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"Child under supervision" (MTS): reviews of the service. "Child under supervision" service: how to connect

Every parent understands how important it is to know where their child is now and that everything is fine with him. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to be close to your children, and this only adds to the excitement. Therefore, the leading company in the field of mobile communications offered a convenient service - “Child under supervision” (MTS). This is an improved option for the previously existing Radar feature.

The essence of the service

The “Child under supervision” (MTS) service consists of tracking by the mobile operator the location of the registered subscriber on the map. So, if a person is within the city, then the accuracy of determining his location will be within a radius of 500-800 meters; on the outskirts of the city, where there are few mobile phone towers, the discrepancy can reach up to 1.5 kilometers; and outside the city (especially on the highway or ) will receive information about the closest populated area to the observation object.

Knowing your child’s most frequently used locations, you can independently divide the map into zones, for example: “school”, “swimming pool”, “dancing”, “house”, “grandmother”, etc. - and set the approximate time of his stay in them (a kind of daily routine according to zones). In this case, when your child leaves the zone (especially at an unspecified time), an SMS message about this will be sent to your phone.

Also, this service will be very useful when you go on a business trip or, conversely, your child leaves home, for example, to a camp or on an excursion. Knowing the route of his movement, you can store this information and track his location.

Who can use this service?

This service is available to almost all users of the MTS mobile network. And it doesn’t matter what kind of device you have or a regular one, it’s enough to have a GSM standard in it. The “Child under supervision” (MTS) service can be used both through access to the Internet and through SMS notifications. In the second case, it is more convenient, since it does not tie the client to a specific Internet access point. In addition, the SMS service can be used on older generation phones.

How to search using MTS? The child is under supervision - the parents are calm

To register a parent, you need to dial the short number “7788” and send a short message of the following type: “mom” or “dad”. Often subscribers add another name (for example, “Tanya’s mother”). Almost instantly a short message with an individual code will be sent to your mobile phone. Save this code or write it down, as you will also need it to connect the other parent to the Supervised Child (MTS) program.

Child registration

In order to connect a child’s phone number in order to track his location, you need to send a request from your phone according to the following example: “Child - child’s name - phone number” to the short number “7788”. Then, to activate the “Child under supervision” (MTS) service, confirmation (permission) must come directly from the child’s phone.

To register the second parent, you must perform the same steps as in the first case, only indicating the family code.

“Child under supervision (MTS)” - login

To be aware of where your son or daughter is at the moment, send a message with the text “where is ...?” (instead of "..." enter your child's name). Let's consider a situation where there are several children in a family. How to search using MTS? The child is supervised even if several children are registered. You just need to write “where are the children” in your request to the number “7788”, and you will receive data on the location of each of the connected children.

Package of services

If you actively use the “Child under supervision” service, MTS offers a more advantageous offer, such as a “Service Package”. This means that by subscribing to one of the proposed packages for monitoring a child (another member of your family or a loved one), you can save money and automatically receive the information you are interested in about the whereabouts of a person. You can always check with your mobile operators for more details about the pricing of the “Child under Supervision” (MTS) package, access to it, control and all technical aspects. After all, people often have questions that require individual clarification.

Disabling the service

You can disable the “Child under supervision” (MTS) service as easily as you can activate it. To do this, all you need is to send the text “delete” to the number “7788”. This option is only available to the person who connected it, i.e. it can only be done from the parent’s phone.

You can also suspend the service. In this case, all data about your family and objects of observation will be saved, and for this period there will be no monthly fee for the service. To activate this option, you need to send “stop” to the number “7788”.

Service cost

Connecting to the service is absolutely free. During the first 14 days from the moment of the first connection, there is also a test (also free) mode. Subsequently, the monthly payment for the service will be 100 rubles. If you want to send an additional request about where your child is currently, one SMS notification will cost five rubles.

During the period of suspension of the service, no subscription fee is charged, and payment continues when it is reactivated.

