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After which account entry the slender appears. Complete walkthrough of Slender: The Arrival

Horror games have their own special specificity - these games rarely have an intricate plot and gameplay, they have atmosphere at the forefront of everything. An atmosphere that is designed to keep the player in suspense from the first minutes to the end, without being too distracted by the subtleties of the gameplay. Slender: The Arrival can easily be considered such games - a project that is truly capable of truly scaring anyone.

The word “Slender” itself is hardly something new in the gaming world; the previously released game Slender: The Eight Pages made this character almost a cult character in its genre. This project is based on a legend invented on the Paranormal Images forum. Translated, the name itself means “thin man” - and the game is very consistent with this.

This skinny man here will constantly chase after us, and the very sight of him often makes players shiver - a dark suit, no face, long arms, which if they get to you, you will have to start the level from the beginning. Slenderman carefully tries to avoid other people's attention and hide in the forest thickets, in the fog, in the dark. Needless to say, his appearances and attacks are always very sudden?

Slender: The Arrival can be considered a full-fledged remake of the classic original - it has some kind of plot, even shaders have appeared, and the price now corresponds to the positioning of the project. But, despite the fact that the ambitions of this very project have taken a significant step forward, the authors decided to carry out their brainchild in a minimalist style - they will begin to tell us the features of the game’s plot almost from the middle, without really telling any backstory. But over time everything will be explained; the story is told in a “ragged” way.

At the very beginning we see a video camera turned on, but who its operator is, where he is going and why - we will figure it out as we go. We find out that this is a girl who goes to visit her friend who lives outside the city. But you won’t be able to find her at home - the door is wide open, the walls are painted with mysterious art, and terrible hysterical screams can be heard from the backyard.

The video camera mentioned above is almost the main character here, the basis of the gameplay. So, we won’t need to communicate with anyone, and the girl protagonist stubbornly doesn’t want to voice her thoughts, so we will understand the essence of the storyline of Slender: The Arrival only by tying together the found notes and interior items. Of course, everything is structured in such a way that it is practically impossible to clearly understand the intricacies of the plot the first time, but you can understand it more or less normally on the second try.

Moreover, it won’t take much time - the game is very short in duration, but these few hours are very eventful. And the levels are all very diverse and colorful, differing not only in decoration, but also in structure, which significantly affects the gameplay. As the action progresses, calm, purely observational episodes tend to suddenly give way to critically dangerous episodes, which are usually followed by very spectacular cut-scenes.

For the player, the key frightening factors are two things - Slender himself, who instantly deals with our camerawoman, will barely get close enough to her, and the inability to give any kind of resistance to the enemy. The feeling of defenselessness is a truly scary thing that will greatly tickle the nerves of even seasoned gamers in this genre. By and large, the entire gameplay is built on the principle of a “cat and mouse” game, where we are assigned a role that, unfortunately (or fortunately), is far from being a cat.

You literally have to fight for your survival, while something mysterious that follows you around and wants to kill you sometimes gives you goosebumps. By the way, Slender's behavior is gradually changing - the closer you are to the end, the more aggressive and persistent the adversary becomes. He begins to appear much more often, and having appeared, he pursues him much more persistently, while the girl quickly ran out of steam from the jerks, and runs out of steam. That is, with increasing danger, our resources remain the same, which also leaves a significant mark on the perception of what we see on the monitor.

The entire Slender: The Arrival is divided into a number of episodes, each of which will be remembered for a long time due to its creepy, gloomy and depressing atmosphere. Take the first levels, for example - the action of one of them takes place in a dense forest, where practically no light breaks through. In another, we are thrown into an abandoned hospital with cramped corridors; in general, the scenery was chosen very skillfully and competently. Moreover, with each subsequent level the scale of the maps becomes larger and larger, and it becomes increasingly easier to get lost on them.

