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High-speed satellite Internet. Unlimited satellite internet

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Our company installs unlimited satellite Internet throughout the Moscow region. Such a connection will help you stay online even in places where the signal is from base stations mobile operators completely absent. Our craftsmen will quickly install necessary equipment and will select the optimal tariff based on your needs and financial capabilities.

A feature of satellite Internet is the relatively high cost of both the equipment itself and the services for its installation. A set of such equipment plus installation work costs approximately twice as much as a wireless connection.

It will also be expensive for the user unlimited tariffs, since you will have to pay for each Gigabyte of data received. In some tariff plans, you can immediately pay in bulk for a certain amount of traffic, and then pay extra for additional GB (and sometimes Megabytes). Thus, before connecting a specific tariff, you will need to estimate the upcoming traffic consumption as accurately as possible.

When connecting to satellite Internet, you will also have to face such a problem as speed limitation - from 5 to 40 Mbit/s for receiving and 5-10 Mbit/s for sending data (depending on the selected tariff plan). Moreover, what is meant here is the maximum possible speed, which in reality may be several times less. This may be affected by precipitation and heavy clouds, high workload data channels and many other technical nuances.

In addition, due to the high ping (signal delay time), it will be impossible to work with such Internet in real time. This is due to the fact that the satellite is located at a very large distance from the earth, and it takes more than 600 ms for the signal to travel and process.

Due to the above problems, we install unlimited satellite Internet only in cases where there is no other choice (or as a backup communication channel). In most situations, we offer our clients a more profitable and stable 4G wireless network connection, which is much cheaper and provides significantly more opportunities.

It is gaining more and more momentum in our country. Many reception companies satellite television, as a related or additional service they also offer the Internet via satellite connection. Such popularity is understandable: this “type” of the Internet has a number of advantages that we are increasingly beginning to appreciate.

What exactly are we talking about?

When considering the advantages of such an Internet, we first of all talk about its accessibility. Communication using a “dish” can be easily organized at any point within the satellite coverage area. That is, you can have satellite Internet at home even where there is no way to install a cable or telephone line.

Another significant advantage of such a connection is the high speed at which data is transferred, combined with a fairly reasonable price per unit of traffic.

There is only one main problem here - in order to transmit return data from the user, satellite Internet requires a separate channel - terrestrial (if we are not talking about a two-way option). Typically, such transfer is made by ADSL technologies, GPRS or dial-up.

Perhaps, to the disadvantages we should also add dependence on the weather and the possibility of signal delay. But if there are no other options, the Internet via a satellite dish becomes indispensable. After all, today it is simply vital for many. For example, satellite Internet in a private house located “far from civilization” will have to be carried out one way or another if you cannot imagine a full life without the Internet.

What equipment is needed

If you decide to install satellite Internet in a private home, you will need to purchase, in addition to the dish itself, a cable for it, as well as a DVB receiver, and a computer DVB card. And don't forget about the converter and mounting bracket.

In addition, stock up on F-connectors - they are used to connect cables to converters. If you plan to completely install and connect the dish yourself, do not forget about the heat shrink, which is needed to insulate the cable with the F-connector, and also provide mounting anchors for the bracket.

Setting up the connection

So, let's start setting up satellite Internet with our own hands. The DVB receiver needs to be properly tuned to the satellite. First of all, you need to set up a terrestrial channel according to the requirements of the provider and the technical features of the connection. For insertion, you can use any of the free slots on the computer, after which you can install necessary drivers, which are available on the included installation disk.

You will learn how to properly configure the driver you installed from the disk from the attached instructions. Your task is only to carefully follow it step by step. Having installed the drivers, we create network connection. It is advisable to download the GlobaX program online. If this point causes you difficulties, contact the place where you purchased the satellite equipment.

It would seem that connecting and setting up satellite Internet with your own hands is very difficult. But in fact, by following the instructions included in the kit, you can do everything quite efficiently and quickly. In addition, many sellers of equipment for such Internet now offer installation and full customization. This condition should be checked when making a purchase.

