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Cons in windows 10. Windows10 pros and cons

In this article, we'll talk about whether it's worth upgrading to Windows 10, and what pros and cons you'll get from upgrading to Windows 10.

The free upgrade to Windows 10 ended on July 29, 2016. Of course you can update it, but should you? With horror stories associated with decrypting encryption files on unsupported versions of Windows, there are some reasons to consider it.

Today we will talk about the pros and cons of upgrading to Windows 10.

Which versions of Windows are still supported by updates?

Microsoft stopped supporting on April 11, 2017 Windows Vista, and Windows XP, in turn, never received security fixes. In the wake of numerous attacks, Microsoft has taken the unusual step of releasing a patch for both operating systems due to the high risk and the fact that millions of people are still using these versions of Windows.

However, this happened after the computers were infected, so it is best to use a version of Windows that receives automatic updates, which help protect you (and your files) from various virus and hacker attacks.

Windows 8 is also not supported, but most Windows 8 computers should be upgraded to Windows 8.1, which is still supported by updates. Windows 7 will also receive updates until January 14, 2020.

At the end of support for Vista, Microsoft said, "Now is the time, like our hardware and software partners, to invest our resources in new technologies," meaning that it will no longer receive updates for the system Windows security and will not offer developers support for legacy operating system.

In turn, we recommend upgrading your PC to Windows 10, if possible, after this date, as you will have limited access to new software and your PC may be vulnerable to Internet security.

How much does it cost to upgrade to Windows 10?

Currently it costs 8,699 rubles, and the version will cost you 15,000 rubles.

This is a clear message from Microsoft (and we agree) that this is not the best plan for use with XP or Vista. And if your computer is running Vista or XP, then the assumption is that it is quite old and will likely show wear and tear.

Instead of paying 8,699 rubles for Windows 10 Home, you can add a little more money and buy a new PC that already comes with Windows 10 installed.

Almost everything software for Windows XP and Vista works on Windows 10, and remember that only some software works on older operating systems such as XP and Vista – Chrome browser Chrome is the latest one.

Microsoft has maintained an upgrade agreement for assistive technology users. In addition, you will not be able to directly upgrade from XP or Vista to Windows 10. Thus, you will have to do the installation “clean.”

Those who choose to upgrade to Windows 10 will also benefit from the April 2017 Creators Update and the Developer Update coming later in the year.

Can I downgrade my Windows 10 PC to Windows 7, 8/8.1?

A common question is how easily can you go back to your old OS if you don't like Windows 10. The answer with Windows 10 is that it's very easy.

Microsoft has developed a simple process that requires just a few clicks to revert the system back to the previous version of Windows (as long as you don't delete the windows.old folder where the previous version lives).

Of course, as with any operating system installation, you should take a full backup of your data before you begin upgrading or downgrading to a previous version of Windows.

Rolling back doesn't always work perfectly, so there's a chance that upgrading and rolling back won't be the whole process: keep this in mind if you're considering upgrading to see if you like Windows 10. Again, make a backup beforehand to protect against any problems .

What should I do if I have Windows 7 or 8.1?

It's hard to imagine that Windows 8 will be remembered fondly. Even though this version has a clunky interface that favored the touch of traditional mouse and keyboard inputs.

Splitting apps into two desktop environments - modern and classic - gave the entire OS a schizophrenic persona, and it was completely unnecessary since there were actually several decent modern apps available.

Windows 10 avoids the same pitfalls by returning to a Windows 7-style desktop, complete with menus "Start", which has additional live segments for those who enjoyed this addition to Windows 8.

Modern apps run in windows on your desktop, so you won't notice any difference between them and traditional apps.

Touch hasn't disappeared completely because Windows 10 is also available on tablets and 2-in-1 hybrid devices. AND new feature Continuum detects what device you're using and configures the interface accordingly.

So, for example, if you have Surface Pro 4 or you remove the keyboard, Windows 10 will switch to an all-touch system and vice versa.

Is Cortana a good tool?

Virtual assistants are already on your phone or even in your home. Eg, Google smartphones Home have the Google Assistant with them.

Microsoft also has an assistant: Cortana. It is available on laptops and PCs, not just Windows phones.

Cortana lets you control elements of your PC using your voice. Clicking on the search section in the taskbar will open Cortana, and from there you can create web queries thanks to a new universal search object that includes both the web and your device.

