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The remote control on the Samsung TV does not work. Do-it-yourself TV remote control repair: photo troubleshooting instructions

Probably, many of the readers have encountered repairing the remote control remote control(du) from the TV.

Quite often, the buttons on the remote control completely or partially fail. This malfunction can be caused by various reasons: bad batteries, dirty contacts or breakdown of other elements.

If any problem occurs, it is better not to rush to throw away the product, but to try to repair it yourself.

Moreover, it is not always possible to find a high-quality remote control of the original model on sale, for example, a Samsung smart TV.

Types of breakdowns

Quite often, remote control repair depends on the type of breakdown, or rather on the severity of the fault. In any case, whatever the malfunction, it can cause a lot of problems. But if you know the types of breakdowns, they can be easily eliminated.

with my own hands

  • In most cases, there are several types of failures of the remote control:

frequent falls, which could lead to failure of quartz and important elements; there may be no response to certain keys, but when pressing others, this is not observed; lack of operation of frequently pressed buttons; sometimes in order for the buttons to work, it is necessary to press them press hard; the remote control works, but only at close range. Lack of response when pressing buttons may not always be a consequence of device failure. Perhaps the batteries are simply dead, which can be easily changed.

But identifying the causes is only half the battle; you need to know the repair procedure. Therefore, it is worth considering a detailed troubleshooting procedure. The complexity of the repair directly depends on the type of damage.

Damage due to falls

Due to frequent falls of the device, quite serious damage can occur, the repair of which will have certain difficulties. This is due to the fact that the connections in the solder joints on the circuit are often broken.

If everything is fine with the batteries, then the remote control can be checked using a camera cell phone. Because it contains an infrared emitter that can detect any interference.

This procedure should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. First of all, turn on the cell phone camera.
  2. Point the remote control at the camera. We bring the camera close enough and press any button on the remote control.
  3. If there is a signal from the remote control, a thick red dot should appear on the phone screen.

But sometimes this signal may not be there. In this case, the device must be disassembled and the board removed. Next, this board needs to be carefully examined and the necessary repairs made.

It is necessary to disassemble the device with special care - it is important not to break the body of the product. The first thing you need to do is remove the batteries and inspect the area where they were placed. If there are screws, they are unscrewed.

If the device has latches, it can be disassembled with a thin-tipped screwdriver or a plastic card. To do this, a screwdriver or card must be inserted into the hole, which is located at the top and bottom.

Note: In order to be able to carefully examine the board, it is advisable to use a magnifying glass. Using it, you can clearly examine the device and see a possible malfunction.

Repairs can be made by someone who knows how to work with a soldering iron. Quite often, as a result of frequent falls, the LED may fall off, and the contact pads of the batteries may come off or the quartz-type resonator may be damaged.

You also need to shake the board and listen. If a rustling sound is observed, this may indicate a breakdown of the quartz resonator.

Next you need to remove this element (it looks like a small soldered box). Then it changes to a new one. It can be purchased at any radio equipment store, as well as in an online radio parts store.

Selective operation of buttons

Sometimes breakdown can occur due to severe contamination or dust getting inside. Do not forget that a malfunction can occur due to tea or water spilled on it or due to an increased level of humidity in the room.

In these situations, a state of oil condensation occurs inside the device. You can fix these breakdowns yourself.

The repair procedure should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The remote control is disassembled. The board is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Due to this, the board is cleared of plaque.
  2. You also need to wipe the contact pads of the buttons on the rubber part. The case can be cleaned. But it is not advisable to rub too hard, otherwise you may damage important contacts.
  3. Separately, it is worth cleaning the spring contact. If the element is too dirty, you should use sandpaper to clean it and wipe it with a sponge with a hard base.
  4. After cleaning and drying, all parts need to be assembled together.

Take note: There are many reviews that after cleaning the remote control with alcohol, it stopped working, this especially often happens with Chinese analogues of the Samsung remote control and other models.

Yes, indeed, Chinese models can break completely after this treatment. Therefore, to eliminate these consequences, prepare a solution of soap and water.

Then a sponge is dipped in there and all dirty parts are wiped off. After this, all parts with a soapy solution are cleaned with cool water, wiped with a paper towel and left to dry completely. At the end the remote control is assembled.

What to do when frequently pressed buttons do not work

Sometimes certain buttons on older appliances wear out due to frequent use. It is not even the buttons themselves that are erased, but the conductive coating, and the remote control does not react when you press these buttons.

In these situations, you can easily make a remote control with your own hands. For repairs you will need the following items:

  • foil, be sure to have a paper base on one side;
  • silicone-based glue or Moment glue. There are also adhesive mixtures with a conductive base.