We install satellite Internet with our own hands: sequence of actions

Most individual users are only familiar with one-way Internet access (also called asynchronous or asymmetric). To have full access, you need to organize a “terrestrial” line (it is needed so that you can transmit the outgoing signal), and for the incoming signal you will need to establish a connection between the dish and the satellite. And connecting satellite Internet with your own hands is a very real task.

Having acquired a converter, cable and DVB, let's get down to business. At the first stage, you will need to connect to the World Wide Web using any type of communication. This can be done using 3G, GPRS or Dial-up modems, as well as using a dedicated DSL line(if there is one).

Collecting data

Once you go online, find as much information as possible about providers that offer Internet via satellite dish. You will have to study and systematize for yourself the names and locations of the satellites they use, compare the parameters of transponders and clarify maps of the area covered by the signal. Be sure to check whether your address is in the area where the signal is received.

As a result of this information research, you have in your hands a list of providers suitable for those living specifically in your area, with all the conditions and technical characteristics. From here you can already choose one.

Do not forget that for high-quality satellite signal reception, the antenna should not be blocked by any obstacles in the form of houses or trees.

We are finally deciding

To find out whether it is possible for you to receive a signal from the selected satellite, install the program Satellite Antenna Alignment (it's free). The coordinates of the satellite itself are entered into it, then yours - your home and locality. The program will calculate the location of the satellite relative to your point - elevation angle, azimuth, etc. Using these data, check again for the presence or absence of obstacles.

If you have the opportunity to receive a signal from different providers, the final choice should be made by comparing their tariffs.

In addition, the required antenna diameter is important - this parameter is contained in the coverage maps, as well as the type of convector (C or Ku bands), it depends on the signal frequency. When buying a network card, take the time to compare the characteristics of all commercially available options to choose the most suitable one.

Install the antenna and check the signal

At the next stage we move on to the installation of equipment. Having dealt with this, we insert the network card into the computer slot and install it software. Having selected a suitable location (so that the selected satellite is accessible), we install the antenna there. Then we attach the convector to it and connect it to the network card via a cable.

The next step should be to check the satellite signal. Tuner program network card input of its parameters is provided - frequency, speed, polarization and FEC (information redundancy coefficient). The antenna must be oriented exactly in the direction of the satellite; this is done using the same free program.

If everything is done correctly, the network card’s tuner should detect the signal from the satellite. How exactly to work with a specific tuner program is indicated in the user manual for the network card.

Completing the procedure

Having received a signal, you can go to the website of the provider of this satellite, register as a client and subscribe. You will have at your disposal Personal Area with all the necessary technical information- IP addresses, connection type options, payment methods, etc. By choosing the option that suits you and paying for the service, you can enjoy access to World Wide Web using a satellite.

Practical note: when choosing a satellite, look at what it broadcasts from television programs. Optimal choice will get Internet and TV “in one bottle”.

About "Tricolor" antennas

Many people are wondering whether it is now possible to connect satellite Internet via Tricolor and how to do it. Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. Services provided under the Tricolor-Internet brand are no longer provided - their provision has been suspended since March 2012.

The company's management explained this by the small number of subscribers using this service (only about 0.1% of the total).

Maybe in the future this decision will be canceled as the company announced its intention to completely revise its strategy. A two-way Internet option via satellite is possible. Previously used equipment was able to be distributed to provide services in demand among clients.

We organize two-way satellite Internet

If you want to end it forever telephone lines and fiber optics, then you need to look into providing two-way type satellite communications(two-way). This connection is symmetrical and based on direct and postback signal exclusively via satellite.

In this case, the antenna should be purchased in the Ku-band and having a diameter of 1.2-1.8 meters, with a receiving LNB unit and a transmitting BUC. There are no other equipment restrictions.

Some may think that equipping two-way satellite Internet with their own hands is too difficult a task. It's actually quite simple.

