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There is not enough space in the internal memory. What to do if your phone is low on memory

On the Internet you can often come across complaints like: “I have 8 GB of memory on Android, but it tells me that there is no memory to install applications.” Why this happens and what to do is exactly what this article is about!

“640 kilobytes is enough for everyone”

The head of MircoSoft, Bill Gates

Although this phrase referred to RAM, it still sounds ridiculous now if we talk about hard drives and flash drives and memory cards.

With the increasing number of users of smartphones and tablets running Android OS, irritated phrases are increasingly found online about the inability to install applications and games, although there is still a lot of memory on the device.

Example question from the forum:

If you have exactly the same situation, then you have come to the right place!

Error theory
"no memory on android"

In principle, this is not even a mistake, but for the sophisticated presentation of information by marketers + features operating system Android.

The fact is that some company marketers point out shared memory,but not accessible to the user , for storing files! That is, it is written that this model has 8 GB of memory, but in fact only 6 GB.

In order to make it clear where the Android memory went, we explain - there are several partitions (disks) on your phone or tablet:

  • /system- invisible partition, here there is “firmware” or “OS”, or system files, you do not have access to it! It takes up at least one gigabyte of Android memory space, or even more!
  • /data- APPLICATIONS are installed in this section, and various data from these applications, system settings, as well as your documents, photos and videos are stored.
  • /recovery- recovery partition, also known as Recovery, also not visible.

Therefore, out of the theoretical 8 gigabytes that are on the phone, they are divided between sections. And you cannot see a certain amount of this memory, since it is occupied by the system and hidden. The remaining memory available to you for recording is shared between your files, applications and their data! And that’s why many Android users don’t have enough memory!

All updates system applications, or applications you have installed, photos, videos and other documents are located in the /data section!

What to do if on your phone
not enough memory?

If your Android version 5.1 or later:

If your Android version is newer than 5.1, then you can try increasing the memory using an SD Card! Read how to do this in the article - ““. Here we will leave only a video on how to do it!

Method 1

Method 2

Method 3

Not all Android devices, but it is still possible to transfer applications to an SD card. How to view and how to transfer?

Settings -> Applications -> “Select Application” -> Transfer to SD-CARD

When you try to update an installed application or download a new one from Play Market You may receive a message warning you that your device does not have enough free memory to complete the operation. This notification interrupts the process, and it can occur both when there is really not enough memory, and when in fact there is sufficient free space.

Causes of memory errors

The "Your device doesn't have enough memory" error occurs when the files you need to download to install or update a game or app are larger than your device's main memory can accommodate. But there are times when this problem may occur when there is enough memory.

When downloading the Play Market application, it says that there is not enough space on the device

How to get rid of the error

You can find out if you have enough space in the device settings by going to the “Memory” section. It describes which memory is the main one - device memory or a memory card - how much space is occupied and what it is filled with. If you are convinced that you do not have enough space, then you need to free it. There is no other way to get rid of the “Insufficient memory” message.

In the "Memory" window you can see how the space on the device is used

Please note that if the volume of files that need to be downloaded from the Play Market is even slightly less than what you have, then an error may still appear, since part of the memory should always remain unoccupied. Therefore, the total amount of memory should exceed the size of the downloaded application by several megabytes.

Cleaning through settings

To clear your phone's memory through Settings:

Clearing memory manually

Manual cleaning is about removing everything that can be removed. See which apps you're not using. You can transfer media files such as music, photos, etc. to a memory card or third-party storage device.

Delete extra files from device memory

The most convenient way to check the device memory is through Explorer: open any file manager, available on the device, and open all folders one by one, deleting unnecessary files. But keep in mind that you can only erase those items that you downloaded. Do not touch system files under any circumstances, this will damage the device.

Automatic memory clearing

You can clear your device of temporary, frozen and corrupted files in automatic mode, if you use one of third party programs designed for this purpose. For example, you can download free version CCleaner from the Play Market and clear the device’s memory of everything unnecessary by just clicking the “Clean” button. Scanning should be done every time you need free space, as unnecessary files will accumulate again over time.