Thus, you can manage your media players, create search queries using voice commands and much more. What's even better is that Cortana is available for Android devices and iPhone, so no matter what device you have, you can still sync your data.

Isn't Windows 10 spying on you?

Much has been written about Windows 10's privacy, or lack thereof, but as a result, Windows 10 doesn't spy on you.

When Microsoft released the update to creators, it also changed the settings so users can choose "a basic level of" data collection or "full level". As Terry Myerson explains, the data collected "essential to keep your Windows 10 device secure and up to date".

And for the first time in the world, the company has collected them so that you can read them for yourself.

What is the essence of the release of the new OS Windows 10?

While Windows 8 was an unpleasant surprise for many people, Windows 10 has come a long way and emerged in a new light. The OS is clean, familiar, just like Windows 7 and its predecessors where it's easy to understand, plus it has plenty of new useful functions that you will actually want to use.

Even though upgrading currently costs everyone, Windows 10 offers good promotion productivity for Windows users 7 and below, and a better user experience in Windows 8/8.1.

For those who have a new PC with supported versions of Windows, feel free to stick with Windows 7 or 8.1, but don't use them after support ends. Thus, after support for Windows 7, 8/8.1 ends, immediately switch to Windows 10.

Video: Pros and cons of Windows 10

Updates will change in Windows 10. At the moment, you still have the right to choose. Final Windows version 10 Home will feature forced updates, although there will be a number of differences in other versions.

This doesn't sound bad, given that any user will be able to automatically update their security system, but in the past we have encountered more than once situations where system updates did more harm than good. Let's look at all the pros and cons of being unable to turn off Windows Update.

Please, after reading the article, be sure to leave a comment and share your opinion with us. Is there really cause for concern, or are there more positive aspects than negative ones?

Updates in Windows 10

In current versions of Windows, users reserve the right to independently decide on the optimal system update. Your system can automatically search for updates and install them immediately, or you can periodically update the system at manual mode. Alternatively, you can turn off the feature completely and never update the system.

No matter what version of Windows is installed on your computer, you have the same set of options that are available. However, when working with Windows 10, you will encounter a number of limitations. Depending on what version of Windows 10 is installed on your computer, you will be redirected to a service panel that will dictate how system updates will proceed.

For Windows 10 home users, as well as those who upgrade Windows for free, all updates, which include security patches, bug fixes and new features, will be installed automatically. You won't be able to refuse them or postpone downloading them until later. They will be installed either in automatic mode, or during a subsequent manual reboot of the system. This is what Microsoft calls Current Branch (CB), i.e. Current Branch.

For those who use Pro version(except for upgraded versions of Windows 7 or 8 Pro, in which Current Branch is the only option), Enterprise, or Education, the same requirements apply. However, the settings will be available subject to updates in the same way as they are in currently With Windows operation Update. Alas, updates cannot be postponed forever. There is also a Long Term Servicing Branch, exclusive to Enterprise users who purchase software in bulk, that offers easy installation and asks for security updates.

Pro: Up-to-date security system

Windows is still the most popular operating system in the world, and this makes it a target for viruses and malicious attacks. No operating system will ever be one hundred percent secure, and there will always be those who will try to find weak spots. Despite the use best systems security software, such as Firewall and other antivirus software with high level protection, an unstable operating system can lead to catastrophic consequences.

For example, past vulnerable Windows places provoked hacker attacks for the purpose of remotely entering system codes for installing programs, viewing databases, creating accounts with full access, and much more. Of course, the listed incidents are at a critical level and Microsoft is rolling out security patches as soon as possible. Ensuring Windows Update is not disabled on existing system, so it works currently.

This practice ensures that critical updates cannot be rejected is great news.

Having insecure systems is detrimental to both Microsoft and the end user, and it is vital that any known flaws are fixed as quickly as possible.

This will mean that attacks can be stopped more quickly, and hopefully fewer users will compromise their systems.

Con: Broken updates

While most updates do go well, some do more harm than good. Previous problems range from minor to major: input lag on some games, corrupted playback of certain types of video files, and even a blue screen of death. Just like Microsoft, which took note of the problems that arose and found a solution for them, users should not ignore the inconveniences that have arisen. If Windows 10 forces everyone to update, can we be sure that the system will always be stable?