Attach and orient the antenna

The antenna is assembled strictly according to the attached instructions. The mounting location must be prepared in advance. It is important to determine which antenna position will be correct. This depends on the angle of the terrain, the direction in which the satellite is located, the distance to existing obstacles and the load created by the wind on its mirror.

To do this before mounting, use some other satellite system (for example, a television).

Using the smwlink program installed by you, the antenna is oriented to the south. Having fixed the plate vertically, we connect the speaker to the sound card.

A program that allows you to determine the signal level - Fast Sat Finder. Using it, rotating the antenna, find and fix its maximum level.

Setup and testing

Then connect your computer (laptop) and install necessary programs and drivers.

If you are going to connect to the satellite using a desktop computer, you will need to buy and install a DVB card. You should get an external DVB device for your laptop.

When setting up the antenna, test it with a computer. This process is quite long and labor-intensive. Even if there is no interference on the screen, this is not a guarantee of high-quality data transmission. Achieving stability in your network is not easy.

After setting up the antenna, start connecting to your provider. The procedure in this case is completely similar to that described above - we go to the website of the selected provider, submit an application, pay.


Thus, we see that connecting two-way satellite Internet from a hardware point of view is not much more difficult than the so-called one-way - one-way (using an amplifier-converter). But the disadvantage of the latter is that it is less symmetrical connection, speed.

Of course, it is quite possible to install and configure any equipment by professionals, but this also has its drawbacks. We are not talking about additional costs. But sometimes you will not always be able to understand the quality of the services provided, and many of these adjusters work with the help of just a household receiver, which guarantees almost nothing.

Many people, who are not specialists at all, quite successfully set up two-way satellite Internet with their own hands and never regret it later. So the choice is yours.

Two-way (synchronous) satellite Internet works both for receiving and transmitting information from the satellite. It looks like this: the user makes a request to the Internet, the receiving and transmitting station processes the request and sends it to the satellite, from the satellite the request is redirected to the provider, then to the Internet, when a response is received from the Internet, incoming information from the provider’s server is sent to satellite, and from the satellite to the user’s computer (see diagram).

Scheme. Two-way satellite internet.

Thus, to work with two-way satellite Internet, there is no need to connect an additional channel for outgoing communication; the function of receiving and transmitting information is performed by satellite Internet equipment - the user’s receiving and transmitting antenna. This connection more reliable and stable, in contrast to a one-way type of access, because the user does not depend on failures in the operation of outgoing channels (GPRS on mobile phone, Ethernet, ADSL, Dial up), the request is instantly processed and transmitted to the satellite. This is the main advantage of two-way access.

2. Equipment sets from the Ka Sat satellite

The ka sat satellite has large throughput capacities and can provide subscribers with higher speeds, lower rates and equipment costs.

Standard set:

  • Satellite antenna 0.75 Tooway
  • SurfBeam2 modem
  • Transceiver 3 W
  • Cable 15 m
  • Wall bracket
  • 2f connector

Kits for connecting to ku-band satellites

Standard set:

  • HughesNet 9200 modem
  • Transceiver 2 W
  • Cable 2x10 m
  • Wall support
  • 4f connector

Price without installation: 21,000 rub.
Price with installation: RUB 26,000.

Standard set 2:

  • Satellite dish 0.74 m Tooway
  • HughesNet 9400 modem with two independent ports
  • Wall support
  • Transceiver 2 W
  • Cable 2x10 m
  • 4f connector

Price without installation: RUB 26,000.
Price with installation: RUB 31,000.

Business kit:

  • Transceiver 2 W
  • Wall support
  • HughesNet 9200 modem
  • Cable 2x10
  • 4 f connectors

Price without installation: 42,000 rub.
Price with installation: 52,000 rub.

Business video set:

  • Satellite dish 1.2 m Tooway
  • Transceiver 2 W
  • Wall support
  • HughesNet 9400 modem
  • Cable 2x10
  • 4f connector

Price without installation: 45,000 rub.
Price with installation: RUB 55,000.