And we will have to wander a lot - the gameplay is designed for us to wander through the levels, all sorts of unpleasant notes, on which there are not very rosy inscriptions, like “no exit” or “no hiding” and the like. Almost nothing will help us in their search - the main character only has a flashlight, which does even more harm than good. Yes, it illuminates the darkness, but at the same time its light gives our location to Slender. You can still try to run in a jerk, but the protagonist of Slender: The Arrival is far from an athlete, so running with full gear quickly gets tired.

It would seem, what’s so complicated here - look for notes, collect them and don’t catch the eye of the enemy? But the essence is much deeper, after playing for just a few minutes, the player clearly realizes this - as soon as he picks up the note, the protagonist immediately begins to have a fever, he practically goes crazy right before our eyes. Creepy hallucinations accompanied by equally creepy piercing sounds that make the player involuntarily cower.

When you see Slenderman, you will see how the screen begins to become covered with ripples - at such moments you need to run with all your might to hell, delay can be costly, because if the enemy grabs you, you will have to start from the beginning of the location again. At the same time, those notes that you have already found will no longer be found in the same places - their location is generated randomly when loading the level.

The result, Slender: The Arrival, turned out to be a horror game that was very serious in its impact on the player’s psyche, but not without its drawbacks, unfortunately. I would have liked a longer campaign, and the gameplay isn't as varied as it could have been. But the game is different - with its gloomy atmosphere and the emotions that the player experiences when he once again tries to escape from mortal danger, without having any other options to save himself.

7.5 from the editor




Slender: The Arrival

  • Publisher: Midnight City
  • Publisher in Russia: unknown
  • Developer: Blue Isle Studios, Parsec Productions
  • Website: Official site
  • Game engine: Unity
  • Genre: Horror
  • Game mode: Single player
  • Distribution: Steam

System requirements:

  • Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
  • 1 GB
  • DirectX Compatible
  • 2 GB

About the game

Slender: The Arrival is a commercial continuation of the famous indie horror series Slender. We will have to play as a girl named Lauren, who goes to visit her friend Kate. Having abandoned the car near a fallen tree in the forest, she comes to a house where dusk has already fallen and, having examined it, realizes that Kate was frightened by something and ran away by jumping out of a second-floor window. Lauren starts after her.

There are five episodes in total, the action of which takes place in a forest, an abandoned park, an old mine and a house - and each episode contains its own special features. However, the basic gameplay always remains the same - we need to collect X units of something, avoiding meeting with Slender - a skinny and insanely creepy man in a dark suit and tie with a white, completely featureless face.

Game plot

The owner of a home near Oakside Park, Charlie Madison, has his son, Charlie Madison Jr., missing. Charlie tried to find his son, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Diana (most likely his wife) leaves him out of grief, and Charlie himself falls into depression, accompanied by hallucinations. Later, a fire breaks out in Charlie's house and Charlie dies in the basement of the house from asphyxiation. Judging by the notes at the end of the game, it can be assumed that Charlie started the fire himself because he could no longer stand the mental pain. Later, a new house was built on the site of the burnt house, where Kate lived for some time with her mother. Kate's mother dies, and Kate herself puts that house up for sale. Later, Kate begins to receive letters from her longtime friend CR, who shares his childhood memories and strange hallucinations. Kate tells him that she also saw similar hallucinations. CR sometimes sent letters written on plain paper due to computer and phone problems.

The situation gets out of control, Kate and CR's hallucinations worsen, and feelings of persecution by Slender appear. CR asks Kate to move away from the park. Judging by the notes, most likely Kate and CR are burning down a house that was put up for sale. Shortly before Lauren arrives, Kate encounters Slenderman at home and, in an attempt to escape, jumps out of the window and runs into the forest.

