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Placing an order in your online store. Examples of the best checkout pages for online stores The correct checkout page

Product selection

You can find a product on the M.Video website in several ways: search box in the upper right corner, menu, catalog, comparison of several products, selection of products according to parameters.

If you need help choosing products, read ours.

Method 1. Search the site

The search box is in the upper right corner. Enter the product name in the field or use the advanced search functions. In this case, already when you enter the first word, you will see hints.

Method 2. Filters

To narrow down your results, use filters, and to find the product you need faster, use sorting.

· by manufacturer;

· by price;

· by shares.

Method 3. Product catalog

In the online store catalog, products are divided into categories. In each category, you can sort equipment by price and/or manufacturer, indicating the price range and/or list of manufacturers that interest you. To see product categories, select the desired section in the catalog line directly under the M.Video logo.

Method 4. Selection by parameters

Selection by parameters allows you to limit the list of products to only those that meet the characteristics you specify.

Method 5. Compare products

To compare several products, check each of them in the "Compare" box and click the "Compare" button - you will see a table showing the differences and similarities in characteristics between the selected products. You can add no more than 5 products to the table.

Placing an order

Step 1

You must select the city in which you are located or want to make a purchase.

Step 2

Go to the product page and click on the “Add to Cart” button or on the shopping cart icon if you are making a purchase from the product selection page. You can then continue shopping or proceed to checkout. The absence of a button means that the product is not on sale or can only be purchased at a retail store.

Step 3

While the order is not completed, you can change the number of items in the cart, add certificates of additional service and/or coupons for installation, connection of equipment, delete individual products - the cost will be recalculated automatically. At the end, check the data and, if everything is correct, click the “Place an order” button.

Step 4

If you register, your personal data and other information specified previously will be automatically added to your next order: delivery address, favorite store, etc.

Registered users can:

· track order status;

· receive special offers and invitations to private sales;

· accumulate and write off Bonus rubles;

· apply for a loan online;

· save order history.

· add a product to your favorites.

Step 5

Please enter your number Bonus card- and we will award bonus rubles for your purchase.

Don't forget to check if your card is registered.

Select the method of receiving the order and the type of payment.

Step 6

If your order contains multiple items, their shipping methods may not be the same.

In this case, you need to place orders sequentially.

Step 7

Check the information and click on the “Finish registration” button.

Done: your order has been created!

After the purchase, you will receive an SMS to the phone number specified in your personal account. Please check that your phone number is correct before making a purchase. Please note: it is not possible to resend the document.

Step 8

How to do it?

Login to your Personal Area. The rating is available in the block with the latest orders, on the “Order History” page or on the details page of a specific order. Just click on the “Rate your order” link in the desired line.

In the form that opens, select the number of stars, leave a comment if desired, and click the “Submit Rating” button. Thank you!

To select the required assortment, use our catalog by selecting the section you are interested in, and then the subsection. For getting detailed information about the product, click on the item you are interested in, and in the window that opens you can view the product description, price, and also view the image.

Attention! The price of the product may differ from that indicated on the website. Check with our operators for the final price.

For your convenience and the right choice, we have provided the ability to compare similar products.

If you know the article, name or key parameter of the product, you can use the line quick search. To do this, you need to enter a key parameter/article/name in the Search line, and as a result of the request, a list of products from our catalog that correspond to these parameters will be generated.

How to place an order using email?

You can send us a request with your wishes to the email address , and our operators will contact you. For prompt processing of your order, please provide a contact phone number.

How to place an order by phone?

Contact us by phone numbers listed on the page, and our managers will help you select the required product and place an order.

Our work schedule: Monday-Thursday from 8-00 to 19-00, Friday from 8-00 to 17-00 (Moscow time). Saturday-Sunday are days off.

How to place an order on the website?

You can place an order on our website at any time convenient for you.

When placing your order, use the following tips:

1. To process your completed order faster, we recommend registering. To do this, use the “Registration” button at the top of the page. After registering on our website, you will have access to information about your orders in your “Personal Account”.

2. To select the product you are interested in, use the quick search bar or catalog.

3. Having found the required product, indicate the quantity by putting the required number in the appropriate box.

4. The product will be automatically added to your cart after clicking the "Buy" button. At the same time, you can continue shopping in the online store.

5. To remove an item from your cart or change the quantity of a selected item, you can go to your cart at any time and make the necessary adjustments:

Change the quantity in the "Order" column, then click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Add other products to your order from .

If necessary, leave a comment in the “Order Mark” line.

6. Click the “Checkout” button once all the required items are in your cart.

7. To place an order and send it for processing, you must log in to the system using your username and password.

8. If you have not previously registered on the site, after placing an order, click the “Registration” button at the top of the page. Once registration is complete, you will be able to continue placing your order.