3. Antenna diameter. Rates

The choice of antenna diameter depends on the geographic location of the subscriber and the selected satellite. The following ka-band satellites are used for the Internet: Ka-sat 9 degrees east longitude, covering the European part Russian Federation; and ku-band satellites: Yamal 402 55 gr east. duty. (the entire territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Far Eastern Federal District), Express AM 22 53gr. eastern duty. (European part of the Russian Federation), Yamal 200 90 gr. eastern duty. (the entire territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of Kamchatka and Chukotka), Express AM 140 gr. eastern duty. (Far Eastern part of the Russian Federation).

Who are the users of two-way satellite Internet? These are primarily educational and medical institutions, hotel complexes, hunting and fishing clubs, owners of country houses and cottages and other structures located in areas with insufficiently developed communications to connect wired Internet equipment. Two-way satellite Internet is also ideal for combining remote branches of a company into a single network, using video conferencing, monitoring remote objects...

In addition to high-speed Internet services, subscribers using two-way satellite Internet can also use telephony services. Which is important, especially when organizing a business outside cities with their developed infrastructure. It is possible to organize dedicated satellite channels SCPC. The cost of projects for organizing dedicated channels is calculated individually for each Customer according to specific tasks and requirements.

The speed of the incoming communication channel of two-way satellite Internet can reach up to 10 Mbit/sec, the outgoing channel up to 819 kbit/sec. Tariffs depend on the selected speed and the included monthly traffic.

Two-way satellite Internet supports Internet speed depending on the tariff chosen by the user and the amount of information downloaded. Speed ​​is calculated using FAP technology. .

The disadvantages of symmetric access can be called high cost satellite Internet equipment and work on connecting the system.

We are like your provider, we only work

Satellite Internet

The operation of a two-way satellite in synchronous mode provides data output and reception. Data from the user is transferred to him and then to the provider, after which there is a transfer to the server. The exchange is carried out at microwave frequencies in the Ku band. Such stations are also called VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal). Currently, they are widely used on ships, airplanes and cars. However, satellite Internet to a private home, the price of which will not fully correspond to the speed provided, raises questions. Our company is well versed in its business, we insist that installation wireless connection is a more rational option.

Strengths and weaknesses of this choice

Two-way satellite Internet, like everything in our world, has pros and cons. First, let's look at its disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • low signal level;
  • bad weather may increase delay times;
  • The total response time is 0.8 seconds - this is great for TV and radio, but not enough for games.

As you can see, for certain purposes this is a completely rational solution. But it also has advantages:

  • continuous communication;
  • does not depend on cable lines, which one way or another require maintenance and repair work;
  • no need for inter-satellite communication;
  • covering a large surface with just two satellites.

Alternative offer

WITH wireless internet you will not depend on the weather and overpay for not the highest speed. Installing the equipment and the entire kit will also not take much time. This process, like everything ingenious in this world, it is simple. You're only a few steps away simple steps, in several stages:

  1. Leave a request on the website or your mobile number, we will call you back within a minute.
  2. A specialist communicates, advises, selects the tariffs and technologies you need.
  3. On the same day, an engineer and a group of craftsmen arrive at the site. A signal test is carried out, everything is installed, installation is done, and you are connected to the network.

Stages of work

1. Signal test Specialists come to you and measure the signal level.

2. Equipment installation Outside the house, without damaging the finish, an antenna is installed and directed to the tower, and a cable is laid into the house.

3. Network setup A router is installed in the house and WI-FI is set up.

Connect to the Internet with us quickly and inexpensively

We have been providing services for a long time in this segment. Over the years, we have acquired everything necessary to give our clients high speed internet at a reasonable price, which includes tricolor service and TV. Our team works for you. We value our reputation, so even a banal call center works around the clock. Polite staff will help you solve any problem within a couple of minutes. With us, you won’t have to call for weeks to restore access if it is lost. We use original equipment, highly qualified specialists on staff, and affordable prices. Join the leadership team too.