Lauren arrives at Kate's house, but no one is home and everything is a mess. In Kate's room, Lauren hears a woman screaming from the forest. Taking a flashlight, Lauren goes to Oakside Park. Along the way, collecting eight notes, Lauren stumbles upon the abandoned Cullman mine. Having activated the elevator with six generators and avoided death from Slenderman and Kate, Lauren finds herself in a room where a tape from Kate’s video camera is inserted into the TV. After watching the video, she heads to the tower through the cave. Coming out of the cave, the forest is engulfed in fire. Having safely reached the tower, at the end of the room Lauren finds the burned body of CR and a video camera lying nearby. After the end of the video recording, Kate runs towards Lauren. A few seconds later, Lauren finds herself in the basement of a burned-out house. Lauren finds Kate in static. This effect could be observed in Slender. Kate attacks Lauren.

Game process

Most of the game takes place in abandoned areas (a house, a defunct mine, etc.) where the player is required to complete missions. Slender: The Arrival uses similar mechanics from its predecessor, Slender: The Eight Pages. The character is armed only with a flashlight, which forces him to run away from the villains. When Slender approaches, the atmosphere of panic is added by strong camera noise, when in a critical situation the image is difficult to see at all, which in most cases forces the player to run in a random direction. As in the previous part, the main principle of the game is the canonical “Don’t stop”, “Don’t look back”. In this, Slender has always been similar to the principle of Amnesia, where the character also cannot fight monsters and only carries a flashlight or lamp.

You will be playing with the same video camera rather than as a character: a kind of “mockumentary” migrated from Internet series. They won’t let you talk to anyone, they won’t let you into the main character’s thoughts, and therefore you’ll have to guess the essence of what’s happening solely from the interior items and the letters found. Get ready for a puzzling ending and replay: it is impossible to completely assemble the picture the first time. This sets the whole tone for what is happening - Slenderman seriously puts pressure on the psyche with his own mystery.

However, you won't be scared for long. The display frame carefully highlights the “volume of footage”, and the figure is unlikely to exceed a couple of hours. On the other hand, this couple of hours will be intense: each level offers fundamentally different scenery and coolly modified gameplay. The game is generally executed in a very correct, cinematic rhythm - contemplative and safe episodes are replaced without warning by intense ones, and those, in turn, end with spectacular cut scenes. If you survive, of course.

“Combat” episodes are strictly dosed and arranged in the form of “rounds”: saving is only possible at the very beginning of the level, and therefore losing is really scary. What gives it its charm is the uniqueness of the process: Slender’s behavior is determined in real time, so you can’t just predict his next appearance. Add to this the fact that you will never know which way to go - locations are also created randomly. And keep in mind that the difficulty is dynamically adjusted to keep even the most determined players on their toes. And on top of that, the game director is trained in a couple of spectacular tricks that will definitely make you not turn that corner.

Each location stands out not only stylistically, but also in gameplay. The remake of the original “forest” level, for example, is now generated completely randomly: the landscape completely changes after each restart, and therefore trying to remember where to go is completely useless. The mine, on the contrary, is always built the same, but already offers two opponents, one of which you can even fight. If, of course, you figure out how, no one will specifically explain this. We need to maintain panic.

  1. The enemy in the "Mine" level is based on another famous horror character, Jeff the Killer. However, as the plot develops, it turns out that this is not him at all.
  2. The game script was created in collaboration with the authors of the web series Marble Hornets, dedicated to Slenderman. However, the developers made a reservation that there are no connections or plot parallels; these are completely independent projects.
  3. The game is a paid remake of the indie horror Slender: The Eight Pages. The game inherited a second location from the original: the forest.


The game begins with our main character finding herself in a park with a video camera. There is a house nearby, so we head there. We go into this house and start looking for a flashlight and keys to the room. Most often, the flashlight is located on the lower floor. The keys are on the top. Taking a flashlight and keys, we go along the corridor on the second floor to the end. Turn left and open the door. We see that the whole room is covered with pieces of paper with Slenderman drawn on it and the window is broken. From the window we see that the gate to the forest is open.

We go to this gate and go out into the forest. The next chapter begins.