The MTS “Child under supervision” service is a service developed by the company specifically so that parents can be calm about their children and not worry about where their child is now. Unfortunately, parents cannot constantly be near their children, which only increases their worries.

Description of service and benefits

The essence of the service is that with the help of the MTS mobile operator you can monitor the location of your children on a map. Thus, if your child is within the city, then his location will be displayed within a radius of 300-400 meters; outside the city, the accuracy will be slightly less - the radius will be 1.5 km. These parameters depend on the availability of cell towers and their number. If we are talking about a highway, then the nearest populated area will be displayed on the map. In this way, you will know the child’s location and understand what he is doing at the moment if, for example, the mark is set at the location of the school, at the address of additional clubs for children, or at home.

And that is not all. The service allows you to set an approximate daily schedule, that is, at 10:00 the child must be at school. If at this time he leaves school and goes beyond the established mark, then an SMS message will be sent to the parents’ phone notifying that the subscriber has gone beyond the established zone.

This service is especially useful when a parent needs to go on a business trip, go to the hospital for a few days, or send a child to summer camp. Set an approximate route of movement or permanent places of residence of the subscriber and track the information. If it is not possible to be with your daughter or son for more than one day, this service is an indispensable assistant for parents.

Who is the service available to?

Almost all of the company's subscribers can use MTS's service to track their movements. This does not depend on the phone brand. To install the service, you only need to have a GSM standard. At your discretion, you choose how you will track information: via the Internet or SMS notification. Informing via SMS is a little more convenient than tracking via the Internet, since there is no connection of the subscriber to an Internet access point. Moreover, if you do not use modern smartphones, but older phone models, then this will not be an obstacle for you, because SMS messages will be sent to your phone.

First stage: parent registration

In order to activate the “Child under supervision” service from MTS, you need to register in the service. To register, you need to send an SMS message with the text “MOM” or “DAD” to the short phone number 7788. The text of the message is written without quotes. Sometimes subscribers add a second word to the system, usually a name, for example, “PAPA SASHA.” After sending the SMS, your phone will receive a message containing your personal code. It should be remembered or written down somewhere. You will need this code to add the second parent's phone number.

Stage two: child registration

After parents have been added to the service, they should add their son or daughter’s phone number to it. This is done as follows: from your phone you must send an SMS message with the text “Child - his name - his number” to the short number 7788.

For example: Your daughter's name is Maria. Maria's phone number is 89106869435. You need to send a message with the text “Child Maria 89106869435.”

For further settings, you need to confirm from your son or daughter’s phone. The same scheme works for connecting the second parent. Only in the latter case will you need to indicate the previously received code.

How to find a child through MTS search: login

After following the instructions and connecting to the system, it’s time to try out how the search works. In order to find out the location of the subscriber, you need to send an SMS message with the text “WHERE-name” to the number 7788. Instead of the word “name,” you need to enter the child’s name, which you previously specified, for example: “WHERE IS MARIA.” By the way, you can add several subscribers to the service at the same time if you have two or three children and want to track their location. In this case, you need to send an SMS with the text “WHERE THE CHILDREN” to number 7788 and you will receive information about the location of all children at the moment.

Movement Notifications

If you wish, you can set up the service automatically so that you do not have to send an SMS message with the text “WHERE THE CHILDREN” every time. To configure, follow the instructions:

  1. Log in to the service by following the link http://www.mpoisk.ru/family/login/,
  2. Find the "Geo-zones" section
  3. Create the necessary geographical zones, for example, “school”, “home”, “pool”, “dance” and so on. The "Geo-zone" button is located above the map,
  4. Set appropriate times for these zones, for example 12:00 to 14:00 on Saturdays.

Now the service will automatically determine the subscriber’s location and send you a notification if the subscriber leaves the specified geo-fence during the appropriate hours.

There is another way to add geographic zones to the service. You can send an SMS message with the text “ZONE NAME” to number 7788, for example, “ZONE SCHOOL”.

In order to set a schedule for zones, you should send an SMS message with the text “ZONE CHILD’S NAME TIME” to number 7788. For example, you need to set a time for your daughter Maria, who must be at school from 9:00 to 13:00. Then you need to send a message with the text: “ZONE MARIA 9-13.”