How to fix the problem yourself:

    1. First of all, we disassemble the device and take out the rubber part.
    2. Foil paper is glued to the back of the buttons. Foil from cigarettes or chocolate is perfect.

    1. We glue the foil with the paper part with a silicone mixture or Moment glue.

  1. There is also a special conductive glue for gluing, but its cost is quite high.
  2. Kits with glue and sprayed buttons are available for sale. These kits can be easily used to repair the remote control yourself. In the area where the old buttons with wear were located, you just need to glue new ones.

If the remote control is completely broken and any attempts at repairing it yourself do not lead to the desired result, then it will have to be replaced with a new one. Moreover, you can find similar products on sale that do not need to be specially configured for your TV.

Repairing the remote control with your own hands is not such a difficult process. Sometimes you can simply replace the batteries and the remote control will resume operating in the same mode. However, batteries may not always cause product malfunction.

Perhaps the breakdown was caused by other consequences. In any case, if you do everything according to the instructions, you can easily fix the problem yourself.

From this video You will learn how to repair a TV remote control with your own hands:

Television has long become an integral part of the life of a modern person. Almost every home has at least 1 TV, and in most cases 2 or more, depending on the number of rooms and the wishes of the household. And everyone who has such equipment knows what a remote control is. In addition, almost half of the families have encountered problems with the TV remote control and know what it is to repair the remote control. Most often, people downplay the importance of the remote control; this should not be done. Better spend some of your time on repairs.

TV remote control manufacturers

As already noted, in a house where there is a TV, there is also a remote control. Each company itself develops remote controls for its equipment, which guarantees not only appropriate quality, but also that the remote control will always fit the TV that you bought. This also allows you to quickly select a new remote control if the old one breaks. You can find the necessary spare parts much faster if you decide to repair the remote control yourself.

Among the main brands of televisions and remote controls, the following are the most popular manufacturers:

  • Samsung;
  • Philips;
  • Panasonic;
  • Sony;

Samsung equipment is best combined with accessories of the same brand. In addition, there are remote options for each specific model TVs, players and set-top boxes, including those related to the Smart system. Panasonic, like Samsung, develop remote control models for each created new model TV, but recently the manufacturer has been trying to create an option that will fit not only a specific type, but will seamlessly control all new models from the company. Which, of course, will help save both in material terms and in the speed of replacement.

It is logical that 1 Universal remote will take up much less space than, for example, 2, 3 or more.

At the very beginning of work, both the TV and the remote control usually show their best sides, but it happens that over time you begin to encounter various problems in the operation of the remote control of their device and, most often, such problems begin abruptly, and the person does not know what happened and how to change it. The question arises: what went wrong? Did something happen to the TV or the remote control?

Reasons: why the TV does not respond to the remote control

It doesn’t matter which company has the lead in the production of televisions, Samsung, Philips, Sony, Panasonic, LGI or some other company, all equipment can sooner or later fail in its operation. And these failures are not only very unexpected, but also quite serious. Before you panic when the TV cannot be turned on with the remote control, you should check whether the TV itself works at all?

To do this you need:

  1. First, check whether the equipment is connected to a power source. Even a small child can handle this. If the TV plug is connected and current is supplied to the socket, but the TV does not turn on, check the wire itself; it happens that the cable from the TV to the plug is frayed, bent, etc.
  2. If the plug and cable are in order, and there is current in the socket, but the TV still does not want to turn on, then try starting it using the button located on the body of the equipment itself. If the equipment does not respond, then you should sound the alarm and check the functionality of the TV itself.
  3. In the case when, when you turn on the button on the panel, the TV works as if nothing had happened, but still does not want to respond to the remote control, then the question arises as to why this happened. Most likely, in this case the problem is specifically in the remote control.

If repairing a TV at home is practically impossible, and experts advise contacting specialists in case of such breakdowns, then you can fix the remote control yourself. But first of all, we must determine why the TV stopped responding to the original remote control.

Examples of breakdowns due to which the TV remote control does not work

In addition to the fact that the remote control may completely refuse to connect and work with the TV, if the remote control breaks down, other problems may arise. For example, the remote control does not change channels well; when you press some buttons, the equipment reacts as if other buttons are pressed - if you decide to change the channel, and instead of turning on the next one, the remote control starts to increase or decrease the volume of the TV, etc.

Sometimes the buttons are difficult to press, stick, or respond the second, third, or more times.