9. Placing an order consists of 4 steps:

- Delivery address.

– Payment and details.

If you imagine entity– provide the details for invoicing. In this case, the TIN and KPP are required fields for filling.

If you are an individual and do not represent a company, in the “Payer” field, be sure to select the line “Enter new individual»

– your wishes for the order.

At this step, you can provide information that will help our operators quickly process your order.

– Sending the order.

At this stage, you need to check all the order parameters again: name, cost, delivery address, payment parameters. If you find an error in your order, before clicking the “Submit Order” button, you can change certain parameters by clicking the appropriate button. For example, if you need to remove one or more product items from your order, click on the “Products” button and go to the cart for editing. After making changes, click “Save”. Next, you need to repeat the previous steps of placing an order.

10. Attention! After clicking the “Submit Order” button, your order will be sent to our managers and for further changes you will need to contact us .

11. If problems arise with the site (impossible to log in, shopping cart does not work, etc.), please contact us by phone: 8-800-700-63-73 or by email

According to SaleCycle, worldwide, nearly three-quarters of online shopping carts are abandoned before making a purchase. By optimizing the checkout process, you can recover a lot of money that was previously lost. Easy and intuitive design will help gain consumer loyalty and encourage customers to make repeat purchases.

This article provides important tips for website shopping cart design that will help increase their conversion rate.

1. Make the entire ordering process on one page

This option requires customers to complete the purchase process on one page. More and more sites are using this strategy as shoppers seek simplicity.

The one-page checkout process provides the following benefits:

  • It looks compact, which encourages buyers who have little time to complete the purchase;
  • Customers don't leave because it can take too long to get from one page to the next.
  • Requires fewer clicks – Research shows that ideally it should take no more than seven clicks to complete a purchase.

One page form example

Many large online stores use this option to make life easier for customers. This not only reduces the number of clicks a user has to make to complete a purchase, but also improves the customer experience. On one page, customers can check if they have entered the correct delivery address, payment and other information.

Some e-commerce platforms, including , offer quick, one-page checkout forms that are easy for any user to fill out.

A few tips to optimize your checkout page:

  • Place fields such as name and address on the right side of the page;
  • Add the ability to use a billing address as a delivery address;
  • Place the contents of the order on the right side of the page;
  • Enable payment methods;
  • Place a clear call to action button, for example, “Make an order.”

Mobile sales are expected to reach $700 billion by the end of 2017, up 300% from the past four years. However, cart abandonment rates are higher here, perhaps because people shop on the go and are more distracted by their environment. That's why 84% of mobile shoppers abandon their carts during the checkout process.

Tips for mobile optimization process:

  • Make clickable buttons larger and more noticeable;
  • Reduce image size to reduce loading time;
  • Display trust indicators such as “This is a secure payment using 256-bit SSL encryption”;
  • Vertically align forms to make navigation easier;
  • Remove distractions such as ads and pop-ups to ensure that shoppers are not interrupted from completing the process;
  • Consider taking more simple options mobile payment like Apple Pay, where users can check out using their fingerprint.

Mobile forms that are easy to fill out increase conversions

Considering the significant development of mobile commerce from year to year, optimization of the ordering process for mobile devices would be a reasonable investment.

Adding checkout form fields that have nothing to do with the transaction, such as “Company,” discourages customers from completing their purchase. These forms contain an average of 23.88 fields, even though the ideal number for increasing conversion rates is 12.

It's worth reconsidering your order form.

Fields that can be removed:

  • second address line;
  • Name;
  • surname;
  • patronymic / initials.

You might also want to consider using Google Autofill. A significant number of customers use Chrome and Android to make purchases. Their personal information, most likely saved in Google to save time on data entry. Using Google Autofill will help the store get closer to sites that allow you to make a purchase in one click thanks to stored information.

Google Autofill helps customers check out quickly

The auto-fill feature helps customers save time, especially mobile shoppers. When typing on mobile devices, you can make mistakes, get frustrated, and possibly give up on the idea. Google Autofill solves this problem by automatically filling form fields with data that customers have previously entered.

Requiring all users to register is a major barrier to conversion, especially for smaller sites. Many buyers don't want to create account on the website, especially if they are ordering there for the first time.

Every 4th user will abandon their cart if they are required to register. Instead, you should offer customers checkout as a guest.

Many big brands provide this opportunity.

Guest checkout is an option offered to new customers

Once customers click on this option, you need to take them straight to the checkout page. Once they complete the transaction, you should give them the option to save their details, but not force them to register. Instead, you should ask, “Do you want to save your data for next time?” This increases the likelihood that customers will opt in for a faster checkout in case they shop from that store again in the future.

5. Display safety signs during checkout

Previously, it was all about speed and simplicity, but shoppers often abandon carts because of security concerns. They may go to competitors if they don't see the trust marks on the checkout page that most major online retailers have.