Cost of the “Child under supervision” service from MTS

The cost of the service is 100 rubles per month. For this amount you can add up to three subscribers to the search.

The cost of the service includes the following services:

  1. Test period (free) for two weeks,
  2. Checking children's phone balance,
  3. Checking the location of children's mobile devices through signals from base stations and LBS.

If you install the free “Children’s Smartphone” application on your children’s mobile devices (the service is available for smartphones running Android), then the following services will be available to you:

  1. Checking the exact location of the subscriber through GLONASS/GPS systems,
  2. Information about the charge level of the mobile device,
  3. Information about applications on the subscriber's phone,
  4. Mobile device statistics.

Sending SMS messages to manage the service to service number 7788 is free within your home region.

How to disable the “Child under supervision” service

To disable the service, send an SMS message with the text “DELETE” to the number 7788.

If you do not want to completely disable the service, but want to delete any zone, then send a message with the text “STOP ZONE” to the same number or go to the service’s web interface and in the “Geo-zones” section delete the unnecessary address.

You can disconnect from the service only from the phone from which it was connected. If you wish, you can temporarily suspend the service. Then all information about geographical zones and time will be saved, and payment will be suspended. To temporarily stop, you need to send a message with the text “STOP” to the number 7788.

How to disable the child under supervision service of MTS? A number of users have a similar question. This task is easy to cope with; the whole procedure will take a minimum of time.

Many parents want to track their child’s movements and learn about all actions in a timely manner. For this purpose, the company has created a special option. It allows you to obtain information of interest.

Main functions:

Notifications will be especially useful. The service allows you to designate permitted areas for visiting. If the child leaves them, the parents will receive a message. It is possible to find out about the child’s movements in a timely manner.

Additional options are no less in demand. You can install the “Children’s Smartphone” application on your child’s phone. It will allow:

  • Find out about the current charge level.
  • Use satellites to determine the most accurate location.
  • Get statistics by phone.
  • Find out about installed applications.

The program collects information and transmits data via the Internet. Therefore, the child must have access to the network for the application to fully work.

What are the benefits of the option package?

  1. It's easy to use.
  2. The subscription fee is not so high - 100 rubles per month.
  3. You can track your location on the site from a PC, mobile, or request SMS.
  4. There is an application “Where are the children”. It allows you to quickly receive information and use the service comfortably.
  5. It is possible to increase accuracy and collect maximum data using the Children's Smartphone program.

How to disable the supervised child service on MTS in your personal account

As of today, the operator does not provide information about the possibility of disconnecting in your personal account. It is highly likely that such a function simply does not exist. Therefore, you will have to use the accessible method.

How to disable the service on MTS child under supervision via SMS

How to turn off the child under the supervision of MTS? The only suggested method is via SMS. Required:

  1. Type DELETE in the message.
  2. Send to number 7788.
  3. You will receive a report on the execution of the request.

How to remove one of the numbers? Necessary:

  • Enter DELETE NAME in the message.
  • Forward to the same number.
  • The user is removed from the list.

How do you get rid of tracking and can it be prevented?

Parents should remember that if their child wants to visit another area of ​​the city, he will still find a way to do it. The service does not guarantee flawless operation and constant monitoring. It's very easy to get rid of movement tracking.

Main methods:

  1. Block the operation of the GPS sensor or access to it for a specific application.
  2. Restrict data transfer for the program.
  3. Turn off Internet access.
  4. Put your phone into airplane mode.

When you obtain Root rights, you can restrict the operation of the “Children’s Smartphone” application using special programs. Once access to the Internet and GPS sensor is blocked, it becomes useless.

You can reset your smartphone to factory settings. Even if the application is protected from deletion, it will still be erased.

To completely eliminate location tracking by base stations, you can change the SIM card or activate airplane mode. Information from the service will be lost and restored when you log into the network.

