar interface - and much more in this eco-system looks exactly the same.
Click on a blank sheet and a survey creation form will appear in front of you. Here you can add questions of different forms: one from a list, multiple choice (several from a list), in the form of a scale, in the form of a grid and several others:

The question itself fits into the field where the default is “Question without title”, and the answer options are below. You can also make a question mandatory by simply switching the toggle switch in the lower right corner of the editor.

A new question is added by clicking on the plus sign in the right column:

Here you can add a video, picture, text.

Once you have created your survey form, you need to send it out to your audience. This is done by clicking the “Submit” button in the upper right corner:

Here we have several options:

  1. By e-mail. You can send a survey to a specific person by email. Mailbox, but I think few people will be interested in this;
  2. Post a link. You can place a link to the survey page on your website at social network. Where is it convenient and where is your audience located;
  3. Place a frame on the page. It's even more convenient. You can place a frame with a survey on a website page and your visitors will be able to complete the survey without going to another page.

You can view the survey results here, on the form editor page in the “Responses” tab. The results are presented here in the form of diagrams if the answer to the question must be selected from a list. Answers to text questions (where a person must write something himself) are visible “as is”:

Comfortable? Comfortable! In general, Google has a lot of interesting and useful tools. Use it!

I hope this lesson was useful to you!

Google Forms - free service to create and publish surveys. To work with it, you only need Gmail. The created questionnaires (forms) are saved on Google Disc and are available online: you don’t need to download anything to fill out.

The form is a web page with questions. It can be distributed in several ways:

WITH using Google Forms, you can conduct statistical research, collect feedback, create event registration forms, or organize online polls.

Pros of Google Forms

  • Free. You only need to pay for additional chips that are rarely needed ordinary users. The main functionality is available for free
  • Clarity. The service is easy to use: working with forms is no more difficult than working with MS Word or Google Docs.
  • Mobility. To work with forms, you only need the Internet and an email address: they are not tied to a specific device.
  • Automatic processing. The answers are uploaded in a way convenient for you: in a Google Sheet, in the form of charts or a CSV file.

Interesting, isn't it? Let's figure out how to create surveys in Google Forms.

1. Create a form

By clicking on the link you will be taken to home page service where your profiles are stored. To create a form, select one of the ready-made templates or create one new file using the "+" button.

The service offers approximately 20 templates: from an order form to an invitation to an event.

You will see a page with a questionnaire where you can edit it: create questions, add answer options, change the design, etc.

The document consists of several parts. The main one is the question constructor. Initially, there are only 2 parameters: title and description of the form.

To create a new question, click on the “+” icon in the toolbar. There are several ways to design the reply area:

  • Text field where the participant manually writes the answer
  • List of answers from which you need to choose one or more
  • A scale or grid for assessing various parameters, for example, speed of service and product quality

Important questions can be made mandatory so that the participant will not be able to complete the survey until they answer them. If there are too many questions, divide them into sections: each next block will become available after completing the previous one. You can also add pictures and videos to your questions.

After assembling the form, we begin the visual design. At the top right you will find a palette icon that opens a menu for changing the design. There are 3 options available: header theme, background color and font. Experiment and try different variants- good design will make the survey more attractive.

Available additional settings: For example, you can create a test by asking the correct answers in advance, or you can mix the questions each time. You can also print the form, configure scripts and install add-ons. Let's not dwell on each parameter - there are too many of them =)

After setting, click on the eye icon in the upper right corner of the page: a preview window will open. Evaluate how the survey looks for participants and make changes if necessary.

If everything suits you, click the send button and choose a convenient method for inviting participants. Congratulations, the survey is ready!

2. Collecting answers

Answers and their number are visible on the document editing page. There are 2 viewing methods available in this window:

  • Summary in the form of charts and graphs, which takes into account the answers of all participants
  • Responses from individual users

You can also create separate Google Table with answers: this method is most relevant when recruiting personnel or collecting reviews.

