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Why you need it: seven reasons to buy a tablet. Is it worth buying a tablet? Is it worth buying a tablet if you have a smartphone?

The fashion for tablet PCs continues to gain momentum, more and more people want and buy these devices. But not many people know what these devices are good for, and why their use is inconvenient.

Personally, I would put these devices in the same category as entertainment devices. Many will ask why I decided this way. It's simple. It doesn’t matter what kind of tablet you have, expensive or cheap, it will do an excellent job with tasks such as playing music and videos, any and which are produced by everyone today. The tablet also serves as a great tool for web surfing.

If you have set yourself the goal of buying a tablet specifically for this purpose, then this may make sense. Don't forget that the main feature of tablets is their mobility. If you spend a lot of time traveling or simply away from your PC or laptop, then buying a tablet may be even more justified. But in this case, you need to understand that the tablet must ensure uninterrupted operation without recharging for at least 5 hours. There are a lot of varieties of tablets today; you can buy either an inexpensive tablet like enot, or the best-selling iPad tablet around the world.

When is a tablet useless?

The tablet will be completely useless for people who can almost always be near the computer. Personally, whether at work or at home, I can work on a PC without any problems, or not work. I rarely spend a lot of time traveling, so I don’t need this device, especially since I have a smartphone on Android OS that successfully performs almost all functions modern tablets, if your lifestyle is similar to mine, don’t rush to throw money away on a tablet. Also, the tablet will not be very useful for those who plan to work at least somehow with its help (working with special programs, typing and other work online or offline). Working on a tablet is made difficult by the sensor, which is not as convenient as a mouse and keyboard and operating system, which is significantly different from the usual Windows (for which a lot of familiar programs have been released), and the cost of a powerful tablet will be enormous.

The story of the life of a tablet in my family

I’ll tell you the story of the tablet’s life in my family. We bought the tablet a little over a year ago. At first, my wife actively used it. Since my wife’s smartphone was old, the tablet came at just the right time. One fine day the tablet died, all sorts of repairs did not revive it and it lay like a brick in the locker. Since, as I already said, my wife had an old smartphone, I bought her a more modern one with a 4.5 diagonal. New smartphone I easily replaced the tablet.

There is no desire at all to buy a tablet for a growing child. It’s scary to watch children who, even under the age of 3, sit in front of tablets playing everything =(. So, as a conclusion, the tablet still remains unnecessary in my family =). So think several times whether you need a tablet before purchasing. And if you take into account the prices for any gadgets now in Ukraine, then I would postpone the purchase of a tablet until better times, then look and technology will catch up =).

It may be justified to buy an unusual tablet like Asus Transformer, this option will extend the operation of the device to 10 hours or more on a single charge, and secondly, it will allow you to perform simple work using all the convenience of a familiar keyboard. I believe that a modern sensor cannot completely replace regular keyboard. Even the fact that smartphones are produced without buttons personally irritates me very much. Any device that is designed to make calls must have call acceptance and reset buttons.

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. My name is and today I invite you to understand the topic, or rather one specific type: tablet.

Tablets have gained enormous popularity, and this popularity is well justified. After all Tablet PC is a portable device with a fairly large touch display, it is not too big and fits in a bag, and at the same time not too small, like, for example, a smartphone, which in most cases discharges very quickly and has a modest screen. As a result, we get an almost ideal device that can cope with most daily tasks anywhere (some models even underwater).

From concept to life. The first tablets.

Now that we have an idea of ​​what a tablet is, we can familiarize ourselves with the history of development and the first tablets in the world.

Initially, they, or rather their prototypes, were used only in science fiction films and were only fantasies, as now, for example, time travel, but unlike it, the fantasy of portable computers was realized, and already in 1968 Alan Kay introduced a tablet-like device called "Dynabook". It had a keyboard built into the body and was created exclusively for training.

By the way, here I am Alan Kay at the presentation with his brainchild.

Then pocket computers began to appear that ran on Windows XP, but had a weak processor and a battery that was only enough for 2-3 hours of device operation. Also released PDA, which stands for Pocket Personal Computer. To control them they were used styluses(touch pen to which the screen reacts), this device did not perceive finger touches.

One of the first of these was "MessagePad", presented worldwide well-known company Apple. He was introduced August 2, 1993 in Boston. This device It was very expensive - $800, but despite this, the first 5,000 copies sold out in a matter of hours, like hot cakes.

The history of tablet computers has been going on for quite a long time, but a huge leap in their development occurred quite recently, in 2010, after iPad release(Tablet from Apple). After that, all the stores are simply teeming with offers from various companies.