If you don't want your child to delete software from the phone or turn off the connection, then don't impose control on him. Activation can be entirely voluntary, otherwise the real value of the service will be minimal.

“Child under supervision” is a special geolocation service in MTS that determines where children are at the time of a request via phone. Geographic coordinates are determined by the technical means of the operator's station (base) closest to subscribers.

For the option to function fully, a minimum of conditions are required. A child may have a simple, cheap mobile phone model without special options, applications or a GPS module.

Advantages of the “Child under supervision” service:

  • there is no need to call your child often;
  • a request for his location can be performed at any time and an unlimited number of times;
  • The option not only reports coordinates, but also account balance, battery charge level, and monitors installed and running applications.

You can control the actions of children using this function in various ways:

  1. On a personal smartphone through a special navigation application.
  2. In the browser, in your personal account (mobile version).
  3. Using SMS requests.

The subscription fee for the service is 100 rubles/month. Also, for evaluation purposes, the operator provides a free trial period of use for a period of 2 weeks (14 days).


Send an SMS with the message “DAD” or “MOM” to the service department - 7788.

Note. Additionally, you can specify the parent's name. For example, Papa Vasya.
In response to your request, the service will send you a unique identification code, using it the service will identify your group on the network - family (child and parents).

If you want to connect a second number, for example, father, for control, then do this:

Send a command in PAPA format to service (7788).

In total, the control group can include up to 9 people (including parents).

Registration of a child is carried out in almost the same way:

1. Send an SMS to 7788 with the following request:


2. A request for permission to install control will be sent to your son/daughter’s phone. It must be confirmed - consent.

Attention! If the SIM card installed on the phone of the controlled children is not MTS, but Megafon or Beeline, the number of control requests within the service is limited - no more than 100 per month.

How to use

To find out the location of your child, you need to send an SMS to 7788 with the command - WHERE.

If you have connected all your children to the monitoring system and immediately want to receive data on the whereabouts of each of them, send a request to the same number - WHERE THE CHILDREN are.


If you are faced with the task of how to disable the “Child under supervision” service on MTS, send the STOP command to 7788. The debiting of funds from the balance for the subscription fee will be stopped, and the service will be temporarily deactivated.

To completely disable it, send the word “DELETE” to the service (to the same short number).

Commands to pause and disable the service are available only to parents (executed directly from their SIM cards).

Stay in touch and don't worry about your children thanks to the capabilities of the MTS operator!

If a child went to see friends, went to extra classes or training, or was late from school, parents want to know where their child is.

For this purpose, the company has introduced a service called - Child under the supervision of MTS. Now parents won't have to bombard him (or her) with SMSs or constantly call back to find out where he is now. You can control your child’s location directly through the mobile application.

This service is a logical continuation of the package that is offered to parents. This complex also provides the ability to control communication costs and monitor the balance of funds so that the number is not blocked at the wrong time. The "Children's Smartphone" application will allow you to check the phone's charging and display a list of applications used.

The cost of connection is 100 rubles per month. For this subscription fee, you can send free location requests (up to 100 requests per month if the child’s device operates on the Megafon or Beeline network).

How to activate the Child under MTS supervision service?

The connection can be made from the page http://www.mpoisk.ru/family/. You can recover a forgotten login and password by sending from the number registered as “PARENT” in the system, SMS to the number 7888 with text LOGIN.

If you are already registered as a parent, just send to the number 7788 SMS " DAD(or MOTHER) + <ваше имя>" ("PAPA YURA"). In response, you will receive a message with a code. Using this year, you can register another parent by sending to the number 7788 SMS with the same content, adding the code ("PAPA YURA 78god").

To register a child in the system, send an SMS from the parent’s phone to number 7788, indicating “CHILD +<ЕГО ИМЯ> + <ЕГО НОМЕР>"("CHILD SENYA 79167891234").

How to disable the Child under MTS supervision service?

If the service is no longer needed to monitor children, it can be easily disabled. This can be done from the PARENT'S phone by sending to the number 7788 SMS with the word " DELETE".



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