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How to find out what firmware it is. What information is needed to find the firmware? How to find out the phone's firmware version

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The Android operating system is capturing an increasingly wider circle of users and its admirers.

Therefore, Google, the owner and developer of Android, is constantly trying to improve and add something new and necessary to the operating system.

Knowing the OS version installed in your gadget will show how modern or outdated your operating system is and will help you decide on the choice of programs that will work smoothly on your OS version.

What is the firmware version

The firmware version is indicated by a specific sequence of numbers. Usually these are three digits:
  • 1 digit is the most important digit that characterizes the version. Versions that differ by this number from each other will differ significantly in appearance and functionality.
  • 2nd figure - elimination of major shortcomings of the version without using fundamental changes.
  • 3rd figure - fixing minor bugs, improving performance and stability.
  • The higher the firmware version, the more modern, powerful and stable the device is. There are, of course, raw versions, usually these appear immediately after they are announced and released into the public domain. Bugs and shortcomings are eliminated very quickly.
You need to know the firmware version in the following cases:
  • If desired, flash it manually. The processes of downgrading or upgrading firmware can differ greatly from each other.
  • to install updates manually. More important point. Updates for certain services will only be installed in the correct firmware version.
  • to know the characteristics of your device. It’s just logical to use the device and know all its capabilities and characteristics.

How to find out the operating system version

To do this, you can use several methods, depending on the task at hand.

The simplest method that does not involve the use special programs and connecting to a computer - look at the “About phone” item in the settings.

There will be a sub-item “Build version”, where the release will be indicated operating system.

You can solve the problem of how to find out the firmware version in Android using programs on your computer. The same flash tool for flashing Chinese phones will help.

Firmware is operating software available in different versions created by different manufacturers. The firmware number consists of elements that are necessary for the operation of the telephone:

PDA: Android operating system and your options.

Phone: The real individual number of your device.

CSC (Country Exit Code): Styles and properties with a specific country target.

Bootloader: bootloader program, runs when all module processes start.

The operating firmware gets repetitive system updates. These updates are called firmware updates; they work at a deeper level of the system than regular updates and are intended to control the device. Firmware updates urgently require permission to install, time and reboot the device. As a rule, it is recommended to leave the phone in charger during the update, to prevent the phone from malfunctioning.

How to find out the phone's firmware version

When gaining root access to a device or installing any custom ROMs, you need to know the firmware number of the device. This number does not have to be the same for the same phone model. For example, Samsung Galaxy S3 are the same model, but do not have the same firmware number. In order to find out which firmware modification is functioning in your device, carry out the following actions:

  • Click - Menu;
  • Select - Settings;

  • Select – Software Information.
  • Search for "Android version" or "firmware version" to see the exact version your device is running.

Note. The instructions vary depending on what device you have.

If you love your smartphone, you are probably familiar with the general trend: after the traditional rumors, Google announces the latest version of Android every year, i.e. FIRMWARE. Android is Google's mobile operating system and runs on most Samsung smartphones. Samsung may not always share information about which of its devices will receive next update for Android. The general policy is that a Samsung device will receive support approximately one to three years after launch, and the company - when technically possible - will continue to update a given device to newer versions of the Android OS. The goal is to make updates available as quickly as possible, but in the past updates have sometimes been delayed or even canceled for some devices despite Samsung promising to release it for those devices. This was mainly due to the fact that Samsung's plans to update devices were based on early information they received from Google or telecom service providers, so it no longer offers information about Android updates and their availability, mainly to avoid disappointment users in the future.
As a result, Samsung receives a lot of questions from users. So here's a general explanation of how the Android update process works, and how Samsung works with telecom providers and Google.

Step 1: First, Android update goes to Korea.
When a new version of Android launches, the first Google devices Nexus is being updated. The software is not initially optimized for our Samsung devices. Therefore we are sending a basic version of the new software to Samsung's headquarters in South Korea, where the new Android software must be fully tested to run on Samsung devices. Improvements have been made in many areas - think about network settings or disabling or adding various features. Only when all the features are tested on all compatible devices and are completely stable, Samsung ships the customized Android software worldwide to different countries, including yours.

Step 2: Update Android in your country.
Then the new and customized version of Android will be tested in your country. The local Samsung team will test the full functionality of all available devices for the respective markets. Additionally, telecom service providers are also testing the new Android update and applying the correct settings if necessary.

Step 3: Final check for Google updates.
After Samsung and network providers have fully tested the software for different countries, Google must approve the customized Android system. But if or during this approval process Google finds something that needs to be changed, the entire approval process will go through again, even if the required settings are extremely minimal. This may cause several delays and is also the reason that the expected date latest update Android for your phone is difficult to predict.

Step 4: Who gets the Android update first?
Once the final software is approved, it can be used. Unfortunately, not everyone can download the software at the same time; this prevents the update servers from being overloaded and therefore the update is offered in stages.
Now, for example, if the Galaxy Note 3 has more software issues, it receives the next update faster than the Galaxy Note 4, which is a more modern device. Samsung is constantly monitoring (online) customer feedback, and this may mean that we are deviating from the rule that new devices should receive software updates before older devices. Samsung also depends on carriers and network providers in your country.

