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Setting up system fonts in Windows XP. Solving problems with displaying fonts in Windows XP Windows xp fonts are not installed

For your attention, there is material on how to correctly install new fonts for operating system Windows XP. If you install fonts for the operating system, they will also be available to all programs that are likely to use the fonts.
The article on adding new fonts will be suitable, first of all, for those users who work (or plan to work) in text and graphic editors.

In order to add a new font, you need to have it on your computer. The most simple method will be downloaded from the Internet. When downloading fonts from the Internet, the font folder is often archived. The site contains information on how to unzip the archive.

When the fonts are already on the computer, they can be installed. The operation is not complicated. Just try it once to remember it.

Go to the menu "Start", click on the folder "Control Panel". The control panel will open Windows XP

In the Control Panel, look for the shortcut "Fonts" and double-click on it with the left mouse button. The folder with installed fonts will open.

Next, go to the folder with the fonts that we downloaded from the Internet. Select all fonts (key combination Ctrl + A). Copy the selected fonts (to do this, right-click on the fonts and in context menu choose "Copy").

Go to the “Fonts” folder in the control panel, right-click in the folder field and select “Paste”. (to copy fonts, you can also use another method: select all the fonts and drag them from one folder to another).

The installation of fonts will begin.Once the fonts are copied, they will be available for use.

A font in Windows is a way of displaying letters and characters. The font is usually consistent with a single stylistic system.

The main characteristics of a font are weight, contrast, width, typeface, contrast, baseline, etc. Also related to fonts are concepts such as size, kerning and tracking.

The combination of these characteristics creates a unique font that is not similar to others.

Various fonts became available to users in the very first versions of Windows.

Fonts in Windows XP

Today we will talk about fonts in Windows XP and how to configure them.

The developers of Windows XP took care of the convenience of managing fonts for the user. There is a separate window for managing fonts - with its help you can not only view available to the user fonts, but also add new ones and delete old ones.

Fonts in Windows XP are called up as follows: open the “Start” menu, then select “Control Panel”. Open the fonts icon. It looks like this:

We open it, after which the list of fonts available in the system will become available to us.

The contents of the window can be displayed in different ways - as a list, table, large or small icons. In Windows XP, a font similarity mode is available - when activated, similar fonts will be displayed on the screen along with standard fonts.

Left-click to display the font's appearance.

The window contains a button that displays a printed version of a particular font.

Setting fonts involves a lot of operations.

How to install, remove and change fonts?

Removing an unnecessary font: left-click on its image, top panel Open the “file” menu and select “delete”.

Installing a new font: open the “file” menu and click “install font”. It looks like this:

A new dialog will open in which you can select the location of the desired font.

Changing fonts works like this.

Open the “element” list, in it we need to select the Windows component whose font we want to edit.

The following changes are available to us:

  • font size;
  • font color;
  • actually, the font itself;

We make the necessary changes and save them by clicking the “ok” button.

Adjusting font clarity in Windows XP

You can customize the clarity of fonts in the system yourself. We are talking about a method for smoothing screen fonts in Win XP, which is called Cleartype. This technology is provided by Microsoft itself and has been available for use for almost 15 years. Setting Cleartype is also possible in Win XP.

Open the “Control Panel” menu through “Start”, then “Appearance and Personalization”. Next, find “Fonts”, open the link “Setting Cleartype Text”. A window will appear.

Item “Enable ClearType”:

We mark it with a checkmark and move on to the next setting item (click “next”).

In the next window you will select the screen resolution that is convenient for you.

A window will open with four text display options. Select the optimal one by left-clicking on it. Click “next”.

Cleartype mode is activated.

Difficulties with fonts in Windows XP

Incorrect display of fonts does not load the operating system and does not in any way affect the stable operation of the computer, but it creates a lot of minor troubles for the user. Problems with fonts occur after installing some programs, after automatic updates etc. Many users reinstall Win in their hearts, but there are also less radical ways to solve the problem. We will tell you about them.