Security symbols such as the Verisign or Norton Secured logo must be displayed. They indicate that the online store is safe and reliable. Research shows that 6 out of 10 shoppers abandoned their carts due to a lack of security guarantees.

Or wanting to slightly change an existing electronic trading platform, pay attention to all important details. In particular, you should carefully consider how your cart page will be designed. The fact is that this element helps to form a pleasant impression of your resource. And there are many nuances that should be taken into account. Be patient and study the topic carefully to optimize your shopping cart.

How to properly complete the checkout page

Let's look at what must be on the product order page to make it convenient for the user make a purchase :

  • product photo. When there is an image, it is easier for a person to check their purchases, because buyers first of all pay attention to the photo. Make sure that the photo is large and clearly shows the chosen position;
  • clickable product name. Sometimes, after adding an item to the cart, the user wants to once again review its characteristics and once again make sure that his choice is correct. It is much more convenient to click on the name of the product in the cart than to return to the previous page or search for the product in the catalog again;
  • displaying the number of items available in stock. For example, if a person wants to buy 20 notebooks, but there are only 15 in stock, he should find out about this immediately, and not after a while when a manager contacts him and tells him the bad news;
  • displaying the ordered number of product units, price per unit and total cost. This is important information that must be on the order page;
  • list of payment methods. It is better if the client of your online store immediately sees the available payment services, and does not realize that he does not find a suitable option when he already starts filling out the order form;
  • product availability mark. It should be both in the catalog and on the ordering page, so that there are no unpleasant surprises later;
  • management tools. Place buttons that allow you to quickly and easily remove an item from your cart or add it to your wishlist. Situations often occur when the user has selected a product, but for some reason changes his mind about purchasing it. He should be able to quickly refuse the purchase;
  • button to restore items to cart. It will come in handy when a position was deleted accidentally. Give the buyer the opportunity to reconsider whether they really want to remove a particular product;
  • button to return to the catalog to continue shopping. It should be large enough so that you don’t have to look for it for a long time. Place this control in a visible place;
  • display of bonus accruals and discounts. This will allow the client to fully evaluate their own capabilities and once again be convinced of the benefits of cooperation with a specific online store.

We have listed the items that must be included in the online store cart. But besides them there are several more important points requiring attention:

  • color scheme, design. The cart page should correspond to the main idea and color scheme used in the website design. This will eliminate doubts about using the right resource;
  • filling an empty cart. You can place some kind of comic with meaning here, thus encouraging the user to go to the catalog and make a purchase, additionally place a link to the product page;
  • indication of available delivery methods so that a person understands whether among the proposals there is an option that interests him;
  • Contact details to contact the online store manager in case you have any questions.

Place all elements correctly and rationally, avoiding the effect of cluttering the page. There is no need to post information here that is this moment not relevant. It will only unnecessarily fill the space and make it difficult to find the option you are interested in.

It is important to understand that a high-quality and professionally designed order page is another proof for the buyer in favor of choosing an online store. If he has to face any difficulties during the purchasing process, a negative opinion about the seller and the quality of service will begin to form. Therefore, most likely, next time the person will contact another company.

What increases order page conversion

Conversion is an indicator that determines the ratio of the total number of users who visited a particular site to the number of people who made a purchase on it. In general, following all of the above recommendations already helps to increase sales volumes, as well as the number of customers who repeatedly use your online store.

But there are a few more points you should pay attention to:

  • Place information and controls correctly and consistently - in an order that allows you to quickly complete your purchase. A person does not have to search for the data of interest for a long time or perform unnecessary actions, wasting valuable time;
  • make it possible to make a purchase in one click. Auto-filling the fields of the application form will help with this. Of course, for such purposes it is necessary to have information about the person. Invite him to register on the site and make purchases faster. But under no circumstances make registration a prerequisite for continuing to place an order. If a person does not want to register now, give him the opportunity to fill out the fields manually and then think about registering;
  • highlight the buttons for placing an order and continuing shopping in different colors to focus attention on them and avoid mistakes;
  • send a copy of the completed order to customers at email to make it easier and more convenient for a person to monitor the execution of an order;
  • provide a display of the total cost of the full order - the figure that a person will ultimately have to pay for all items in the selected quantity.

And at the bottom, place buttons with offers to link your accounts to in social networks and messengers through which customers will receive information about new products, discounts, promotions and other useful information.