Step 5: Update process.
There are several options for installing new software on your device. The first update path (and recommended) is usually - Samsung Kies or Smart Switch - this update method is carried out using a PC and a USB cable and is very secure. The likelihood of errors using Samsung Kies or Smart Switch is the least likely, so we recommend that you update using these programs if possible.
The second option is FOTA, which stands for Firmware Over The Air. Here you download the update by wireless network, and then install it on your phone. The user can update FOTA themselves, but it is also offered via a push message to your phone. These push notifications are sent in notifications, so some users have to wait until they receive an upgrade on their device.

So, how to find out the firmware on Samsung phones.

  • On your device, click - Home;
  • Click - Menu;
  • Select - Settings;
  • Select - About phone/Phone information;
  • Select – Software Information.

Look for “Android version” or “firmware version” in order to see the clear version in which your device operates, and you can also dial the code *#1234# call.

U Samsung firmware denoted as follows:

XE – Language pack(in this case – Eastern Europe + Russian)
D – Year of manufacture (W–2003, D–2004, E–2005, F–2006, G–2007, H–2008, I–2009, J–2010….)
G – Month (A=January, B=February… K=November, L=December)
1 – Firmware revision.
Let's take the X100XEDG1 for example:
the number at the end is the firmware (version) number – 1
the last letter G is the month – the seventh month (according to the English dictionary G is the seventh letter)
penultimate letter D – year – 04
the first two letters after X100 – XE – language support (in this case: Eastern Europe + Russian).

To find the firmware Xiaomi smartphone, follow these steps:

  • On your device, click - Home;
  • Click - Menu;
  • Select - Settings;
  • Select - About phone.

The window that opens will display Technical information about the system, among which there will be a firmware version, namely the MIUI Version. For example – MIUI Global 8.1 Stable (MALMIDI).
MIUI is divided by type:
Stable – a measured version of the firmware, tested and optimized, contains a small number of errors;
Development - the provided firmware is released every Friday, can be shipped with a new version of Android, has a more recent MIUI shell, contains all sorts of innovations and amendments, but has bugs.

Firmware for a device on Android is a responsible undertaking, especially when the device is from a little-known manufacturer, or is generally assembled somewhere “on the knee”. However, it is necessary to find the firmware in order to restore the device’s functionality. How to do this, what information is needed?

The most important information for selecting firmware

Definitely, the main information for selecting firmware is the version LCD Driver And ALPS, and without the first, the performance of the display is very doubtful. Because if you select the firmware according to ALPS, this does not provide any guarantee that the device will operate normally. In 95% of cases, the device “starts”, but the display is white or something else, but it is impossible to say about full functioning.
If the situation is really sad, then information about BASEBAND to find something more or less suitable.
Therefore, on the RuleSmart forum we always ask you to check specifications through, including need to find out the version LCD Driver, having previously received it through the same utility.
To summarize, I note that the most important criterion is the version LCD Driver! However, all this works if your device has a chipset from Mediatek - MTK. For devices with other chipsets the situation is more complicated.
In short, you need to collect information literally bit by bit: open the lid of the device - publish everything you see there on our forum (in the appropriate topic), look for the name of the device (albeit a fake one, for example), look at what is written on the box, in the instructions (if any) and so on.

Additional sources of information

One of the main additional sources of information about your device is the SELLER! In most cases (and we are based on practice from the forum site), people purchase devices in Chinese store AliExpress, which means that they can write to the seller demanding information about the device. The description may contain “fake” information, which, by the way, is punishable by Ali (you may not pay for the product by filing a complaint.
The second source (albeit unreliable) is the description of the product in the store. Yes, sometimes even such information can help (by comparing the model name with the characteristics). For example, "Samsung Galaxy S4 MT6572". Of course, this is a clone, of course, there will be a lot of similar ones, but secondary parameters will help here: number of SIM cards, camera, amount of RAM and internal memory and so on.


Thus, you can collect information about the “clogged” device itself, which was released somewhere in the basement of the Middle Kingdom and, as a result, reflash it. Moreover, even bricked devices are “resurrected” in this way.

If you have recently used a push-button mobile phone, then you may not even suspect that modern smartphones are equipped with different operating systems. And we're not even talking about the fact that it can be not only Android, but also Windows Phone, OS, as well as the well-known iOS. Even the versions of operating systems differ on different smartphones! Therefore, in today’s article we will talk about how to find out the Android version, as well as the meaning of updates.

Why is the latest version of the operating system so important?

Many novice smartphone users do not pay any attention to the version of the installed operating system. They take from their hands a device that operates under Android control 4.2, after which they are surprised by the instability of operation and the small number of supported applications.

