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How to make your own server in rust. Creating a Rust mod server on your computer

Rust experimented with how to create your own pirate server. This is a very exciting question, and I must warn you that it is not that simple.

System requirements

A Rasta server can be expensive on your computer, but maybe not as much as you might think. The base area is 4 sq. km(default generation size) the card will run close to 1 gigabyte random access memory. After stress testing and 144,000 objects, the server uses about 1.8 gigabytes of memory. So I would suggest having at least 3GB allocated to the server. For the most part, as a rule, the server will crash when the server reaches 150,000 objects.

Starting the server

After downloading the server itself, all that remains is to figure out how to launch it. Before starting, look at the contents of the batch file.

RustDedicated.exe -batchmode -load is responsible for starting the server without a graphical interface, and the load prefix is ​​very important, since without it, the next time the server starts, all the progress will not be loaded, so to speak, there will be a wipe.

server.seed is a “seed” modifier for creating a world, an integer from -2147483647 to 2147483647. How the world will be generated depends on this number. There are only general locations that are unchanged, these are snow, forest, desert.

You can start bat and connect using:

“client.connect (ip):(port)” in the F1 console. If the host is you, then for a local connection “client.connect localhost:28015”

Console commands

As for the rest of the settings, they are the same as for the Steam version, the list of commands for the console to manage the server:

Kick "Name" - kick by name

Kickall - kick indiscriminately

Ban "Name" - ban of the namePlayera

Banid "Steam ID" - ban on Playera's Steam ID

Status - who is online

Say - say

Users - Info about players

Banlist - a register of “criminals” or cheaters of all kinds

Banlistex - a register of “criminals” with answers to why they were expelled from the server

Listid - a register of “criminals” or cheaters of all kinds on ID Steam

Event.run - the start of an indefinite path of the aircraft, which will drop boxes at a place with zero abscissa, ordinate and applicate. You don't have to use it if you don't want events.

Server.port "28015" - everything is clear without words, the port to connect to

Server.maxplayers 500 - it’s also not difficult to guess (how many maximum players are you planning or not planning)

Server.hostname "My Personal Server" - How would you like to see your server listed in the game

Server.identity "MegaRust" - the name of the server that needs to be included in the folder name

Server.saveinterval 3600 - how often to save (for those who are not good at math, 1 hour = 3,600 seconds)

Server.seed is an additive for creating a map; in principle, any numbers are suitable, since the boundaries are quite large: from -2147483647 to 2147483647. It affects what kind of map you get.

Server.secure - everything is clear (VAC and EAC)

Server.tickrate - clock frequency of the card in Hz, it is better to set it to 30, performance is inversely proportional to the number, but failures are possible.

Server.start - start the server

Server.stop - stop server

Server.writecfg - saving settings to a file

Gc.collect - clearing server cache

So, the site has some great stuff on the web. But it only devotes a couple of lines to launching and configuring the server.
I will try to help users who would like to play on their local server with friends and with your own settings. In this short article I will try to show the whole process: from installing the server to configuring it, including using mods.

1. The first thing we need is to switch to running Rust over the network and download archive containing all the necessary tools and unpack it to any location.

2. Now let's move on to installation. Run the file Update-Rust-Server.bat from folder SteamCMD and wait while our server downloads. Servers will be loaded into the RustServer folder.

That's it, we have installed the server, let's move on to the next steps.

3. Now we will start the server, customize it and invite friends. In order to connect to the created server, perform the following steps:

Let's go to the folder SteamCMD and run the file Run-Rust-Server.bat(It’s him, not Rust_server). To start the experimental Rust server, run the file Run-Rust-Exp-Server.bat
- After starting in command line there will be lines with information about the download, wait for the moment when the inscription appears "server initialized".
- That's it, the server is working.
- Now, in order to access the server, we need to find out the address of our server. Classic option -
- Write down your IP somewhere in a text file (so as not to forget).
- Next, launch the game and press the F1 key (console) and enter the command net.connect Your ip: 28015 (where Your ip is your ip, which you found out in advance). In theory, this should be

If everything is done correctly, you will be connected to your server. In order for friends to be able to connect to you, it is necessary, of course, that the server be running on your computer, and that your friends correctly enter the connection command that you tell them.
Now you can start playing. BUT! In some cases, the correct execution of all actions cannot guarantee your success. Because there are a lot of reasons why you might not succeed. Solutions to the most common problems are written in.

4. Well, now, if everything worked out for you and you liked it, you can play with server settings.
For example, in latest update the developers added such an interesting thing as wear and tear on weapons (I immediately remembered the Dead island series), as well as wear and tear on clothing and equipment.
Many people were not happy with this, and now there is an opportunity to disable this function.

To do this you need:
> Log in to the server with administrator rights. To do this, in the game, open the console with the F1 key and enter the command Rcon.login your password (your password is specified in the server.cfg file and by default is 123456). After entering, the message should appear (in the console) "logged as admin", which means that you are logged in as an administrator. Now enter the commands:
- To disable clothing wear: conditionloss.armorhealthmult "0.0"
- To disable weapon/equipment wear: conditionloss.damagemultiplier "0.0"

You can also disable or enable different things using various mods. For example, disable decay on the server or adjust the flight interval of airplanes. There are already both affordable and not so affordable mods on the Internet. I recommend using the free mod Magma, due to its ease of setup and large number of plugins.

Have you ever wondered how to make your own RUST server, but ran into the limitations of Windows OS? There is no point in worrying anymore! In this guide, we will focus on setting up a server under Linux, especially the Debian 8 x64 distribution. Instead of focusing only on RUST VANILLA, we will cover the settings for Oxide and teach you how to secure your server.

