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What is a web designer's working day like? First you need to check your messages on Skype

Kokoc Group and Rusbase have launched a series of materials about the everyday life of Internet marketing workers to understand what digital specialists do during the day.

We have already told you how the working day of a web analyst and account manager goes. Today we’ll find out what Evgenia Kharitonova, a web designer at WebProfy (Kokoc Group), does.

Evgenia Kharitonova

On weekdays, I return home late, go to bed after two in the morning, so, as a rule, I ignore any alarms in the morning and wake up around 9:00, when my husband leaves for work. I don’t have time for breakfast, an hour to get ready, another hour to travel – I go into the office around 11:00. My schedule at WebProfy is quite flexible: you can come later, as long as the working day is 8 hours and the tasks are completed.

First of all, I go for tea and snacks (the office has a canteen and vending machines), and then I get to work.

First you need to check the messages inSkype

We use TeamWork to set tasks, but if the matter is urgent, managers duplicate the information in the messenger. This morning was no exception: a colleague asked me to select layouts for our studio’s portfolio on a web design resource. We periodically post work on similar sites with the consent of our clients, so that potential customers understand what we are capable of :) Since we store all the layouts in an archive, search necessary files took about five minutes.

After that, I checked my email and daily notifications about current, new, and closed tasks. At the same time, I contacted the art director to clarify which of them were a priority.

Today I started with an information site sports theme with many pages that need to be adapted to devices. Since each of them has its own characteristics, we need to make four layouts of different resolutions for smartphones and tablets.

The most difficult thing is the first pages, the rest I do by analogy, working on different functionality.

Yesterday, to prepare the layouts, I studied the desktop version of the site, the mobile application developed by colleagues from Kokoc Mobile (Kokoc Group), looked at the agreed prototype and similar resources on the Internet, and created several variants of layouts for different resolutions. Today we need to call the art director via Skype to coordinate the layouts.

He asked for the following to be corrected:

  1. Remove additional blocks with arbitrary content from the sidebar;
  2. Replace the colors of some elements (the customer really asked to use less blue);
  3. Make the icons on the service panel larger;
  4. Bring back the accidentally missing button.

I started making edits, but the programmer distracted me with a question about the layout of a new website for a manufacturer of wooden windows and asked for advice on animating interactive elements: how they should react to the cursor and what should happen after clicking. I found references on the Internet and showed them with an example.

I returned to the sports site, made changes and connected the iPhone and iPad to the MacBook to check the correctness of the interfaces. Since device screen resolutions are similar or close in size to, mobile versions for this operating system I’ll check it after layout on my colleagues’ phones and tablets. Everything was displayed correctly, so I send the layouts for layout.

It's time to have lunch. As a rule, I go to a cafe near my office, of which there are many in the area.

After lunch I moved on to my next client.

This is an online store of building materials. We have already developed and agreed on a prototype of the future website. It's time to render the pages. Yesterday I started drawing the main one, and today I need to add details.

Since we are talking about building materials, there is no point in looking for special fonts or choosing an exotic background; the design should be simple and not distract visitors from the main thing - the product.

The customer asked to use a blue color scheme - no problem. I completed the promo block and the block with store addresses. I finished it in two hours and sent the layout to the art director for approval.

I switched to another client - a consignment online store of luxury items. The other day I drew pages personal account, ordering, FAQ and the “How to buy/sell” section in this year’s trendy “nude” colors with the addition of small details in chocolate tones. The site turned out to be light and bright with a gentle character.

We called our clients via Skype and they asked to make the following changes to the illustrations:

  • Reduce the number of dusty pink shades;
  • “Dye” the girl’s hair from fashionable ash-gray (which seemed gray to the client) to blond;
  • “Change” the girl from the “elongated” blouse and sweatpants into a more “decent” home suit;
  • Replace the cat with a dog, preferably one similar to the client’s dog (photo attached).
All changes, except for the dog, which does not affect sales, were made in 40 minutes and sent for approval.

It's time for a meeting

A meeting is also scheduled for today with a potential client who is leasing commercial real estate. We went to the meeting with project managers and the head of the studio.

A few weeks ago, the company sent us the results of a website usability audit with errors found. Our task was to propose solutions and describe them in a presentation. But we went further and made an interactive prototype of the future site.