Depending on the version of the mobile operating system, the functionality of the device varies. The “five” and “six” have so many different settings and capabilities that it’s difficult to come up with something new. It should also be noted that many utilities and games are developed with the latest versions of Android in mind. And if your device has an old version of the operating system, then some games and programs may not even start. And even if they work, it will be with interruptions and unexpected crashes. Only old applications that were originally designed for your version of the operating system will function stably.

Learn more about the main differences different versions We'll talk about Android next time. In the meantime, you should understand how to find out the Android version on a tablet or smartphone. Let’s say right away that the mentioned method works on all devices, regardless of their type and the installed proprietary shell.

The only and easiest way

Step 1. First you need to get into " Settings" The corresponding icon can be found in the menu, and sometimes on the desktop.

Note: button " Settings" is often also available in the notification panel if you pull it out completely.

Step 2. Scroll down the list and click on " About the phone».

Step 3. Review the information displayed. It is possible that you will see the firmware and OS version here.

Step 4. On some devices you need to go to an additional subsection. For example, in devices it has the name “ Software details».

Google introduces an interesting Easter egg into each version of its operating system. To view it, quickly click about ten times on the Android version. As a result, you will see an image of one or another delicacy, which corresponds to the name of this version. And sometimes you can even get into a mini-game this way - in particular, it is available in Android 6.0.

This is how you can easily find out the Android version on your phone. Often this section contains information about the kernel version, security level, build number and other software parameters. But all this is required only by professionals who know much more about all this compared to ordinary users.

For timely updates of your programs, installing applications, as well as checking the compatibility of games and new programs, it is important to accurately determine the version of your Android on your phone or tablet. Technical documentation will not help in this matter, especially since many fakes of original products have appeared. Our article will tell you how to find out what version of Android is on your phone in several ways.

operating room android system widely used in creating mobile phones, tablet computers, TVs and other modern digital devices. It is based on the Linux kernel, and its developer is Google. The first launch of the Android version occurred back in September 2008. Since that moment, the world has seen more than 40 system updates. The changes mainly concerned the functionality of the devices, as well as bug fixes from previous versions. The Android system is still being improved, so new versions are constantly appearing. The year of manufacture or model of the phone will do little to tell you which version of Android is on your device. However, this information is very important in some situations.

Why do you need to know your Android version:

  • To check for current updates.
  • To determine the compatibility of the program, game or application being installed.
  • To obtain root rights to access your phone.
  • To flash the device.

It's very easy to see what version is installed on your phone. To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” section and find the “About phone” item there or with any similar name. It contains all the necessary information about the model, Android version, firmware of the communication module, amount of RAM and internal memory.

The developers also encrypted an Easter egg for each version. Opening it is very simple, just tap the “Android Version” line with your finger several times. After a short time, a splash screen or a small animation will appear on the screen.

This is interesting: initially the developers decided to name the new versions of Android after the names of famous robots - heroes of popular fiction.

The first products were called “Astroboy” and “Bender”, although the definition of alpha and beta testing is often found in the literature. Subsequently, the decision caused many copyright problems, so this analogy had to be abandoned. An equally creative option was to use the names of sweets in the code name for new programs. The records are kept in alphabetical order, so you can guess in advance what code names the later versions of Android will have. By the way, the most current version was published in March 2018, but for now its name is presented as “P”.

How to find out the android version on a tablet

In a similar way, you can determine the version of your tablet computer. Typically, some products released by Google are used specifically for these devices and do not support smartphones.

How to find out the Android version on a tablet:

  1. In the device menu, select “Settings”.
  2. This section should contain an information line “About the device”.
  3. When clicked, the tablet's basic information should be displayed.

In addition to the development version, in this section you can check the date of the last update of security settings and the main technical characteristics.

Finding out the Android version on a Samsung Galaxy phone

Popular models of this phone are constantly updated, so it is extremely difficult to keep track of manufacturer information. Information about the OS version on samsung galaxy You can also look in the settings.

Updating your smartphone via TVRP

For a modern user, the joy of purchasing a new “advanced” model usually lasts relatively short time. As you use it, questions often arise about expanding the phone's resources, connecting updates, and even completely flashing the device. Usually with publication new version operating system, developers completely forget about the “old” models, so upgrading using traditional methods is quite difficult. To improve and update models there is a lot convenient service- Team Win Recovery Project or TWRP. Flashing a phone via TvRP is quite simple if you comply with the following conditions.

Important details of the firmware:

  • Without lack of experience, necessary programs and equipment, doing the firmware yourself is very risky.
  • Performing firmware automatically cancels the manufacturer's warranty on the device, so doing such manipulations on new smartphones is risky (and impractical in principle).
  • Must be done first backup copy information contained on the device. This is what the TWRP utility is used for. It is more powerful and allows you to restore the system even in hopeless situations.

Per permission from Google, manufacturers electronic devices Android-based products can change the interface and design of their products without additional approval from the developer. That is why phone models can be radically different, but still contain the same version of Android. That is why information is important on how to find out the Android version on a smartphone or tablet computer before downloading updates or installing new programs on your device.



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