What guarantees do we provide?

  • Checking operation before installation Before installation, the engineer demonstrates to you how the Internet works at your address. You are not getting a “pig in a poke”.
  • A test week is provided to you test period 7 days: during this time you can check the work and the Internet, if you don’t like it, return the equipment and return the money.
  • Lifetime service The equipment warranty under the contract is 1 year. In the future, you can always use post-warranty service; we have the most inexpensive prices.
  • Flexibility of the solution If the service of one of the cellular operators at your address deteriorates, you can always replace it with another.

Variety of tariff packages

We don’t pose a fact like our competitors do. We have a convenient range of tariffs in our arsenal, where you can get the desired product at a reasonable price. Also, only with us:

  • connection in just a day;
  • test period, where you can get acquainted with the speed/quality for free (from the MTS operator);
  • excellent service;
  • high, uninterrupted speed.

We rightfully have the status of a leader in this area. If you were looking for an excellent two-way Internet service provider, your search has been crowned with success. As you can see, our line of packages is a profitable monetary investment.

Great coverage

Ordering our services opens up access to the network not only in Moscow, but also in the region and in sparsely populated areas. With us, satellite Internet for the dacha is a daily routine that we have been successfully performing for many years. Villages, dacha cooperatives, country houses- all this, and not only, is possible only with us. We do everything at a professional level, with a guarantee of quality and low prices. Leave a request on the website and place an order.

Personal access “to the world” from a personal computer, communication with company employees at any time during working hours, increasing the efficiency of their work due to the ability to quickly respond to the information provided – these are the factors that shape the requirements for modern technologies communications.

Therefore, satellite Internet from AltegroSky is more than just access to content - it is aimed at ensuring reliable work with IP services, including the transmission of voice, data, video, audio and video conferencing, allowing for the organization of operational management and interaction of specialists from remote departments of large companies , as well as provide private users with access to popular Internet services from a country house.

Advantages of satellite Internet

  1. Independence from ground infrastructure.
  2. High speed characteristics.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Variability of satellite solutions.
  5. Wide range of tariffs.

Scheme of organizing satellite Internet based on VSAT technologies

The principle of organizing the service is very simple. The user only needs electricity to operate. All processing of Internet traffic is performed at the NCC and depends on the VSAT platform used by the operator.

In our network, we use technologies that ensure correct processing of any IP protocols, which allows the user to work with the necessary Internet applications:

  • high-speed access to resources global network Internet;
  • Email;
  • messaging services (ICQ);
  • voice and video communication applications (Skype);
  • Services electronic payment goods and services (hotels, taxis, air and railway tickets, etc.);
  • exchange on-line services;
  • banking on-line services;
  • remote access to corporate applications with VPN construction.

Therefore, it is worth buying satellite Internet for anyone who would like to have maximum opportunities for online communication - regardless of their location both in Russia and abroad.


All tariffs

VSAT subscriber terminal for two-way Internet

Two-way satellite Internet operates through the VSAT terminal (Very Small Aperture Terminal) - a satellite ground station with a small (0.6 to 2.4 m) diameter antenna. In modern satellite networks This size is quite enough to organize a symmetrical Internet. Assembling the terminal does not require special skills, and given its low weight, the solution ensures high mobility and ease of work on the network. To connect to bidirectional satellite internet, you will need a VSAT small satellite earth station.

The standard subscription kit consists of:

  1. Antennas;
  2. Modem (channel-forming equipment);
  3. Transceiver device (2 W);
  4. Rod for attaching the transceiver device;
  5. Radio frequency cable with connectors;
  6. Supports for mounting the antenna;
  7. Grounding cable.

The most popular kits for two-way satellite Internet are terminals with antennas of 0.74m, 0.98m and 1.2m.

VSAT kits

You can independently determine the parameters necessary to connect and configure satellite Internet by using the Satellite Finder.

Choose reliable and affordable two-way satellite Internet with AltegroSky Group - we will be glad to see you among our clients!



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