Delete unnecessary files using CCleaner using the CLEAN button

Video: Various ways to clear memory on Android

An error appeared, but there is space

There are times when a message about lack of space appears, but in fact there is free memory. Please note that on some devices the memory may be divided, that is, not all free space is allocated for applications. But if you are sure that there is enough memory, then the problem is in the Play Market application, which is incorrectly receiving information about the device. To fix this, you need to first reboot your device. If that doesn't help, do the following:

  1. While in system settings, expand the Applications tab. Open the “Applications” tab in “Settings”
  2. Go to the “Everything” section and find the Play Market in it. Open information about the Play Market in “Applications”
  3. Stop it, clear cache and data. After that, reboot your device again and check if the error disappears. Stop the application, clear its cache and data, and restart
  4. If the error does not disappear, then do the same steps with Google Service Framework and “Services” Google Play" These two apps can be found in the same All list. Resetting services related to the Play Market - Google Services Framework and “Google Play Services”
  5. After that, return to the Play Market and uninstall the updates, thereby rolling it back to the original version. When you connect to Wi-Fi networks, the store will automatically update itself to latest version. Reboot your device: the error will no longer occur.
    We delete store updates using a similar button in the application menu

Video: How to eliminate false memory recognition

"Out of memory" error outside the Play Market

There are cases, although rare, when a similar error about low memory occurs outside the store, for example, when installing an application from an apk file. If you really do not have free memory allocated for applications, then follow the instructions described above.

If you are sure that there is space, and this error occurs not only with one application, but in all cases, then this indicates damage system files. The best way out is to copy everything important information from the device to a third-party reliable media and restore the device to factory settings.

Video: factory reset

How to avoid encountering a similar problem in the future

To avoid encountering the “Not enough space” error in the future, you need to follow these rules:

  • keep track of what your device's memory is being used for;
  • clear temporary files and cache every few weeks;
  • remove applications only in the correct way, and without erasing files related to them: incorrect removal will lead to file system there will be many frozen elements from the deleted program;
  • Do not overload your memory with unnecessary applications and games.

You are faced with an error when your device does not have enough memory to perform some action - first make sure there is enough memory, and if it really is not enough, reset the settings of the Play Market and all services related to it. If the error occurs outside of the store, reset the device after creating a backup copy of the information stored in the system.

Memory is a fragile thing. And even smart electronic systems sometimes find it difficult to cope with the huge flows of information that pass through them. Imagine what it’s like for the Play Market program: there’s not that much space on a phone or tablet, but user requests are limitless. Ultimately, a problem may arise when, when downloading another application, your Play Store writes: “there is not enough space in the memory of your Android device.” How to be and what to do?

Insufficient memory: Play Market gives an error

First, you should check the amount of available memory - it is likely that there is not enough space on the gadget itself to download the application from the Play Store. Go to Settings and check the device memory status.

If the memory is really full to capacity, we courageously and promptly take on the task of cleaning it.

It is very convenient to monitor the status of your phone's memory using special applications. They allow you to clear the cache, delete temporary files, track which applications have not been used for a long time, help optimize program performance, etc. In a word, they make the difficult and troublesome life of an Android user easier. They can be downloaded from the Market like any other application.

One of the most popular programs is Clean Master. It has a simple interface and thoughtful tools that will clean up trash, remove unnecessary files, and make sure you don’t forget to do the “spring cleaning.” In general, it will conscientiously maintain order on your device. You can also use CCleaner, Smart Manager, All-In-One Toolbox, etc. Be careful when performing advanced cleaning with these applications. Delete only unnecessary files and programs.

Play Market says “not enough memory”, but there is enough space on the phone. Why?

If there is enough space in the phone’s memory, but when you try to download the Play Market it still gives an error, then this is already a problem with the application itself. This happens quite often. Luckily, smart people have found a way to fix this problem. The scheme is simple.

Go to Settings/Applications. Find the Play Market and open it. This displays information about the program and the memory it uses. There is also a “Clear cache” button.