It is possible for the TV to react to the remote control only at close range. This can be noticeable if you turn on the TV from different parts and corners of the room. For each of the breakdowns there is a reason that causes this or that malfunction, and it also happens that several reasons come together at once, and in this case you can get a very serious problem.

Among the causes of breakdowns are:

  1. Small children. As practice shows, in families with small children, they are the ones who cause the remote control to break down. A child, unknowingly, can wash the remote control in a bucket or in the bathroom, throw it at the wall, etc. If you have identified exactly this reason, then the easiest and most reliable way would be to replace the old remote control with a new one and hide it away from children’s eyes.
  2. Batteries. As you know, in television remote controls, energy is obtained from AA batteries, which are inserted into a special compartment. In order to restore the functionality of the remote control, simply replacing the batteries or accumulators can help.
  3. Scheme. The remote control circuitry can also hide various breakdowns, ranging from loose contacts to more serious problems. A popular example of a microcircuit can be considered the Adam24P20G circuit.
  4. Quartz remote control device.
  5. Buttons. The special gasket between the circuit and the buttons may become thin.

Many problems can be identified early, for example, by appearance remote control If you notice that the case is melted, cracked or chewed, then this should give you the idea that perhaps there is already a problem inside that will lead to a complete failure of the equipment in the future. Some problems can be identified and eliminated in the early stages.

DIY TV remote repair steps

Knowing the reason why the remote control broke, you can decide what should be done to revive the remote control. Most often, the remote control has malfunctions, some of which can be fixed on their own. Let's look at a few examples of how to restore the remote control. Insufficient power supply to operate the remote control circuits. In this case, you will most likely need to simply replace the batteries.

There is no need to disassemble or solder anything here - it’s just necessary:

  • Open the remote control compartment;
  • Remove old batteries;
  • Replace them with new ones.

If the buttons react poorly to pressing, you will have to disassemble the device in order to check the integrity of the gasket between the buttons and the remote control circuit. Disassembling the remote control is a matter that requires appropriate preparations. First of all, you should have a set of small cross-section screwdrivers on hand, both flat and Phillips. In addition, disassembling the remote control will come in handy when you need to lubricate certain parts of the device.

If the case breaks, it is best to replace it with a new one, or repair or fix the fragments with improvised materials. Electrical tape is everything to us.

When you know what to do, you can do it on your own. In addition, all these examples will be useful when deciding to repair the remote control yourself. But still, sometimes you should entrust this work to craftsmen who have been repairing similar equipment for many years.

Checking equipment most often stops after the TV itself has been checked, especially if everything is checked at the store. This leads to the fact that any problems with the remote control begin to be noticed much later, when it is almost impossible to obtain an exchange of the remote control or its repair under the warranty card. It is believed that the remote control is not such an important element of the operation of the TV, but this is not so. Any remote control should be checked thoroughly.

The following are subject to verification:

  1. Remote control for the smart system. For example, this could be the RMCTPF2AP1 and RMCTPH1AP1 remote control.
  2. Ordinary standard remote controls, for example, from Samsung - TM1050.
  3. Remotes from popular companies: LGI, Sony, Mystery. For example, LG Magic Motion Z1025.
  4. TV tuner remote control.

DIY TV remote control repair (video)

In conclusion, the question becomes relevant - what is needed in order to check the operation of the remote control at home? First of all, observe the reaction of buttons, for example, Pairing or Select. For most models of modern remote controls, these buttons should be illuminated if the device is in working order.

Attention, TODAY only!

Samsung Smart Control is a touchscreen remote control that comes with TVs from Samsung, having the Smart TV function and released after 2012. With its help, you can not only control your TV, but also set-top boxes connected to it, as well as a Blu-ray player. In addition, it is thanks to this remote control that you can change channels, increase or decrease the volume and perform other actions using voice commands.

Its main advantage is the touchpad, which is located on the front side and occupies about 40% of the total area. With its help, you can perform both ordinary actions related to setting up and managing TV, and work in the browser. Thanks to the touch panel, cursor control becomes as simple and convenient as possible.

Features of Smart Touch Control

The remote control for Samsung TVs with the Smart TV function, among other things, has a hydraulic sensor - a motion sensor. Thanks to it, you can control the TV by moving the remote control. In order for the cursor to appear, just touch the touchpad. Then it will move in accordance with the movement of your hand.

You can switch between menu items using the joystick. Also, some models have the ability to display a virtual remote control (analogous to a virtual keyboard on a computer). With its help, you can quickly set up your TV, activate certain functions and edit content.

To find out about the source of the signal, you need to touch the touchpad. If you hold your finger on it, a list of available channels will appear in front of you. If you pinch touchpad being in the Smart Hub section, a window will open in front of you with the parameters of the element that you have selected. You can switch between its panels by sliding your finger left and right.

