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Review of the free version of the Yota application. Official Yota application for Windows Phone Download the yota application on your windows 10 computer

Before any action with the computer! On Android, Lumia and iOS, WE REMOVE THE OFFICIAL YOTA CLIENT, it is harsh!!! You just turn on the distribution, and then base station iotas you have already been burned through their own application :) Like the post if you agree :)(like button on the left)

We are simply bombarded with messages from people who are using Windows 10. There is only one reason - they cannot bypass the iota distribution restriction and distribute the Internet to their laptop via Wi-Fi. The point is that it all lies in one minor difference between the dozen and the others. operating systems Windows family. You need to disable auto-update of the operating system what's through Settings => Update and Security unfortunately this is not available. But nothing can stop you and me, right?

But this is all lyrics, let's get down to business.

Bypassing Iota on Windows 10. What and how to do?

1) First, click the Search icon and type in the search bar regedit.exe, right-click and run as Administrator. As a result, you will open Registry Editor:

2) Next in Registry Editor need to follow the path - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters . Right click on the second column => New => DWORD value 32 bits. Name it DefaultTTL exactly this way and no other way and save by pressing Enter.

3) Next, right-click on it => Edit => A window will pop up, there in Set the number system to Decimal, and in Value 65 for Android and iOS, 130 - Lumia, Nokia, Microsoft Phone respectively and click OK! Result for Android :

As a result, you now have a parameter created at this address DefaultTTL with meaning 0x00000041 (65):

4) Now you need to move on to this section − HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters . AND DO THE SAME CONSIDERING THE TTL VALUE FOR YOUR PHONE— 65 for Android and iOS, 130 for Lumia, Nokia, Microsoft Phone, respectively! This is what your result should be for Android :

5) Reboot Windows 10:

This is the end of the first part. We changed the TTL of Windows 10 to the one we needed, to 65. So that when the signal from the device to which we distribute wi-fi via the phone passes, the TTL value is equal to 65-1=64 . 64 is the default ttl value in Android and iOS, if you have Lumia, Nokia, Microsoft Phone put DefaultTTL equal 130 (decimal number system).

In the second part we modify the hosts file in Windows 10. This is necessary so that the computer redirects to itself those Internet addresses that it should not visit, let's get started.

How to stop Windows 10 from firing itself through the hosts file?

1) Go to Conductor by the address - :

2) Click on the link further with the right mouse button and click Save link as(This is in Chrome, it can also be done on mobile by the way!) Here is the link - https://pastebin.com/raw/hHqLA8ss :

With this you downloaded the edited hosts file in txt format!

3) Open the downloaded t9m2P.txt in Notepad. Next, if you have important entries for you in the old hosts, then transfer them to the new one, opening it yourself hosts file and our t9m2P.txt in Notepad. When all your editing is done, click File => Save As, a window will pop up, do the same as in the picture:

4) Saved? Great, now just replace the old hosts file with the new one. To do this, highlight the file you just saved and click Ctrl+C, then go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, opened in the first step and paste with replacement - Ctrl+V, at the same time agree to a replacement window in the crashed window, since here Administrator's consent is required.

The second stage is completed, we have replaced the old hosts file with a new one, which will prevent Windows 10 from accessing unnecessary addresses that are blocked at the Iota base station. When you enter them, a blue greed window pops up :)

The main thing in Windows 10 is to turn off Auto-Update!

Now the very last and, damn it, the main stroke in bypassing the iota restrictions on distributing the Internet via wi-fi on Windows 10. Many people don’t know that The auto-update feature in Windows 10 is an insidious thing. She scorches us like bunnies when the computer climbs onto Microsoft servers in search of an update, when these addresses are blocked on the firewall of the Iota base station. At the same time, the Internet is quickly cut off and a blue window is displayed. Let's fix this!

1) Right-click on the shortcut This Computer on the desktop => Control:

2) Computer Management => Services and Applications => Services => Find it at the bottom Center Windows Updates :

3) Windows Update => Right mouse button => Properties. Launch Type change to Disabled And stop the service by clicking on Stop =>Apply => OK:

4) Reboot Windows 10:

Yes, we probably chose his most successful performance, but he cannot save everyone and everything! There are a few things you need to learn from our main article, namely:

  1. Install and configure a traffic analyzer.
  2. Select the necessary addresses to block in hosts from the list generated by the analyzer.

Video instruction:

Well, that’s all, my dears, you have solved the problem with distributing the Internet via wi-fi on Windows 10, I was very glad to help :)

All the best and internet!

Apr 9, 2016 Just a Blog

Yota is wireless technology to connect to the Internet, which operates throughout Russia. Attractive conditions and affordable prices are forcing more and more people to connect to Iota. To connect, you need to download the Yota application for your computer on Windows 10. After that, you need to configure the connection itself and you will be able to enjoy all the benefits wireless internet from Iota. Of course, for all this to work, you must have the Yota module connected to your computer. Some modern devices have this module built in by default. You can find out if you have it in the device specifications.