Click. Without regret, we erase data about the application, and at the same time delete updates. Quickly reboot the gadget and launch the Play Market again. The application icon and interface will change - this is normal. Now everything looks the way it was in old version programs, but essentially nothing has changed. You can also use the search to find that ill-fated application and download it.

If, even after the manipulations described above, the Play Market refuses to cooperate, you can resort to more radical measures. To do this, you need to turn off the device and turn it on again while holding the volume button. Next, select Wipe cache partition, and then the Advanced category and the Wipe Dalvick Cache item (this procedure is described in more detail).

Now everything should work, because otherwise you will have to do a reset to factory settings, and this is a more painful procedure. So let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Actually, that's all. Keep your gadgets clean and tidy. And don’t be offended by the Play Market - it doesn’t happen to anyone.

You can read about other Play Market errors.

By installing many applications on your gadget every day, you risk encountering a problem that has already affected many. - Google Play may one day display exactly this message. What to do? We present to your attention several methods for solving this problem.

Disk space

To do this, go to the main menu of the phone. Then select Settings. After that, find the line “Memory” and tap on it. A window will open in front of you in which all the memory on the phone will appear in front of you in graphical form. After this you have two options to deal with Google problem Play "Not enough memory...".

  1. Cleaning. Simply delete old and unnecessary data. Move the photos and videos you would like to save to your computer. Clean up apps that haven't been used for a long time.
  2. Default entry. If you have an additional memory card on your gadget that still has plenty of space, you can simply change the “tick” position and specify the removable memory as the main one. After this, the phone will download and install applications on it, and not on the filled internal one.

If you have checked everything and your device still has plenty of memory, but Google Play writes “Insufficient memory”, as before, then most likely there is some kind of internal error. Let's try to figure it out.

The soft way

First of all, you need to uninstall the applications. “Not enough device memory space” - Google Play displays this message if it has reached its cache limit. Although the amount of data stored in application memory is unlimited, crashes may occur if it exceeds a certain number.

Go to your phone settings and go to "Applications". Select Google Play from the list and go to it. Stop this program and then erase your data and cache. The same procedure should be repeated for the Google Service Framework utility.

After all the operations performed, reboot the device. Sometimes you may need to remove all installed Google updates. This is done in the same menu as deleting the cache. If the entire procedure does not help, move on to the next method.

Reset your phone

The following method includes several methods at once. The fact is that this instruction Not suitable for everyone. The so-called root rights will be extremely useful to you.

So, if Google Play displays the message “Not enough space in device memory” on your gadget, then you can try to reset all temporary data from memory.

  • To do this, you will have to enter the engineering menu of the device. To do this, turn off the phone completely, and when you turn it on, hold down the power and volume (+) buttons at the same time. You need the "Wipe cache partition" item. From there, go to "Advanced". The last thing you need is a "Wipe Dalvick Cache". After this, reboot the gadget and check its functionality.

If this method does not help you, then there is nothing left to do but reset all parameters to factory settings. There are two ways to do this.

  • Go to the phone settings. Item "Restore and reset". And select the “Reset settings” function we need. After this, the phone will return to its original state, what it was like immediately after purchase.
  • If you cannot start the gadget (forgot your password, for example), then you can use it again engineering menu. Only this time you will need the "Wipe data" item or


Regardless of which path you choose to solve the problem, be sure to follow all safety measures. Create backups so that later, if something goes wrong, you can always restore the original state.

However, be careful when using a factory reset. After restoring from a copy, all the problems may come back, and you will again have an error with the classification “Insufficient space in the device memory.” In this case, Google Play will have to be configured again.

Hi all! Recently, a friend of mine encountered a memory problem on his device. Every time he tried to download an application or game from the Play Store, he constantly received an error. He told me that his tablet was writing out of memory during the boot process from Google service Play. After this, he asked me a completely reasonable question: “Why is this happening and how to get rid of this obsessive error?” And he sadly added that on the Internet many people advise rebooting the device or resetting the settings to factory settings. In general, the essence of the problem is clear - we will look into it.