Using of this device, it is advisable that the distance between it and the TV be no more than 6 meters. Otherwise, the signal may not reach.

Today, such remote controls are included with TVs of the H, K, J and F series, which have the Smart TV function. Depending on the series, the devices themselves will differ. And not only in appearance, but also in the configuration features.

Connecting Smart Touch Control

Series F (2013) Series H (2014) Series J (2015) Series K (2016)
  1. Insert AA or AAA batteries.
  2. Press the power button.
  3. Click on the "Pairing" button located on the back.
  4. Hold it down until the Bluetooth icon appears on the screen.
  5. Wait for connection.
  1. Install batteries into the remote control.
  2. Press the start button to start the TV.
  3. Press "Return" and "Guide" at the same time.
  4. Hold them down until the Bluetooth icon appears on the screen.
  5. Wait for the connection to complete.
  1. Paste AA batteries AA (2 pcs).
  2. Turn on the TV.
  3. Press "Extra" and "Return/Exit" at the same time.
  4. Wait for the Bluetooth icon to appear and connect to your TV.
  1. Insert 2 AA batteries.
  2. Turn on the TV
  3. Press and hold the Back and Play/Stop buttons.
  4. The message “Connecting to the smart remote control” will appear on the monitor.
  5. When the connection is complete, the message “Pairing Complete” will appear.

When connecting for the first time, it is advisable to keep the remote control no more than 50 centimeters from the place where the signal is received.

If you can't configure

If you were unable to configure Samsung Smart Touch, try the following:

  1. Make sure the batteries are charged. If this is not the case, a warning will appear on the screen.
  2. Remove and reinsert the batteries. Make sure they are positioned correctly.
  3. Unplug the TV and turn it on again.
  4. Make sure that this is the remote control for this TV.
  5. Try setting up the remote control again.

People's shops and homes are filled with them, as these are modern and multifunctional TVs that are capable of many things that an ordinary one could not handle. The most popular models are TVs from LG and Philips. However, there is one factor that unites them. This - remote control or remote control.

Usually, the TV is controlled using this device, but there are times when the remote control has stopped working and the problem urgently needs to be corrected. Why the TV remote control does not work is of interest to many. This is where it makes no difference what the cost of a TV is if it is impossible to use it due to a broken remote control. Moreover, there are different types of breakdowns, which you need to familiarize yourself with and know how to fix them yourself.

This is considered a fairly common problem, since the quality of the remote control sometimes does not meet the required level. Over time, the buttons become less and less responsive to pressing. This situation continues until the remote control stops working altogether. Quite often this problem is attributed to the batteries, or rather to their inoperability. The problem can occur with all remote controls, from Samsung to LG and Philips.

The TV may not respond to absolutely all remote control presses: from sound changes to channel switching. In such situations, there are two main causes of failure:

  1. The first is quite common and familiar to everyone - the batteries do not work. The process of restoring functionality is quite simple - install a new working pair of batteries.
  2. The second is more complex. Usually, it is associated with repeated falls of the remote control onto the floor, which causes damage. The malfunction itself is that the connection on the solder circuit on the remote control is broken. There is an excellent and simple way to check the functionality of the remote control.

Have to take mobile phone turn on the camera on it. Next, you need to point at the remote control and press any button on it. If you can see on your phone screen that there is a signal coming from the remote control when you press it, then that is not the problem. However, if there is no signal, repairs need to be made. This is a great way to test Philips TV remotes.

The remote control should be carefully disassembled and the board examined, and then repaired. At first, the main thing is not to scratch the board or damage the case, since after this restoration is not possible. It is better to examine the board using a magnifying glass. When making repairs, be sure to use a soldering iron, which is necessary to eliminate breakdowns on the board itself. That is why equipment repair work is carried out by people who know how to use this tool.

Most used buttons don't work

This is also considered a common situation. Usually, the buttons on the remote control for switching channels and adjusting the volume do not work, as they are used as often as possible. The problem is that if you press the same keys over and over again, the conductive coating will wear off.

This situation is not critical and in this case you can even repair the remote control yourself. To do this, you need to disassemble the remote control and remove the rubber part. On the back of it you need thin foil (for example, you can take it from a chocolate bar). You can glue it using Moment or silicone glue, which is a better conductor, however, and costs more.

Alternatively, you can also use special kits that include glue and coated buttons. The replacement process is quite simple. You just need to glue new buttons in place of the faulty buttons. After this, the remote control from Philips or LG TVs may work again.