Initial setup

This will probably be the longest part of the guide, but it will help you in terms of setting up server security. Basically, this tutorial is aimed at people who are not familiar with the concepts of server security and Debian in general.

  • Connect to the server using an SSH client (we recommend using PuTTY).
  • Go to the Password Generator website and create random password 50+ long and copy it. Then type "passwd root" into the console, right-click twice in the terminal.
  • Now that you have installed secure password, you can update the system: write in the terminal “apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y”, press Enter, then “apt-get install fail2ban nano -y” and Enter again.
  • Now download the PuTTYgen program and generate a key. Now enter the following commands one after another pressing Enter to go to new line in PuTTY:

Mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 0700 ~/.ssh
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 0644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Now go back to PuTTYgen, then right click inside the window with a lot of symbols and click select all and then copy. Now go back to PuTTY where you opened the nano editor and right click to paste your public key, then press ctrl + o -> enter -> ctrl + x.

Now type “nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config” then ctrl + w then type “PasswordAuth”. Now remove the hash and change the yes at the end to no. Now scroll down the page and change UsePAM to no. Now ctrl + w and enter the PermitRootLogin type and simply change it to “without-password”. Now press ctrl + p (save) and ctrl + x (exit) and then type “service ssh reload”.

Let's return back to PuTTYgen: you need to save it in a safe place open and private keys. Close PuTTY and open it again, on the left side select Connection -> SSH -> Authorization, and specify the file with the private key that you just saved. After returning to your session, click Default Settings, then Save, then Open to log in without a password.


Valve has its own documentation for setting up SteamCMD, which you can find here. Once you go to the app_update section, enter “app_update 258550”. This is exactly the RUST server identifier.


After you have completed all the steps with SteamCMD, you can proceed to setting up VANILLA. We do “cd DirectorySoSteamCMD”, and then write nano startrust.sh and insert this: “258550”.

clear while: do
exec ./RustDedicated -batchmode -nographics \
-server.ip IPAddressHere\
-server.port 28015\
-rcon.ip IPAddressHere\
-rcon.port 28016\
-rcon.password "rcon password here" \
-server.maxplayers 75\
-server.hostname "Server Name"\
-server.identity "my_server_identity"\
-server.level "Procedural Map" \
-server.seed 12345\
-server.worldsize 3000\
-server.saveinterval 300 \-server.globalchat true \
-server.description "Description Here" \
-server.headerimage "512x256px JPG/PNG headerimage link here" \
-server.url "Website Here"
echo "\nRestarting server...\n" done

You will need to fill in your own values ​​such as seed (you can use the map preview generator for this) etc. Now do “chmod u + x startrust.sh”, then “./startrust.sh” and your server will start. If there are no problems during startup, you will be able to connect to the server via RCON. In the game, you can connect to the server by pressing F1, selecting the console and typing the following: “connect Server IP address: 28015”. We will describe how to set up your administrator status in the game in the following guides.


This Rust server add-on is very popular. Here we will describe the process of setting it up. First of all you need to do "wget ​​https://github.com/OxideMod/Snapshots/raw/master/Oxide-Rust_Linux.zip". Then, if you haven't installed unzip yet, "apt-get install unzip -y", after "unzip Oxide-Rust_Linux.zip". This needs to be done in the RUST server directory that you installed via SteamCMD (you need to agree with everything they offer). Then you need to configure the launch rights for the compiler: “chmod u + x CSharpCompiler” so that it can compile plugins for the RUST server with the cs extension (remember the Kits plugin). Congratulations on creating a fully functioning Oxide server for the RUST game. In the following guides we will touch on aspects such as “Permissions” and current problems with RUST servers.


It's very simple. You need to repeat the steps you did when installing RUST via SteamCMD. If you are using Oxide, you will have to re-download it after the update. Use the link above, then unzip it. You may have to change the permissions for CSharpCompiler again.

Firewall (for advanced users)

For additional security RUST server, you can configure a firewall. Attention: Making changes to the server settings on Debian system may result in complete inoperability, limited or no access to the server.

Write “nano iptables.sh” then copy the following:

iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -F
iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 28016 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 28015 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT 1 -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
apt-get install iptables-persistent -y
invoke-rc.d iptables-persistent save

Then type "chmod u+ux iptables.sh" then type "./iptables.sh". It will run a bunch of commands that will eventually just open the standard ssh port (22) and then two standard ports for the RUST server.

Beautiful Rust game is gaining popularity at tremendous speed. Every day more and more newcomers arrive in Rast. In this regard, many players think about the question: how to create your own server in Rust?- So in this article we will look at this issue and learn how to create our own server. Will it be Rust server pirate girl or rust steam server, no matter, we will consider both options.

If you want to make a high-quality server on excellent hosting, then I advise you to use GameButton hosting services

So, let's get started:

How to create a pirate Rust server

  1. First, of course, we need the server itself. Go to the “ready-made Rust server” category and download the server you like.
  2. We create new folder on your hard drive, for example " D:\ServerRust"But make sure that the name and path to the folder do not contain Russian characters.
  3. Unpack the previously downloaded server into the created folder.
  4. Now you need to go to the folder - " /serverdata/cfg"
  5. Open using notepad (RMB - open with - Notepad) the file " server.cfg" and configure it at your discretion. A small file with a description of all commands will help you with this -

    4.69 Kb downloads: 4365

  6. Next, we also configure " Run Server.bat"as it is written in the description on the page where you downloaded ready server Rust

How to create a Rust steam server

  • We do the same thing, just the file " server.cfg"we just find it in the folder" /cfg".

Let's launch " Run Server.bat"our newly created server. Turn on Rust, press "F1" and enter net.connect this is a regular local IP address, in order for your friends to connect to you via the Internet, you must have a dedicated IP.



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