There may be several reasons for this behavior on a tablet or smartphone. I think you understand that for the interaction and operation of the hardware and software, the device allocates part of the built-in memory for storing temporary and system files. As a rule, budget models do not please the owner with large volumes internal memory and on average I have from 4 to 8 Gigabytes in my arsenal. As a result, even less remains of the declared volumes. This internal range every year for budget models is changing due to general progress in the field of IT technologies.

However, the problem remains unresolved due to the parallel development of applications and software generally. The operating system is becoming more advanced, applications are constantly being improved and new ones are written, and ultimately everything affects the amount of memory. Or rather, due to its insufficient internal volume. It’s hard to blame more expensive tablet/smartphone models for having a small amount of memory (128 or more gigabytes), but sometimes a similar problem arises here too.

It must be said that in the operating room Android system The /data folder is responsible for the memory area, where developers by default give it only 500 Megabytes. As you understand, part of the built-in memory in the device is allocated for internal memory. Therefore, in this matter, the physical amount of built-in memory in the tablet model (8 or 64 Gigabytes) does not matter, since the system reserves no more than 500 Megabytes.

Even storing applications not in internal memory, but on an external SD card sometimes does not solve the problem. Settings, application and operating system caches, game saves and other information are still stored on the internal memory. Of course, there are programs that allow you to expand memory or redistribute it in another way, but this is a topic for another article. An error with a message about insufficient memory can be caused for various reasons, so I will describe the solutions known to me and do it, and you can share your methods in the comments.

What to do if there is not enough space on the tablet?

Based on the above, the first thing you need to do is check the available amount of internal memory on the device in the settings. You can view the memory status in the device settings by selecting “Memory” from the menu and finding the “Internal memory” section on the page. This graphically displays information about what types of files are taking up space and how much is available on the tablet.

In principle, there is enough space, but if you need to clear the internal memory, you can delete photos, music... First transfer the files you need to the SD card (read the review for details), otherwise they will be deleted.

To put your plan into action, you need to click on “Erase Internal Storage” and all files will be deleted, and programs will work. If there is enough space to complete the download and subsequent installation of the application, and the system continues to report an error, then try clearing the cache in Google app Play Market (Path: “Applications” - “Third Party” - “Google Play Store” - “Clear Cache” button). Here, if necessary, you can erase the data, and then reboot the device.

In addition, it would not be superfluous to enter the Google Play Market and find out if there are updates for installed applications. Surprisingly, it happens that available updates are collected there even when the “Automatic Update” function is activated. Go to the application and click on the “Menu” button (usually located in the upper left corner) and select “My applications” from the drop-down list. If updates exist, try installing them not all at once, but in order.

If there is a large accumulation of updates, you may have to delete some of them, having first written down their names, and install the remaining ones in the tablet and only then update those that were on our list earlier. In some cases, this approach to the update process helps.

You can also try moving applications to an SD card. To do this, go to the device settings, select the “Applications” item in the menu and go to the “SD card” tab, or in another way in some models it is called “USB storage device” for some reason. Here you need to pay attention to applications that do not have the check box activated (the checkbox is not checked). These are the applications you can move to external storage, since those already ticked are on SD.

It must be said that some application widgets may no longer work after deportation to the SD card, so decide for yourself whether to move them or not. Also on this page in all applications you can “Erase data” and “Clear cache”. True, after these manipulations, the previously made settings in these programs will be lost, but the problem that has arisen with a lack of memory in the tablet (smartphone) can be solved.

To free up some more memory on your tablet, you can completely remove updates in less-used system applications. Each person will most likely have their own set, but as an option it could be, for example, “Google Speech Synthesizer”. In the device settings, on the “Applications” tab, go to its page and click on the “Uninstall updates” button.

In addition, it would not be superfluous to indicate an SD card as the preferred installation location. This option is usually located in the settings on the “Memory” tab.