Next to the create table button there is a settings menu where you can:

  • enable notifications of new replies by email
  • create an additional table
  • delete part of the answers or all at once
  • print answers or download in CSV format

Unfortunately, in Google Forms you cannot track the source of traffic and understand where the participant came from. The problem is easy to solve: just create new uniform for each site.


Creating surveys in Google Forms is easy, and filling them out is even easier. If you need a mobile and easy-to-learn service that will be accessible from any device, Google Forms is the best option!

But wait, you can still earn 2-4 thousand rubles per month from surveys! Read how to do this. Spoiler: very easy.

Quite often a task arises when it is necessary to conduct a survey of website visitors. Standard means, usually represent a simple multiple-choice survey and almost never provide convenient tool for analytics (especially when you want to publish analytics in real time).

The article describes the basic steps for creating and integrating a survey form into a website page, as well as the main analytics tools and the possibility of embedding it into website pages.

The survey, as you may have guessed, will be conducted using Google Forms

Step one. Create a survey form

We will not consider how to correctly compose questions and how to group them - this is not the purpose of our article, but we will consider the process of creating the form itself.

1 Creating a form

After which we are immediately presented with a new form:

Don't forget to give a beautiful and understandable name.

2 Forming questions

I will not describe in detail the process of creating questions and posting them, as this is worthy of a separate article. (here will be a link to the article). Let's look only at the types of questions and how best to use them.

Text - can be configured to contain a number, e-mail or URL, the first is convenient to use in processing, the rest is mainly for identification and communication with the respondent, we are not interested.

Text (paragraph)— not the most convenient type of question for automatic processing

One from the lista good option for a clear answer (the main thing is not to add the “other” option)

Several from the list- if the answer does not contain commas, then it can be processed, but it is still quite difficult: try to refrain from such questions

Drop-down list- essentially similar to one from the list

Scale- a convenient way to get some kind of assessment, it’s also easy to process

Net- essentially an array of scales, but the answer is not in the form of a number, but in the form of a column header, hence more complex response processing

date- a very convenient way to get a date or date+time, easy to process

Time- similar to date, you can also get duration, easy to process

Based on how familiar you are with data processing methods (especially text), you should formulate a list of questions and their correspondence to types.

If you want to embed a survey directly into a website page, then use File --> Embed in web page

Width and height can be specified as percentages, below is built in with a width of 95%

For HTML gurus who want to integrate the survey form specifically into their site, you can copy the tag from the form page

with all the content and customize the styles yourself.

Step two. Collection of responses and their analysis

To do this, let's go to the automatically created table with answers to the form

A table with answers will open.

But we are not really interested in this, since we need to visualize the data.

We will use charts for visualization, and for each selection table we need to create a separate sheet.

1. We process numerical data on all issues

Processing numbers throughout the table is not a big problem, since it is done using standard spreadsheet editor formulas.
For example:
Average age: = AVERAGE ( "Answers to form (1)"!B:B)
Median age: = MEDIAN ( "Answers to form (1)"!B:B)
A complete list of functions can be found there; there are a huge number of them.

2. Count the number of text replies

In our case, it will be interesting to count the number of respondents by country:
=COUNTIF( "Answers to form (1)"!C:C; "=Russia")
And so on for each answer option.

3. We get part of the table

Sometimes there is a need to obtain some data from part of the responses, for example, the average sleep duration of respondents from Russia.

To do this, we will use more powerful tool, bringing Google tables closer to full-fledged databases - SQL queries.


It is unrealistic to consider all query options here, but let’s consider the most basic one.

Problem with formatted cells: data from cells with formats other than numbers and text is not always accepted: force the source table to set the format to "Plain Text"

Using this query, we received all the answers from respondents from Russia; similarly, you can filter by any column.

ATTENTION! Changes cannot be made to the table obtained as a result of the query, and the table cannot be placed in filled cells.

You can process the received data in the same way as in points 1 and 2

Step three. Visualization

The most important part is to prepare data visualization, for this you can use charts, we will not consider standard charts, but will follow in the footsteps of the previous article

For the sake of order, it is better to keep diagrams on separate sheets



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