For example, previously visitors did not immediately find the form feedback(it was located at the bottom of the site and was lost against the background of other text) and it was not clear whether the information was ultimately sent. We proposed placing the form next to each lot in the table without going to a separate page and, after filling it out, showing the status: “Your application has been accepted.”

In addition, the premises catalog filter was made more convenient for searching: shortened and expanded search forms were added (for those who are not familiar with the classification of objects) and tooltips were configured.

Following the meeting, the customer took time to study the proposals and are waiting for a decision.

After that, I hurried to the British Higher School of Design, where I am studying the Graphic Design course. I am a software engineer by training and have been working as a designer for more than 10 years, but I didn’t have any specialized education, so I decided to consolidate my base. But that is another story:)

Many novice web designers make a number of mistakes related to the design of their website. Since many people do not think about enrolling in web design courses. In this article we would like to present 9 rules of high-quality and good web design. This issue needs to be taken as seriously as optimization and content. This is due to the fact that, in web design courses, you will be taught how to make a website so that visitors will return to it again. Website design is the first factor that determines whether a person will stay on your site or close it immediately. So, these tips are the invaluable experience of many web designers who have achieved a lot of success.

>You should understand one simple thing, but important point. The easier it is for a visitor to find necessary information, all the better. If the site contains an enormous number of links and various other elements, then this creates terrible confusion when searching for information. As a rule, many novice web masters make mistakes. For their simplicity and quality work There are web design courses in Moscow. Quite often it happens that a visitor is faced with the problem of finding information, he simply closes your site, because he does not want to deal with a complex menu or search. Therefore, the less code, the better and easier it is for users. And the pages will load faster.>Probably many of us remember how we were told at school “The diary is your face,” and here, the design is the face of the site, and the better the impression it brings, the higher the chances of retaining the user . Indeed, if you go to a pleasant and beautiful restaurant, then naturally this will be a fundamental factor in your staying there. The same applies to the appearance of the site, everything can be learned and for this there are courses for website promotion.> Try to make the design such that the user feels like a duck to water on your site. That is, it is necessary for the visitor to find everything quickly and without unnecessary hesitation. The pages of your site should have good organization. Climb around different sites, take a closer look, identify those that are intuitive and convenient.> Try to make all your pages the same in organization. Keep the pages in the same style, that is, so that the user does not forget that he is on your site. Thus, you will leave a mark in the visitor’s memory about your site.
Color design can make your site both mega popular and throw it to the bottom of the Internet! Here you should keep in mind that you need to choose colors that do not conflict with each other. Choose a color scheme so that it does not irritate the visitor's eyes. On the Internet you can find many sites with poorly chosen colors, and no matter how high-quality content they are filled with, they are doomed to the fact that the visitor simply leaves its pages. It is unlikely that network users will want to “torment” their eyes by reading yellow font on a white background. Colors should be pleasing to the eye! All these subtleties are taught to every visitor in web design courses.> It is very difficult to create a “rubber website” for netbooks with a small diagonal, however, owners of large monitors are unlikely to like the fact that the entire site will be crammed into 1/10 of the screen. Here you need to understand that your site should be displayed normally at different resolutions.> As you know, now there are about a dozen different browsers that are used. And your site simply must be displayed correctly and beautifully in all browsers. If a user visits a page of your site and it appears crooked, then there is a 99% chance that he will leave immediately. Therefore, it is very important to check the site immediately different browsers, regarding the correctness of display.> It is no secret that an error can ruin the most beautiful article. The same goes for websites - check all links and images for functionality, correct typos. Double-check everything carefully before launching!> Of course, it is clear that working with editors and redoing templates is much easier than writing your code from scratch. But you will also get a lot of errors and various problems. If the code is written by you, then there will be a minimum of errors, and it will truly be your product. These are the main and most important tips for beginning web designers. In our web design studio we are always happy to welcome you, we will quickly and easily teach you all the intricacies of web design, and for each client we have a loyalty program with various discounts and bonuses. Every website created by our clients is always a success with the majority of Internet users.

A web designer is a specialist who visualizes the plan of the head of a web project and provides the site with an attractive appearance and usability. He comes up with the appearance of the site, creates the layouts necessary for subsequent layout. Sometimes a specialist does the layout too. A web designer is also involved in creating icons and banners, illustrating content, processing images posted on the site, and many other “little things” necessary to make the site convenient and attractive. The profession of a web designer (web designer) has become very popular in our time. This happened not only due to the emergence of a large number of websites, but also due to the ability to work remotely from anywhere on the planet. There are plenty of designers who travel or live in warm climates during the winter. Such opportunities for specialists have raised the prestige of the profession.