By the way, it’s extremely rare, but a problem arises when some application stubbornly refuses to be installed. In this case, you can try removing the SD card from the device or simply change the option I mentioned to install from “SD card” to “Internal memory”. Before execution, you need to make sure that there is enough internal memory to complete the operation.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you need to monitor the state of the internal memory:

  • If there is less than 30 -50 Megabytes of free space available, then certain problems may arise with installing applications.
  • It will also not be superfluous to periodically look into the Google Play market and track the progress automatic update applications. If necessary, everything should be done manually.
  • Don't forget to close applications running in the background.
  • It's best to remove apps you don't use.

Depending on the tablet/smartphone model and operating system version, the interface may differ slightly, but the principle of performing operations on these devices is the same. That's all. I hope you now understand why the tablet writes: “not enough memory” and you can solve this problem yourself without resetting Android devices to factory settings. If you have questions or advice, please post them in the comments. Bye!


    Your question is not entirely clear, but I will try to answer. Temporary memory means RAM, and under the built-in memory is permanent. That's when permanent memory is not enough, then they recommend transferring some of the files (applications, games) to an SD card for storage.


    “I think you understand that for the interaction and operation of hardware and software, the device allocates part of the built-in memory for storing temporary and system files.” I can’t understand why they recommend moving applications to an SD card. Why can’t they be transferred to a huge other part of the built-in memory?


    Hello! My Huawei mediapad T3 tablet always says not enough memory, I have already deleted everything, but the memory is still 0


    Hello! I have a Prestigio Multipad Visconte Quad 3G tablet, the internal memory is indicated as 11 gigabytes, it is clear that in fact it is several times less (a tablet on Windows). It is completely empty, I have never downloaded anything, I deleted unnecessary applications immediately. But the memory says 0. I have no idea what to do... Help, please(


    My planet says that the internal memory is 0! He sees the memory card


    I installed the memory card, switched it, but it was empty. All downloaded applications go to internal map. Apparently the volume shows what’s wrong? How to setup? Please tell me!


    It's trivial, but do you download directly to the SD card? Give more information to offer some sensible solution. It may be accompanied by a message or an error... Please attach a screenshot if possible.


    I have 26 GB available on my SD card. But nothing shakes.


    Don't worry - it's safe. In addition, in some cases it is even useful.


    Tell me, clear the cache, is it safe? It’s just that I haven’t had the tablet for a long time, it’s my first time, but I’m afraid to use it in case I break it


    Is the video stored in the screenshots folder? It’s better to use a specialized utility... There are plenty of them.


    How can I clear the “images and videos” column? When I click on this line, I end up in a gallery in which there is NOTHING!!! What should I do?


    I have never encountered such a phenomenon... Maybe one of the visitors can tell me what the problem is. Alas!


    I have all the apps and games, songs and photos on sd card. I have it on 28 gb, free 26 gb. When I take a photo, the photo is saved on the card, I try to open the photo, all the photos are gray and it says that there is not enough memory. I don’t know what to do. The device’s memory has 786 mb free. Model Canvas magnus.


    Thank you. It helped.


    This is a standard warning and in any case, everything can be returned to normal after rebooting the device or resetting it to factory settings. Disabling even some system applications, as a rule, does not affect the operation of a tablet or smartphone running Android.


    Hello! When I click disable, stop, he tells me that if you disable the built-in application, then other applications may not work correctly. In addition, all data will be deleted. This scares me and stops me. Should we be afraid of this?


    Try: 1. Remove unnecessary applications/games; 2. Clear unnecessary contents of the "Download" and TEMP directories; 3. Delete logs in the DATA folder (Root rights are required); 4. Move applications to the SD card ("Settings/Applications"). 5. Reset to factory settings. P.S. In general, the first thing to do in case of any glitch is to go to “Settings” > “Applications” > “Manage applications” > “Market” (Google Play) > Clear cache/data/default values ​​(you can’t do everything at once, but only one or two from the listed points) In addition, for Google Play to work properly, background data transfer and synchronization must be enabled Google account. Since you cannot install the application, I will not recommend Clean Master, Link2SD. Good luck!



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