8 pages

We find ourselves in the forest. You need to collect 8 pieces of paper that are posted throughout the forest. In order not to get caught by Slender, we adhere to the old rules that are familiar from other games about Slender: 1. Don’t look at Slender; 2. It is not recommended to turn around sharply. Now I will give below objects on which pieces of paper can be glued.

And on one of the trees of the forest. The location of the pieces of paper and objects are generated differently, so the passages will be different. The pieces of paper are always glued near containers and inside the building, and it is highly recommended to start looking for pieces of paper from them, because after 5-6 pieces of paper it becomes difficult to search there. After collecting all 8 pieces of paper, Slender overtakes us, after which our main character runs madly through the forest and then passes out. The next chapter begins.

In the abyss

We wake up and go into a dark tunnel in the mountain. Our task is to turn on 6 generators to make the elevator work. In addition to Slenderman, another man in a white sweatshirt and mask begins to hunt us. It doesn't kill the first time and is afraid of a distant flashlight (right mouse button).

Red stars mark places where generators can be located, because they are also generated randomly. The elevator is marked with a yellow square. Stripes are stairs. A blue square marks a place where there may be several generators, so this place needs to be explored more carefully.

Here is the second floor of this level

There is one trick that will help you get rid of the pursuit of a person in a hoodie for a while. If you suddenly find yourself in a place marked with a red arrow on the map and hear someone running or screaming, stay where you are.

Wait for this weirdo to run after you. Let him get close, but not so close that he grabs you and blind him with a flashlight, and jump off the boards that are shown in the penultimate picture. And run away, as a rule he will not run after you. Having turned on all the generators, we run to the elevator and go up. By the way, in hardcore mode, in order to turn on the generators, you need to find canisters (they are small), so in this mode, carefully watch your step.


We leave the tunnel, after walking a little, we come across a small building, we go there. In this building there is a TV with a recording from a video camera from another girl, we turn it on and we start playing for another girl. We find ourselves in the house we visited in the first chapter. We need to close all the windows and doors in this house. Having closed a number of windows and doors, we find Slenderman inside the house. After that, we turn away and run to the room where we started the chapter. There we find Slenderman and jump out of the window. The chapter and the recording ends at the same time.


We leave the building and go into the cave. When we leave there, we find that the entire forest is on fire. We run to the radio tower and don’t stop. We go into the tower and the door closes behind us. In front of us is a door that cannot be opened without a key. The key is in one of the rooms. Let's open that door. The flashlight is running low. We don’t stay in the dark for long, otherwise we’ll die. We run to the end and find a burnt man. There is a video camera next to him. We turn it on, listen to the conflict between the girl and the man, then the heart-rending cry of the man. The recording ends and the fire at the other end of the corridor goes out. The video camera begins to record interference and after it... Captions. End. In hardcore mode the ending will be different. After interference, the heroine with a video camera or just a video camera falls from the radio tower to the ground. End. Have a nice time playing the game.

Before starting to describe the walkthrough of Slender: The Arrival, I would like to say a few words about the game itself. Its genre is the so-called indie horror, and it is a continuation of the extremely famous toy Slender: The Eight Pages, which at one time caused a storm of delight among gamers. The gameplay is simple and straightforward: the player is forced to run through dark locations in order to collect 8 leaves, while trying to avoid meeting Slender - a creature that has no face and looks more like something sewn by the hands of a half-educated tailor.

Most of the action takes place in an atmosphere of oppressive darkness and horror, but this is the law of the genre. So a complete walkthrough of Slender: The Arrival will be of more interest to those who are not afraid of a man’s jacket with exorbitantly long sleeves running through the forest. Begin.


There is a path in front of us. We walk along it, then through a brick fence we pass to the house and enter it. We open the door to the room on the right, through it we go into the next room. In it we find a postcard lying on the table, which depicts a woman. Here we also arm ourselves with a flashlight, which will literally illuminate the passage of Slender: The Arrival, since it is thanks to it that we will be able to see at least something in the locations. Therefore, we remember: you can turn it on and off using the F key. In the same room we find another door, through it we again find ourselves in another room, where we take a note from Kate from the table. We go out into the corridor, turn left, and immediately find letter No. 1 on a shelf hanging on the wall.