Yota application for computer on Windows 10

If there is no module, you can always buy it. Yota offers official modules through its own website, you can also buy a module on third party resource. The cost depends on the store, but you can easily spend 3 thousand rubles. Next, choose a tariff, download the application, set up a connection and use the Internet. To some, all these actions will seem unnecessary, but you will be convinced that it was worth it when the advantages of the Yota network open up to you: All these delights at a very affordable price. The most unpleasant waste is buying a modem if your device does not initially support working with Iota. If you have a modem, then everything will be very cheap. You can download the Yota application for free. On our website there is a link to the official website, in the Downloads section. There you will find both the Yota client itself and related programs.

It is best to download the Yota application while your device is connected to WiFi Internet. If there is no Internet, then you can install the application from a flash drive. The main thing is that you have it installed, otherwise you won’t be able to install it. The same applies to the external module, because it is connected in flash drive format and depends on USB operation port.

Finding out your balance using queries is a somewhat outdated method. In your personal account you can get much more information, and even manage services. Depending on the selected operator, owners of smartphones on Windows based can install “My Beeline”, “My MTS”, “MegaFon Personal Account”, and now in Windows Store there was also an application with long name(after installation, it will be displayed simply as Yota in the list).

The operator promises unlimited Internet without restrictions on traffic volume, coverage throughout the country in 2G/3G/4G and no roaming, as well as unlimited calls within the network in Russia.

The mobile application will help you control expenses, connect options, view and change current connection conditions. It also allows you to change your number, link bank card to pay for services and contact online support.

When you turn it on for the first time, you'll need to allow location tracking, confirm your region, and review the rates (there's one available for smartphones). free month). If you are interested in the offer, click “Get SIM” and choose a convenient method.

This is the first version of the official application and does not support live tiles, but we hope that this misunderstanding will be corrected soon. Download the application “Mobile operator for Windows Phone - Yota” to form your opinion.

Yota– an application for establishing communication and working on the Internet for operator devices mobile communications Yota. Allows you to configure equipment provided by the operator (USB modem or router), as well as transmit and receive data using the operator’s services. Allows you to select tariff plan, set its change on a schedule, exercise control over traffic and spending of client funds. You can choose the speed network connection. The program provides solutions to the most common problems, and with its help you can communicate online with operator specialists. The program has no alternative for this operator. To install the application, you need to download the Yota application for Windows 10 and install it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Yota application

+ selection of network speed;
+ detailed traffic analysis;
+ ability to set a schedule for changing tariffs;
+ the opportunity to purchase a “beautiful room”;
+ regular driver updates;
+ Russian-language interface and manufacturer support;
– Internet settings are entered manually;
– paid option wi-fi distribution;
– a complex procedure for establishing a connection.

Key Features

  • working with communication devices operator Yota(usb modem and router);
  • setting technical parameters of connections;
  • Access to tariff packages companies;
  • setting a schedule for changing tariffs;
  • exercising control over traffic;
  • selecting network connection speed;
  • access to on-line operator support;
  • automatic update;
  • linking the tariff to payment card(auto payment).

Download the Yota application for Windows 10 - this is the first thing you need to do if you want to connect to wireless network. You won't be able to connect without the app. Of course, your device must have a module, otherwise it will not be able to connect even if you have the Iota application installed on your computer. This software is responsible for the operation of the built-in or external module. It also allows you to configure this module.

How to connect to the network

If you see that in the place where you want to connect to the Internet there is no WiFi, but there is Iota, then you need to know how to connect to it. First, you must have a module in the device. You can find out whether there is a module or not in the specifications of your device. Secondly, you must download the software. The network itself is not free, so you may need an active contract or temporary connection to the network. Typically, the location where the network operates will have clear instructions on how to connect to it. As long as you have the required module on your device. Many people do not know about the advantages of this network:
  • Operates at high speeds;
  • You will be able to connect to the Internet where there is no usual WiFi;
As a rule, this is an alternative to WiFi if it is not available. This happens if you are in the private sector, etc. Iota is also mobile operator. Iota's coverage covers the whole of Russia. The company deliberately moved away from the concept of roaming, so this technology is ideal for those who travel a lot. Yota also allows you not to worry about your traffic, offering truly honest tariffs with full unlimited data. This technology will be an excellent choice for those who constantly travel around Russia, but still want to watch videos, listen to music or play online games.

The utility is in Russian. But even so, users sometimes have problems. Most often they are due to the fact that users do not know how to connect to the network. There is nothing complicated with this, you just need to indicate the data that you received when signing the contract. Sometimes a free network is available, for example in a hotel. There are also often promotions like 30 days free internet all over Russia, etc. You can connect to Iota for free. But for this, in any case, you need to download the application for Windows 10, and also install the necessary



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