Windows 10 updates will be tested by production first Windows group. They will check the updates to make sure they are worthy before they are installed on all home computers. Working group will have to be guinea pigs until updates are installed for Enterprise users. In theory, the first round of checks should eliminate any problems, but in practice, not everything is so smooth.

While the vast majority of current updates are running smoothly, and we probably shouldn't curse the process until we've tried it, the overall situation raises some concerns. If the update harms the system, home users have no choice but to wait until the system receives a notification and quickly fixes the problem. If experienced users reading this article about issues related to Windows update, can easily miss information, then if you are just learning Windows 10, this is completely unacceptable.

Pro: Connected Development

Development is associated with certain difficulties due to the great diversity operating versions. It is reminiscent of the battle that web page developers face in ensuring that on-demand sites work effectively in all search engines. If a program works without problems on Windows 8, this does not mean that we will get the same effect when working with Windows 7, and vice versa. Forcing updates will mean that all systems are working on the same page, and this fact will make life much easier for the developer.

This is undoubtedly a positive for end users as well, as it indicates compatibility, at least from an operating system perspective (computer hardware, drivers, etc.).

WITH mobile phone Microsoft and Xbox platform connected to the Windows 10 ecosystem, you will be able to activate Online Games Xbox One on your computer. All of the above has become more convenient thanks to a consistent structure across all platforms. Yours Windows devices will now work synchronized.

Con: Reduced flexibility

Windows 10 will be the latest version of the operating system Microsoft systems. Whereas in the past launch latest version Windows was a big deal, consumers are now aware of free updates thanks to companies like Apple and Google. Also, the idea is that everyone will just use Windows service. Think of an internet site you use, such as Facebook, that continues to evolve, keeping the same name and no versions. This is exactly how Microsoft sees Windows.

To a certain extent, users are flexible when choosing Windows versions. There are some who still remain loyal to XP despite outdated version, simply because they prefer it over updated operating systems.

There are people who don't update operating systems simply because they are used to what they know, and it would be too much fuss to try to figure out the new system. With Windows 10, you have no choice about installation options or subsequent aesthetic changes that you like. Everyone will have the same product, whether they like it or not.

Of course, it's too early to say how things will go with updates in the future. Let's say Microsoft one day decides to change the visual design of Windows 10 - will we be able to stick with the 'classic' theme, or will we again have no choice? And how do we know if Microsoft will force software on us that we don't want, especially when Candy Crush Saga comes pre-installed on all systems. Flexibility is king and it is being lost with the new update method.

To update or not to update?

Windows 10 users can choose to upgrade as early as July. You simply won't have a choice. Those who prefer more flexibility when it comes to upgrading will have to upgrade from the Home version to the more expensive Pro service options. But should it be this way? Should upgrading necessarily be our choice?

Probably no. Microsoft wants to store all systems in a synchronized and unified format. Ensuring that everyone is using the same version of the operating software will make the company's life much easier and possibly make ours safer.

Read about how to get Windows 10 for free after July 29, 2016.

What do you think about Windows 10 forcing updates? What positive and negative aspects do you see?

Windows 10 came out a few days ago. I have everything Microsoft computers offers to upgrade my Windows 7 to ten completely free of charge. And I keep thinking, reading reviews from people who have already installed Windows 10. The new Windows has one huge plus and one huge minus. So I'm torn between them. Let's start with the positive.

Plus: DirectX 12 and multi-core.

The main reason to switch to new version Windows - DirectX 12. The performance difference in games migrated from DirectX 11 to DirectX 12 is said to be between 85% and 300%. The thing is that DirectX 12 is “tailored” to work with multi-core processors. Each processor core will be able to directly “communicate” with graphics card and perform various tasks. This gives a significant increase in productivity. The funny thing is, the older your computer, the more important it is for you to upgrade to Windows 10. Stardock CEO Brad Wardell explains:

The older your computer, the more important Windows 10 is for it. If you have a Core i5 and a decent graphics card, then you will get a greater performance boost than the owner of some high-end Core i7 will have. And this again has to do with DirectX 12 and its approach to working with multi-core processors. That is, you won't have to change your processor, you'll just get a significant increase in system performance in modern games. Brad Wardell

Also, DirectX 12 works not only with your main video card, but also with the one that almost everyone forgets about - the built-in motherboard. Developers can also use its power to squeeze maximum performance out of your system.