We go up the stairs, in the room on the left we find it, go through it into the room on the left and take the keys from the table drawer. Since they exist, we need to use them. Using trial and error, we find a suitable well, open the door and go into the room where there is a note on the table. There are only two words in it: “Into the forest.” We leave the house. The walkthrough of Slender: The Arrival continues, but in a different location.


The task of the player, trembling with fear, is to collect 8 notes. And you can find them on a variety of objects: both hanging in the most visible place on a pole or wall, and cunningly hidden indoors. It should be noted that there will be much more of these objects than notes, so you will have to run around. And as the game progresses, while naturally dodging Slenderman, you need to collect 26 collectibles (cards, posters, etc.).


We go straight, go around the rock, and run into a house. Next to him is a barrel, and on it rests a collectible item. Let's pick it up and move on. We turn right from the path and enter the tunnel. However, there is no need to rush. The passage of the game Slender: The Arrival, by the way, is interesting because every little thing is important here. So it is in this case. If you linger, you can find another collectible on the containers near the entrance.

We go straight in the tunnel and enter the room on the right. We select a letter. We see a passage into the adjacent tunnel, and next to it there is a newspaper clipping hanging. We'll take her too. We don’t ignore the new entrance, we move on. We find the entrance to the elevator and an incomprehensible device equipped with a red light. This is a generator (the first of six, by the way). Let's click on it. Eureka! New passages are opening up. and go into the passage on the left. In the back room we find another generator. Do you think Slender: The Arrival is in full swing? No matter how it is!

It's only begining

Because it is from this moment that Slenderman enters the scene. Now he will scare us, search for us, build his intrigues and do everything possible so that the exciting game Slender: The Arrival, the full passage of which we are definitely starting to like, ends in the most interesting place and at the most inopportune moment.

But we are not cowardly, and therefore boldly go ahead and look for generators. There are, as we remember, four more left. We go straight, from the box that is in the right corner, we take the note. We wander around the locations and still find all the devices with red lights (no playthrough of Slender: The Arrival will tell you exactly where to look for them, because here everything depends on the player’s behavior). We go outside. We move straight, we see a letter on the grate on the left. It has the number 9 on it. Don’t be shy, we’ll take it. There is a cliff ahead, with a path running along it. We go down along it, we see the entrance to the cave, boldly, but illuminating the path in which the flashlight is clamped, we simply run through it. We see the entrance to the building, and to the right of it there is a note on the wall. We'll pick it up too. We go in and find another letter, this time with the number 11. We also find a TV. Yearning for civilization, we click on the power button. In vain, of course. But it's too late!

Back to the past

We are returning to the house where it all began. But already in the role of the owner. Task: go through all the rooms without exception, close the windows and entrance doors. Slender: The Arrival, the walkthrough of which we are considering, is a game with a twist. In one of the rooms we will certainly have to face Slender, which is extremely undesirable, but inevitable. But if we are lucky enough to close all the windows before meeting him, then there is a chance of salvation. You can hide in one of the rooms, and then, after waiting out the storm, get out of there. If even one window or door remains unlocked, our fate cannot be envied. We can hide, but we can’t get out. At this point, the passage of Slender: The Arrival can be considered complete for us. But let's be optimistic, and therefore we will continue.

Forward to the victory!

True, in order to defeat the “suit”, you will have to wander through the creepy forest quite a bit. But we boldly leave the house, run along the path up the mountain, during the course of the action we find an envelope with the number 12, and run into the cave. On the cardboard box at the entrance we find a bonus - letter No. 13, and in the depths of the cave - a sheet of paper covered with letters. We go out and begin a voyage through the burning forest. The goal is the tower. Fire and Slender will do everything possible to prevent us from reaching it, but they attacked the wrong ones! We still find it, go inside, find a key in one of the rooms and open the locked door. Behind her is the girl Kate. Or rather, what's left of it. The final. Fanfare. Chilling music. Slender: The Arrival walkthrough is complete.