Apple brings innovation to the world, and others pick it up and create their own products, but is it then worth choosing something other than an apple? Perhaps yes. If only for the reason that not everyone needs such an expensive and such a powerful tablet, because some will not use its potential even by half. Precisely because not everything is so simple, we are here with you, so let's look at all aspects choice And using tablets.

What is a tablet for? Its advantage over other gadgets.

Let's start with the most seemingly simple question - What is a tablet for?

Possible variations in the use of a tablet, perhaps, depend more on the user himself than on the gadget.

But let's still try to list some of its many functions. So, with a tablet you can:

And that's just the basics. Thousands of applications they will exaggerate this list many times over.

Now let's look at the advantages of a tablet. Naturally, I will also mention the disadvantages, because everything has disadvantages. This is all my personal opinion, as an experienced iPad user. Well, in addition I will say that all the advantages can also become disadvantages of cheap models, but below I will describe only high-quality products.


  1. Huge charge reserve battery, which is sufficient in abundance. Since with a larger device there is more space inside, you can put more in there.
  2. Big screen, which is comfortable for reading and watching videos.
  3. Sufficiently powerful hardware (processor, RAM...) and a perfectly optimized application for it (as in the case of Apple, that’s for sure).
  4. A huge number of paid and free applications for any purpose.
  5. Simple, intuitive with a pleasant interface.
  6. Access all your data from anywhere, not just at home.
  7. A huge number of convenient and functional cases, such as Smart Cover.


  1. Big size. Of course, there are tablets different sizes, but none of them can boast of the ability to fit in a pocket, and even if they can, then this is no longer a tablet at all. Accordingly, you will have to take a bag or carry it in your hands.
  2. No access to powerful software, like on laptops.
  3. Compared to smartphones, then inability to call and write SMS. But this is compensated by a huge number of communication programs, such as Skype (although now there is also one), VK and so on.

I thought for a long time about what the tablet’s disadvantages were, but I didn’t remember more than two (the third is completely controversial). But although there are fewer disadvantages, they are quite significant and can, even in small quantities, affect the choice of a mobile gadget.

How to choose a tablet? Which one should I buy?

Well, the choice is naturally individual and I won’t name it now “ best tablet" Because he is the best for everyone, and the title "best" depends on the set factors.

I can make your choice easier only with my advice. Well, then I’ll write "zero" advice right here: I advise you to use the Yandex Market service, which I recently wrote about, to select a tablet or anything else. It’s more convenient to choose from one site right away, all the companies and characteristics are there, in general, I hope you’ll understand, I tried to write in detail. I used it myself when making my choice, and I clearly broke everything down into pros and cons for myself.

Decide on why do you need a tablet. No matter how trivial it may sound.

Yes, purchase depends on budget, but you shouldn’t spend all your hard-earned money on a device that could be replaced with an analogue five times cheaper. For example, if you need a tablet to listen to music on the subway and check your email once a day, then there is no point in spending money on a top-end (best) tablet. But if you are going to use the tablet for a long time and to the fullest (play new games, run powerful applications, surf the Internet and much more), then buying an expensive toy is justified.

Don't go overboard with savings. If you buy a cheap tablet, you will spend a lot of nerves with it, and most likely it will soon will break and you'll have to buy a new one. So it's better to check it out first. reviews about the product, with reviews, and if you don’t have enough money, then save up. Quality tablet will pay for itself, will last a long time and will delight you with its service, believe me.

Advice, in principle, regarding any purchase, do not buy a tablet right away where you see it, in any salons, there price very much overpriced. Find a trusted online store and order there (the above will help you with this Yandex Market).

Don't worry, your tablet will come to you safe and sound. 🙂

How to use the tablet?

Let's say you're a guinea pig, you just bought a tablet and don't know where to begin. Then you are at the right place.

Since there are quite a lot of operating systems for tablets, I won’t be able to thoroughly analyze each one. There are many training videos for this. My goal is not to teach you how to use a specific system, but coordinate All in all.

All mobile systems, although they differ in their filling, are quite similar, and having mastered one system, you can quickly switch to another, only by supplementing your knowledge with their differences.

Personally, I switched from Android to iOS without studying the system at all (by the way, I also didn’t read anything about Android, except a couple of articles for solving specific problems). But this is my method, I personally like to learn something new about the system while working with it. And you don’t need to know much, that’s the beauty of it mobile systems , They intuitive, simple and clear. The person who saw it for the first time iPad screen, will already be able to navigate it and do something.