In words, of course, all this looks great, but how does it actually work? How many of you have already installed Windows 10 and managed to test the system in games? Share your impressions!

Cons: Inside spy.

Microsoft collects and stores the history of web pages visited by the user, passwords for sites, the names of access points to which the user connected, and passwords for them. The problem is that the data is tied to a Microsoft account, the password for which can be hacked or stolen. In this case, the attacker will be able to find out literally everything about his victim. In addition, US (and Russian) legislation requires IT companies to disclose information about their clients at the request of the court and intelligence services. It turns out that in fact the user himself collects and sends a dossier on himself, which can be used against him. Of course, data synchronization can (and should) be disabled. Microsoft decided to enable this option by default. Apparently, in the hope that most Windows 10 users are unlikely to become interested in the details of the implementation of this so-called synchronization.

The virtual assistant Cortana, which many have already called the virtual spy Cortana. According to the Windows 10 license agreement, Microsoft has the right to collect Various types user data: user coordinates; fragments of mail correspondence and SMS; data on calls made: who called whom, how often; data about scheduled events from the user calendar; data from the contact book.
In addition, for the service to operate, information about the use of your device will be collected: what time the alarm is set, what music is on the device, what programs have been installed, what search queries have been made, etc. Of course, user voice samples will also be transferred to Microsoft servers for processing. This is not yet relevant for countries of the former USSR; Cortana will not work for us.

Third party user tracking. It is already known that Windows 10 will be filled with advertising. This explains the “generosity” of Microsoft, which decided to distribute Windows 10 for free. In order to inventory all advertising consumers, they will be assigned a unique identification number (advertising ID). Advertisers will have access to this number. In other words, marketers will be able to track user behavior.
Don't forget to disable advertising ID sharing on all your Windows 10 devices!

The encryption key is also stored by Microsoft. This is surprising, but if you encrypted your data on the device using the standard BitLocker program, then not only you, but also Microsoft will have the key to access the data. IN Windows licenses 10 states that the password will be copied to OneDrive servers controlled by Microsoft. As mentioned earlier, the company will be obliged to issue this key upon request of the authorized authorities, which deprives encryption in Windows 10 of any meaning. Don't forget to install third party program encryption!

Microsoft may control your data. This is just an amazing clause in the Windows 10 license:

We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to protect our customers or enforce the terms governing the use of the services.

Personal correspondence, local files and other personal information can be disclosed not only at the request of the authorities, but simply if Microsoft feels that this is necessary for some protection of their customers.

After the lawyers, the fans read the agreement computer games. They found out that automatic updates will be released for Windows 10, which will clean the computer of unlicensed games. In addition, the license contains a very strange clause that gives Microsoft the right to disable certain unauthorized devices on your computer. Perhaps we are talking about computer peripherals that are not certified by Microsoft. For example, third-party controllers for Xbox.

The new Windows has Wi-Fi Sense, which allows you to share your Wi-Fi password with your friends and acquaintances. Usually, when a person comes to visit you or work and wants to connect to the network, he asks you for a password. If this person is one of your Wi-Fi Sense friends, you don’t need to ask anything: their device will connect to your network automatically. For Wi-Fi Sense to work, the system must collect passwords. But this is not dangerous, because your Wi-Fi Sense friends won’t see the passwords themselves anyway. Your friends list by default includes contacts from Facebook, Outlook and Skype. Often your contacts include people you don’t know in real life. In theory, this is not very secure: once a person has access to your Wi-Fi, they could have easy access to your information. So if you work in intelligence agencies or are simply afraid of hacking, think carefully about whether you need to connect Wi-Fi Sense. If your friend has Windows 10 or Windows Phone and you just tell him the password and he will connect to the network, all his contacts will be able to connect to the same network without a password. And it’s more difficult to control other people’s contacts than your own - accordingly, the level of security is even lower.

Before installation

  • Do not use express settings. Use manual ones. Remove all ugly checkboxes.
  • Do not use a Microsoft account. Create a local one.