With each new leaf found, Slender will become angrier, smarter and more sophisticated. The main thing is to avoid meeting him by hook or by crook. If he can trap us and force us to see himself, we will have to start all over again. Which I would really like to avoid. It looks like we just heard the final fanfare...

What are "Notes" in Slender: The Arrival?

Notes - in the game I would rather call them " With little secrets" of this game. Notes are found almost in every location, But not in all. I divided all these notes into 5 large piles:

1) Notes " Correspondence" - tell about the problems and situations that occurred between Kate and CR. Most often, they contain a large part of the plot hidden from our eyes. They are all written by CR, to the recipient - Kate. The history of correspondence of the hidden plot is marked with numbers: from 1 to 13.
- Found in levels: Prologue, Into The Abyss, Isolate, The Arrival.

2) Notes " Of the past" - stories and personal archive of the Matheson family. From each of these notes, one can judge that Slenderman has been haunting their family for quite some time. And almost each of them tells the story of each of the relatives. These notes are not so few.
- Found in levels: Prologue, Into The Abyss, Homestead, The Arrival.

3) Notes " Original" - these are notes that are originals from the game " Slender: The Eight Pages". Needed to complete the second level. These notes are not considered finds.
- Found only in levels: The Eight Pages, Genesis.

4) Notes " Drawings" - drawings that were drawn by Charlie Matheson Jr. Most often they tell about Slender. They depict Slender, who scares children and himself. There is 1 drawing drawn before his death - relaxing on the beach. Later, not far from the beach, having found all the parts of the toy , was caught by Slenderman in the thicket of the forest not far from him, as a result of which he acts as a negative character “Proxy”.
- Found in levels: Prologue, Homestead.

5) Notes " Without meaning" - basically - these are signs and signs that have nothing to do with the plot ( there are exceptions, for example: newspapers in the first part), are a small bonus for searching in our business.
- Found in levels: Prologue, The Eight Pages, Into The Abyss, Isolate, The Arrival.


Where can you find notes?

You can meet them almost in every location.

Eat exceptions at levels: Flashback, Memories.

Most of the notes are hidden from inattentive human eyes. If he came in to complete the game rather than look for all the notes. There are enough of them hard notice at locations and places where a flashlight is needed, because if you don’t shine a light on them, you can miss them. But if you come within arm's length of the note, it will light up in blue (you can take it).


Locations of all notes.

I spent 4 months searching them completely, but still found them all. I didn’t decide to describe all this here... I’ll show you my video, which I recorded on March 16, 2015 and posted on my Live YouTube channel. The game was played quickly, but everything was taken into account. I tried to show some objects that are located not far from the note (landmarks). Follow the steps in my video and you will find them all! :)

Problem areas.

There are places where it is quite easy to get confused:
1 ) House in Chapter 2 of The Eight Pages: it is generated differently. But the notes are on it all the time. Most often on walls, boxes, and in front of entrances.
2 ) Tree in Chapter 3 of Into The Abyss: the note will always be on it. The only problem is that it's hard to find..... to find it you need a house that has no stairs (to the left of the Kullman Mine). Then go a little forward, and not far from the rock, you will find an arch of stones, go a little to the left, and you will find a tree that is a little thicker and whiter than the others - there is a note hanging on it.
3 ) Burnt house from the 1st chapter of Prologue: the note is always there, but in one of the central rooms there is a note that you need to get to along the corridor, in 75% of cases Charlie is standing in the corridors, rarely he can stand in the corner. If you are afraid to approach him, turn off the sound, close your eyes, and walk forward - after this Charlie will disappear and you will reach the note)



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