Only some of the buttons work

The LG and Philips TV remote control does not work for this reason. This can happen if liquid was spilled on the remote control, a lot of dust got in, or there was high humidity in the room, and because of this, oil condensation formed on the board. The repair process is considered quite simple and you can do it yourself.

The remote control should be disassembled to remove any deposits that have formed. Typically, this is done using a cotton swab that has previously been soaked in alcohol. The same method is used to remove the rubber part, namely the contact pads of the keys.

There may be a situation where after treatment with alcohol the remote control does not work at all. This can happen with cheap Chinese remotes. To avoid this, the board should be cleaned with soapy water and a sponge. After this, rinse off the remaining soap with a gentle stream of water and leave it to dry.

These days, many household appliances are controlled remotely. If the remote control for the TV, audio equipment or air conditioner breaks down, we experience terrible discomfort. But you shouldn’t be upset, because many problems can be eliminated, or, as a last resort, buy a new remote control.

No response to button presses

In many ways, the repair, or rather, its complexity, depends on the type of breakdown. Sometimes it’s enough just to clean the remote control from dirt with your own hands, and in some cases you need to solder something.

A very common situation is when you press the remote control buttons and nothing happens: the TV doesn’t work, the channels don’t change, the sound doesn’t change. That is, the TV does not react in any way to manipulations with the remote control, there is no connection between them. This can happen if:

  1. the batteries are completely dead;
  2. The remote control fell to the floor multiple times.

With the first situation, everything is clear - you need to install a new battery, and this will complete the repair. Even a child can repair the device in this way.

In the second case, the situation is more complicated. Most likely, connections have been broken in some soldering joints on the circuit. If the batteries are fine, there is one simple way to check the operation of the remote control before you disassemble it.

  • Turn on your mobile phone camera.
  • Point the remote at the camera as if you were taking a photo and press any button on the remote.
  • If there is a signal from the remote control, but on the mobile screen you will see a thick glowing dot.

If there is no signal, then the remote control will have to be disassembled, the board examined and a full repair made. You need to disassemble it carefully so as not to scratch or break the body, and this is not always easy. First, take out the batteries and inspect the niche for them. If there are screws, unscrew them; if the remote control is latched, then carefully open it using a thin screwdriver or a hard plastic card, inserting it into the gap between the top and bottom parts.

To get a good look at the board and see the fault, you can use a magnifying glass. Do-it-yourself repairs can be done by anyone who knows how to use a soldering iron. Most often, the LED falls off, the contact pads of the batteries come off, or the quartz resonator is damaged.

Shake the board and listen. If a rustling sound is heard, then the quartz resonator is cracked inside and will need to be replaced. It looks like a small soldered box. Its cost on the radio market is low.

Some buttons press and work, and some don't work

It happens that the remote control is very dirty, juice has been spilled on it, or there is simply high humidity in the room and oil condensation has formed inside. In such a situation, DIY repairs are not too difficult.

  • The remote control must be disassembled and the board wiped, removing plaque from it. To do this, use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
  • In the same way, they wipe the contact pads of the keys on the rubber part, as well as the body, so that it is pleasant to hold in your hands. Do not rub too hard to avoid damaging the contacts.

There are reviews that after drinking alcohol, the remote control does not work at all. Chinese flimsy analogues can really break. If you are afraid of this turn of events, you can use plain water and dishwashing detergent. Make a soapy solution, dip a soft sponge into it and wipe all the parts with it. Then rinse under gentle running water, pat dry with a soft cloth and leave to dry.

Separately, you need to clean the spring contact. In case of severe contamination, you can use sandpaper or wipe them with a hard sponge. When all the parts are dry, they are assembled together. As a result, you repaired the remote control with your own hands.

The most popular buttons do not work

Some buttons on old remotes simply wear out due to frequent use. To be more precise, the conductive coating wears off, and the remote control does not work when you press the worn keys. In this case, you can also repair the old remote control. And it’s not difficult to do it yourself.

Open the remote and take the rubber part. On the back of the buttons you need to stick thin foil, for example, from a chocolate bar, with paper on one side and metal foil on the other. It must be glued with silicone glue, or “moment” type glue.

Conductive glue is available, which provides more reliable contact, but it costs much more.

Kits with glue and sprayed buttons are also sold. They are specifically designed for remote control repairs. In place of the old, worn-out buttons, you just need to stick new ones.

A permanently broken or lost remote control must be replaced. Buy in store universal device remote control and use it to your health. If you wish, you can find a remote control that is completely similar to yours, then you won’t even need to configure it specially.



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