Designing a thank you page for your order

After the client has made a purchase in the online store, he will be pleased to see your gratitude for the trust shown. The “Thank you for your order” page will help with this. Design it in such a way as to leave maximum pleasant emotions, include the following elements:

  • a text expressing gratitude for the order;
  • notification of order acceptance. For example: “Your application will be processed automatically. If you have any questions, our managers will contact you";
  • a brief description of further actions. For example: “You made a purchase in the amount of $35, order number No. 3256822, using it you can track the progress of the application”;
  • Contact details. They can be presented like this: “If you have questions about your order or further cooperation with our company, call us by phone... or send us an email...”;
  • and once again offer to subscribe to the newsletter on social networks by adding the appropriate buttons. If the user liked the level of service, he will definitely subscribe and follow your site.

Now your online store will become more convenient for users, and the number of customers will increase.

Examples of the best checkout pages

To understand what a high-quality online store cart should look like, consider examples of checkout pages that are considered the best, according to thematic ratings. These are proposals from the following organizations:

  • Reference;
  • Wikimart;
  • Ozone;
  • Yulmart;
  • Technosila;
  • Messenger;
  • El Dorado.

Everything here is clear, convenient, and concise. There are no unnecessary elements that would distract attention or prevent you from quickly making a purchase or performing other actions of interest. Please note that most of the conditions that we listed above are met here. Of course, some points are missed, but that's how it was intended. Otherwise, the page can be overloaded. It is clear that the development was carried out by specialists.

Of course, you can develop your own resource basket yourself. For example, it is convenient to create a checkout page on Opencart. This special module, designed for quick solution tasks. It allows you to do the following:

  • design management: selection of background, color, font type;
  • activating and disabling checkout steps;
  • disabling unnecessary fields;
  • connecting code Google tracking Tracking;
  • additional options for users.

The checkout page on Woocommerce will also be quite convenient - free plugin to create functional online stores. And if we look at the statistics, we can note that about 48% of online stores around the world have been created and successfully operate on this platform.

Remember that the quality and ease of use of the shopping cart is the key to the good mood of your customers, effective method increasing website conversion. Entrust the development of your order page to professionals.


The shopping cart or checkout page has a significant impact on the user’s opinion of a particular online store. Therefore, when developing it, you need to ensure that the page is convenient and as informative as possible. Be sure to include important controls, arrange them in an intuitive sequence, and do not overload the page with unnecessary information. Don't forget to thank users for their orders.

Aliexpress is an excellent site for shopping, prices are low, the selection is huge, reliability is high, if not for the long delivery... But what did you want? The goods are sent directly from China! How to place an order on Aliexpress so that the goods reach you EXACTLY?


This article is essentially step by step instructions, which will tell you everything from A to Z, and if something is not clear, then at the end of the article you can watch several training videos. So let's get started.

How to place an order on Aliexpress: 7 steps

Without registering on the site, you won’t be able to place an order, and even if you add the product to your cart, you won’t be able to buy it.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to write down your username and password! I recommend using the LastPass extension, which can store your passwords securely online.

LastPass - what is it? Full review and how to use it...

Second phase— . At this link you can read comprehensive instructions on how to do this correctly. The article also contains a service for converting Cyrillic to Latin, since everything needs to be written ONLY in Latin letters. An exception is when ordering goods from the TMOLL section (delivery from Russia), where the address must be written in Russian.

IMPORTANT! An error in the address may result in the goods not reaching you or not being given to you at the post office!

If you have any doubts about how to correctly write the address on Aliexpress, then contact me in the section, I will definitely help you.

Product selection

Third stage— . In the article at the link you can learn many secrets about searching and selecting products. It is important to understand that Aliexpress is not an online store, but an online market, and the same product can be sold by different sellers at completely different prices.

Also at the end of each article there is search form, which can help you find the product you need on Aliexpress; in this case, the site search is conducted by Google, which makes the search very effective.

Checking the seller

Fourth stage— . Aliexpress sellers are different, honest and not so honest, so it is very important to pay attention to the reputation of the store where you want to buy something. You can read the link above detailed instructions and lots of tips on how to do it.

An extension from Letishops cashback, which right on the product page will show you what percentage of trust a particular seller has.

Choose cashback

Fifth stage— . Follow the link to find out what cashback is and how it helps you save when purchasing. I have made a table for you from which you can find out which cashback gives you what percentage of return and how much you can trust it.

Pay attention not only to the return rate, but also to the reliability of the service, since you will receive a refund no earlier than in a month, and during this time a lot can happen.

Ordering goods

Payment for goods

Seventh stage— . This is the last stage of placing an order, follow the link above to learn about all possible ways payment for the goods, choose the one most suitable for you and complete the purchase.

The simplest and affordable way payment is payment by card. Do not be afraid for the security of this payment, millions of people pay for their purchases using this method every day, it is all quite reliable.

Well, that’s all, we went through all the stages, from beginning to end, if you did everything as I advised you, then after some time you will be able to joyfully run to the post office to pick up your parcel. If problems arise, then read the article on how to get your money back.



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