After installation

  • Start > Settings > Privacy, turn off EVERYTHING!
  • There, in the reviews and diagnostics section, select Never/Basic information.
  • Settings > Updates > Advanced settings > Select how to receive updates and clear the first option
  • Destroy Cortana. Just click on the search icon next to Start and then in the settings. Not yet relevant for the Russian version.
  • (Optional) You can also turn off network search there.
  • Rename your PC. Search > Type “about computer” > Rename For advanced
  • Right click on Start > Command Prompt (Administrator)
    Register (you can copy, Win10 can finally do this)
    sc delete DiagTrack
    sc delete dmwappushservice
  • Further group policies. Run (win+R) > gpedit.msc (administrator rights required) go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows components> Data Collection and Preview Builds > Allow Telemetry - Disabled
    This is true for Enterprise versions. But it will also be useful for Pro users.
  • Also in the policies Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > OneDrive > Prohibit the use of OneDrive for storing files > Enabled
  • Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender> Knock him out > Enabled. I’ll say right away that I didn’t find this item at home. So I turned it off through the registry.
    on the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender parameter DisableAntiSpyware change the value to 1
  • Through the registry editor (Run > regedit) go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection, change the AllowTelemetry parameter to zero.
  • We register goodies in Hosts. With your hands. right on start > command line(administrator), write there notepad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, and enter all hosts addresses: localhost localhost.localdomain broadcasthost
    ::1 localhost local vortex.data.microsoft.com vortex-win.data.microsoft.com telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net oca.telemetry.microsoft.com oca.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net watson.telemetry.microsoft.com watson.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net redir.metaservices.microsoft.com choice.microsoft.com choice.microsoft.com.nsatc.net df.telemetry.microsoft.com reports.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com services.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com sqm.df.telemetry.microsoft.com telemetry.microsoft.com watson.ppe.telemetry.microsoft.com telemetry.appex.bing.net telemetry.urs.microsoft.com telemetry.appex.bing.net:443 settings-sandbox.data.microsoft.com vortex-sandbox.data.microsoft.com survey.watson.microsoft.com watson.live.com watson.microsoft.com statsfe2.ws.microsoft.com corpext.msitadfs.glbdns2.microsoft.com compatexchange.cloudapp.net cs1.wpc.v0cdn.net a-0001.a-msedge.net statsfe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net sls.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net fe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net diagnostics.support.microsoft.com corp.sts.microsoft.com statsfe1.ws.microsoft.com pre.footprintpredict.com i1.services.social.microsoft.com i1.services.social.microsoft.com.nsatc.net feedback.windows.com feedback.microsoft-hohm.com feedback.search.microsoft.comLittle tips
  • We do not use EDGE, WMP, Groove Music, or image viewer.
  • You need to add to your name Wi-Fi points _optout. Example: your point is called “my family”. Rename it "my family_optout". In this case, your friends' contacts will not be able to connect to this network.

As you can see, the question of whether to install Windows 10 is not as clear-cut as it might seem at first. Therefore, as always, experts are called upon to comment! I look forward to your advice and recommendations.

Windows 10 is a new operating system from Microsoft, released on July 29, 2015. According to the company, more than 75 million people have already installed this system. There is one simple explanation for this popularity. The developers sincerely tried to take into account all the wishes of users and create a single platform for all devices. For desktop computers, tablets, smartphones, etc. Moreover, another interesting feature of the released product is that it is the latest in the Windows line. On it, the numbering stops, and updates will be installed only for specific programs. So what came of it?

The main pros and cons of the Windows 10 operating system.


Installed completely free of charge for users of versions 7 and 8 within a year after the official release.
. The Start menu stopped the debate between fans of traditional editions of Windows and the previous “eighth” version with a very modified “start”. Now it is more similar to the menu in Windows 7, but it is now possible to attach additional program icons. That is, it turned out to be a kind of hybrid of a time-tested interface interspersed with experimental solutions, which is very convenient.
Full-screen applications can be reduced to the desired size, which could not be done in the eighth version.
Supports multiple desktops without freezes and slowdowns typical of the previous system in the line.
Versatility. New Windows Can be used both on desktop PCs and on pocket, portable devices. All official applications are installed on any gadget that supports Windows 10, and their interface adapts to its features.
It is also worth noting that system requirements For Windows installations 10 are the same as for the seventh version. It will run without problems on legacy systems with limited capacity random access memory and a weak processor. The official specification is very democratic.
Updates are installed automatically in background and do not require restarting the computer.
You can go back to previous Windows 7 or Vista if available backup copy on the hard drive, as well as to the eighth version.