The language settings on the system must be set correctly. To do this, follow the following path: “Start”, “Control Panel”, “Date, time, language...”. Select the “regional settings” tab =>>> “Language standards...”, specify the language - “Russian”. In the “location” we indicate our country.”

  • “Languages” tab, “Languages ​​and text input services” section, click “more details”. In the window that opens, check whether the Russian keyboard corresponds to the Russian language in the “Settings” tab, “Installed services” section. Save by clicking “ok”.
  • Section “language of programs that do not support Unicode”. Open the “advanced” tab, select “Russian” in it. Save the changes.

If the above settings in Win XP are enabled on the computer, then the problem can be solved through the system registry. It's done like this.

  1. Launch the “registry editor”.
  2. Next, expand the branch: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Nls CodePage.
  3. The “CodePage” section contains a fairly large number of parameters. Among them we need to find “1250” and “1252”. Double-click on the first of them with the left mouse button. The “Change string parameter” window should open. In “value” we change “c_1250.nls” to “c_1251.nls”. We save the result. Similarly, in “1252” we set “1251”

After the above steps, the problem with the correct display of fonts in Win XP should disappear.

In this lesson I will talk about on-screen font smoothing, the so-called technology (from the English. "clean font") - a method for smoothing text on certain types computer monitors (especially LCD), based on SubPixel Rendering technology, registered by Microsoft Corporation.

There are different opinions and debates about this technology. But as for me, I am on the side of those who use it and see a clear advantage. Personally, it hurts my eyes when it’s not turned on this technology. Since I often have to sit at my clients' computers, I have noticed that many people this method anti-aliasing is not turned on, but when I turn it on , notice that with the font turned on it looks more pleasing to the eye.

The screenshots below show how to enable it in the Windows XP operating system; in Windows 7 it is enabled by default.

On the desktop, in an empty space, right-click and select Properties. A dialog box appears called Property: Screen . Select the tab at the top of the window Decor. And then click on the button at the bottom.

Screen Properties Window

Then the effects window will appear

effects window

Must be in the window Screen Properties press Apply or OK

Everything is now turned on, if you haven’t noticed the difference, you can play around turning it on and off and observing the changes. Just in case, I'll post screenshots with it turned off and on.

Cleatype is turned off
ClearType enabled

If this information was useful to you, please write your opinion in the comments, I will be grateful to you.

operating room Windows system allows you to centrally manage fonts that everyone can use installed applications. Instead of loading the data separately into Photoshop, Microsoft Word and some other programs, you can install a new font directly in the OS. After this, it will become available for use using any software. This article describes the process of installing new fonts in different versions Windows OS: XP, 7, 8 and 10.

general information

The font determines the appearance of printed characters. The most obvious areas where you might need these cosmetic changes are when working with text or graphics. Writing articles, web development, creating templates for certificates or greeting cards- all this may require new custom fonts.

Connections can be divided into 2 stages: file download and installation. Find necessary files can be found on specialized websites, design forums and torrent trackers. Windows supports all popular extensions: OpenType(OTF), TrueType(TTF), PostScript(PFM). The installation process is the same for all types, but differs slightly in different versions of Windows.

Extracting from the archive

Often files downloaded from the Internet end up packed into a special compressed folder - an archive (for example, with the extension .rar or .7z). This is done to save server space and reduce traffic.

To work with the contents of such objects, they must be unpacked. For this purpose they are used special programs– archivers. If on your personal computer There is no such software, you need to install it.

Download the WinRar utility from the official website of the developer - http://www.win-rar.ru/download/. Don't forget to choose the right one. The program will run on any version of the OS, including version 10.

Download the required version and install the archiver following the instructions of the Install Wizard. When the process is complete, right-click on the saved archive to bring up the settings and select the option “ Extract"("Extract"). In the window that opens, you need to specify the folder into which you want to unpack the contents. Now you can start installation.