Unlike an ordinary designer, a web designer must understand the peculiarities of people’s behavior on the Internet, be familiar with web technologies, HTML pages, mobile applications, understand what can be implemented and what cannot. He must follow fashion trends and new web and mobile technologies, understand usability.

The human lifestyle has changed beyond recognition over the past 50 years. We are surrounded by advertisements and posters everywhere. Home renovation requires a unique project, and public facilities provide the visitor with maximum comfort and coziness. All this is done by the hands of talented and hardworking people who have devoted themselves to the most interesting profession - designer. But even they are different - clothing, landscape, interior, graphics and even 3D specialists. And if there is, there must be a professional holiday! September 9th is Designer's Day in Russia and the CIS countries. It is also called Web Design Day, but graphic designers especially often receive congratulations, because this holiday began to be celebrated on the 50th anniversary of their colleague Vladimir Borisovich Chaika in 2005.

in history

Graphics appeared as soon as people began to decorate the walls of caves with paintings and make rock drawings; they developed along with book printing in the countries of the East, but became an independent science only in the 20th century.

Japan, Switzerland, the USA and Poland created their own graphic schools. Graphic design in Russia began to develop rapidly along with the works of Russian constructivists. Geometric, photographic, slightly angular, the style favored simple colors - black, red, gray and white. It appeared in all its glory in war and post-war posters. Today, graphics are developing in Russia so rapidly that they have penetrated everywhere: advertising, product packaging, and the design of political campaigns surround us everywhere, and Russian specialists are in demand in the graphic design market and receive world awards. Their most prominent representative was Vladimir Chaika, academician of the Academy of Graphic Design, president of the Russian group of the Alliance Graphique Internationale club, whose birthday coincides with Designer’s Day.

Who are graphic designers?

The heroes of the occasion differ from their fellow artists in their tools of labor: they do not use canvas and brushes, but instead have them in their hands computer mouse, there is a monitor in front of your eyes, and a huge arsenal at your disposal special programs. have excellent taste, artistic talent and are always welcome in advertising agencies, publishing houses and in development software. Interesting and complex work is not only in demand, but also decently paid. Their goal is not only to create a beautiful picture, but also to achieve their goals: sell, teach, attract attention. It is in honor of such high professionals that Graphic Designer Day was established.

April 29 – Interior Designer Day

There are many directions in the art of design, and the premises are far from the least on the list of work sites for these specialists. Since 2011, April 29 is celebrated as Interior Designer Day.

At all times, a room has reflected its purpose or the personality of the person who lives in it. The decorated tombs of the ancient Egyptians, the monumental castles of the Middle Ages, the beautiful palaces of the Renaissance, have preserved the work of those who today would be called interior designers. Today, a professional serves as a guide to a person’s ideas, helping to choose the best way to implement them in harmony of color and shape using the most modern materials and technologies. This is not only a fashionable profession, but also everyday work in a fiercely competitive environment, because customers pass the contact information of trusted specialists from hand to hand. These people combine the skills of an artist, draftsman and 3D programmer with subtle taste and communication skills. With their work, they deserved a professional holiday on April 29 - Interior Designer Day.

How to celebrate a professional holiday

On Designer Day, thematic exhibitions, conferences, excursions and presentations are traditionally held. After all, in this rapidly developing and rapidly growing industry, it is so important to be a relevant, successful and creative specialist. Therefore, those who work with a pencil and a monitor have little time to rest; it will be successfully replaced by self-development and the desire to reach the heights of mastery. But despite this, on Designer’s Day, many organize corporate events in cafes and restaurants, during which they exchange news, discuss new projects, and simply play exciting logic games.

Alternative holidays

On the Internet you can find messages that the summer Designer's Day is celebrated on June 13, and 3D masters are celebrated on December 3. It doesn’t matter that October 9 and April 29 are not yet marked in red on the calendar as Designer’s Day in Russia and are not enshrined in law. They show the independence of design as a field of science, culture and creativity, and confirm the importance of the role of these specialists in the life of society.



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