On some devices it installs only on the 2nd or 3rd attempt. Fortunately, this applies more to laptop PCs - among users personal computers such problems were not particularly mentioned.
Problems with regional settings. Many users noted that they tried to make settings for their region, but the OS automatically installs the USA, which nothing can be done about.
There is no Media Center application, and with it the usual application for playing DVDs. This is explained by the fact that such media in the world modern technologies are outdated (but not in the CIS countries, where technology support is still needed).
Privacy issues. The W10 License Agreement gives Microsoft the right to collect your personal information and statistics - location data, browser history and other things like that. As Mikey themselves assure, the information is used to select advertising materials and improve software products companies. But is it only for this purpose? Big question.


Thus, the Windows 10 operating system is a completely successful product. It takes into account the wishes of users, smoothes out the shortcomings of Windows 8 and introduces interesting innovations. Most users who understand the computer and operating system settings appreciated Windows 10 and decided to switch to it completely.

On the other hand, the new system has certain disadvantages, but most of them can be attributed to its youth. Specialists from Microsoft take into account the wishes of users and refine their product, eliminating bugs, performance problems and other shortcomings. Work is underway to expand functionality. Therefore, Windows 10 has every chance of becoming the most popular OS in the world.

This time we will look at the main advantages and cons of Windows 10. The tenth version of Windows is certainly one of the most exciting events in the IT field in recent times. Many have already installed this OS and tested it, but there are users who look at the new operating system with distrust and there is good reason for this, since Windows 10 has serious disadvantages.

It won't be detailed analysis system, but rather an opportunity for you to form some kind of preliminary opinion about it.

Cons of Windows 10

  1. The first disadvantage of Windows 10 is its dampness, an inherent property of any new product from Microsoft. Despite almost a year of testing, there were some problems - for some, a dozen lost drivers and crashed. blue screen.
  1. Working with tiles, the calling card of Windows, is implemented extremely poorly. They exist, but you cannot customize their functionality. You can't even put your image on them.
  1. The application store advertised by Microsoft has very few interesting solutions for desktop devices. And the PC update center also has some unclear functionality.

The main disadvantage of Windows 10

The main disadvantage of Windows 10 is that this operating system, let's say, monitors its users for advertisements. Google and Apple have had a similar approach for a very long time, but Microsoft is doing this based not only on the browser, but also on the operating system itself. Up to remembering keystrokes (Keylogger). And although you can disable these functions if you wish, by default they work for all new users. After this, ideas about import substitution don’t sound so ridiculous. It's there main drawback Windows 10

The minor minus of tens is uncertainty

On this moment There is no information on how payment for the operating system will be organized. Now you can't buy yourself copy of Windows 10 is not the key to it. If you want to activate a version, for example Professional, you will first have to buy the same version for Windows 8, and then upgrade from it to Windows 10, which doesn’t sound very convenient, right? Will it always be free or will you have to continue later? paid subscription- also not known.

And finally, for users with limited Internet traffic, it will be a surprise that updates in the home version cannot be turned off and the system will download them in any case without asking you. So it goes.

So these were the main ones disadvantages of Windows 10. Of course, many of them can be solved, but nevertheless, at the moment they still remain relevant.

Pros of Windows 10

  1. The second advantage is that it is free. Go to new system is carried out free of charge for all owners of previous generations, more precisely for generations of wines 7 and 8. Even pirated systems with limited functionality they will be able to upgrade to the top ten, and it’s really convenient and great that you don’t have to pay for upgrading to a new version and you can get acquainted with it at no cost. And most importantly, when you update, all your settings, programs, files will be transferred and you can immediately start using the finished system.
  • The third plus is improvements. Windows system 10 has dozens, if not hundreds of all kinds of improvements, starting with general impression regarding the speed of work. There are many pleasant new features - working with several desktops will make communication with the top ten extremely convenient. Along with the usual Alt+Tab, you can immediately see all active windows, and even what is happening in them.
    The windows themselves can be easily placed on the screen, positioned on half or a quarter of the screen. In addition, a fast and convenient search has appeared, and Cortana will appear in the future. Internet Explorer replaced by new browser Microsoft Edge, which is absolutely honestly faster than its competitors. File manager became more convenient and smarter. A notification center has appeared, and there is also support for DirectX 12. It’s impossible to even list all the improvements.



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