Windows XP

In Windows XP there are 2 ways to install new fonts. Both are very simple - minimal computer skills are enough.

The first method is to copy the downloaded files to the desired directory manually:

You can also use the standard Windows tool XP:

Now you need to restart all active programs so that their settings are updated. After that, you can select a new font in them.

Windows 7/Vista

Compared to the XP version in Windows 7 and Vista, the developers have made the process of connecting fonts even simpler:

Similar to the previous version, users can also simply copy all files to the " Windows/Fonts».

If on your system disk left little space, you can place the massive font "body" somewhere else and connect it with a shortcut. First you need to enable this feature in system settings:

Now, when connecting new fonts, you can select the option " Set as shortcut».

Please note: if you delete the file or move it to another location, the font will no longer work.

Windows 10 also has a similar function, and it launches in exactly the same way.

Windows 8/10

The process of connecting fonts in Windows 8 and 10 versions is similar.

Firstly, users can simply move the required files to the system directory " Fonts", as in previous releases.

Secondly, in Windows 10 you can just open the downloaded font by double-clicking on the file. A presentation will appear in the window that opens. appearance characters, as well as the Install button. Click on it and you'll be done. As with previous versions, you will need to restart all running programs to update their settings.

Video on the topic

Often, after installing certain applications on your computer, their Russification, updating, etc., fonts are displayed incorrectly in certain windows of these applications, as well as in the windows of the operating system itself. As a rule, this does not affect the stability of the computer, but it creates a lot of inconvenience for users, since the windows instead of letters display hieroglyphs, squares, numbers and other symbols they do not understand. Often it becomes simply impossible to work on such a computer.

A significant part of users solve the problem radically - reinstall Windows or take the computer to a workshop. Although often you can get out of the current situation much easier. Of course, the method proposed by the author is not a panacea, but in most cases it solves the problem.

To start, Make sure your locales and locales are configured correctly:

(items in brackets may sometimes be missing)

  • on the “Regional settings” tab: in the “Language standards and formats” section, indicate “Russian”; in the “Location” section - your country;

If on a computer specified settings have already been performed or after their implementation the problems with displaying fonts have not disappeared, it is necessary to make some changes to the system registry.

The system registry is a very important element of the operating system. That's why:
1. Apart from the parameters indicated below, do not change anything else in it if you are not sure of the correctness of your actions!
2. Before proceeding further, be sure to create a copy of the registry! It can be used to restore the condition system registry in case any problems arise after changing it.
To create a copy of the system registry launch "Registry Editor", for which in the “Start” menu select “Run”. The “Run Program” window will appear in the lower left corner of the screen. Type the word regedit in it and click OK. In the "Registry Editor", in the "File" menu, select "Export". In the "Export registry file" window that opens, specify the save location, the file name of the registry copy, in the "Registry range" section (at the bottom of the window) check the "Entire registry" checkbox, and click the "Save" button.

To solve a problem with font display in Windows XP you need to change the value of the parameters “1250” and “1252”, which are located in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage, from “c_1250.nls” to “c_1251.nls” and from “c_1252.nls” " to "c_1251.nls" respectively.

How to do it:

  • Launch Registry Editor).
  • Sequentially opening the corresponding folders on the left side of the Registry Editor, go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage branch. (This means that you first need to open the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” folder, open the “SYSTEM” folder in it, and “CurrentControlSet” in it, etc.)
  • When you get to the CodePage section and highlight it on the left side of the Registry Editor, a pretty decent list of options will appear on the right side. You need to find the parameters “1250” and “1252” among them. Then double-click on the first one with the left mouse button. The Edit String Parameter window opens. There, in the “Value” window, “c_1250.nls” needs to be changed to “c_1251.nls” and click the “OK” button (see figure). After this, similarly change the value of parameter “1252” from “c_1252.nls” to “c_1251.nls”. Click the “OK” button and restart the computer.

After a reboot, the problem with fonts not displaying correctly should go away.



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