Of course, before buying something, you need to be at least a little theoretically prepared to work with it, but let’s not talk about boring things.

First, remove your device from the box and inspect all the waste paper that came with it. Perhaps the pieces of paper will also include instructions that will solve your problems if something happens. Also inspect the entire package, make sure that it matches what is stated on the manufacturer’s website (you can also find instructions in electronic form there).

Turn on the tablet, usually the power button on the top or side of the case. The button must be held down. Also inspect the case for other mechanical buttons, read the instructions about their functions. Wait until the tablet (from the word “tablet”, I’ll call it that for variety) turns on. For Apple devices, after turning them on for the first time, you need to configure the tablet.

Well, here you are home screen your tablet from an unknown brand. First, examine the desktop (main screen). Look what applications are already installed on it, open them by clicking on the icons. Not too hard, just with your finger. If the tablet is not very cheap, then a light touch is enough for it to react.

Dig into the settings, connect your device to wifi, change the wallpaper, in general, customize the tablet to suit you.

Then, when you have set up an Internet connection, try to find the application store on the screen to add to your collection of much-needed software. Apple calls this store Apple Store, for Android - Play Market . There you will have to register. Then install the most important things for working with the device - for example, a browser, applications social networks. Everything depends on you.

Hmm, well, in general, that’s all, it’s not as difficult as it seemed, is it? And if difficulties arise, fortunately we live in the 21st century and the Internet is always at hand, if you do not find the answer to the question yourself, you can ask it in the comments here or on specialized forums.

Bonus for Yabloko beginners

Well, and since I myself use Apple, then I will be glad to give you a couple of places where you can get information about iOS system functions(operating system on mobile devices Apple).

First, this is the official Apple website. I really like its design. And who doesn't like him? Company-level website.

A concise and stylish overview of new features iOS systems. In general, use this site. Of course, no one will give you objective information about the device’s disadvantages (this is the manufacturer’s website), but reading reviews of their devices is very entertaining and pleasing to the eye.

In general, all necessary information Apple gives us (which is not surprising, they always focus on the little things, and “polish” everything so thoroughly that it’s difficult to find fault with anything). So Apple also gives us second place (it takes away food from poor reviewers).

And if you are the owner of their device with iOS 8, then you don’t have to go far. This is originally installed application "adviсe".

I'll do it mini review this mini-application.

To open Tips, look for the light bulb icon on a yellow background, like in the screenshot.

This is what the advice looks like - everything is concise and clear, with pictures. To download the pictures, turn on the Internet, after that they will remain in the cache () and you can watch the tips without the Internet.

There are currently 27 of these tips in total, but with new functions their list will be expanded. You can click on the “Like” button if you find this feature useful.

You don’t have to scroll through all the tips to find what you need. You can open the advice headings in a list and quickly find yours.

Android owners, forgive me, but I don’t know much about your system, I shared what I have an idea about. By the way, there is a newfangled thing called , and for IOS. Pretty cool app. I hope this will be useful.

Let's sum it up

With this article, I hope I helped you decide whether you need a tablet, how to choose it, why you need it at all, and how to work with it. It's not difficult, the main thing is to choose responsibly. Go for it, good luck in your endeavors!

PS: Below I have put 2 videos that review the functions latest versions iOS and Android, namely iOS 8 and Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Sometimes we don’t dictate the rules of life, but sometimes life itself shows us the conditions. A tablet is not an essential item, but everyone buys it so zealously... Why? Let's figure this out: consider all its advantages and disadvantages, calculate the target audience and draw general conclusions. We will talk about everything in order in our article today.

What is a tablet?
- represents, roughly speaking, a large sensory mobile phone with a computer (almost) operating system. If we draw another analogy, then a tablet is the same computer, only touch-sensitive and without system unit. Yes, it has several differences, such as - there is no drive and there is not always an input for. However, overall it is the same computer.

Advantages tablet computer

  • Ergonomic - it takes up very little space, but at the same time, it is quite functional, since it has all the necessary functions.

  • It has a built-in WiFi receiver, and sometimes 3G or 4G connection. This allows you to access the Internet anywhere.

  • There is a built-in battery that allows you to work on it for up to 10 full hours.

  • Touch screen, which eliminates the need for a keyboard or computer mouse for work.

  • It often has a photo and video camera, which allows you not only to take and immediately save photos or videos on your tablet computer, but also to use this functionality for communicating via Skype.

  • Does not require self-installation operating system. The update is also very simple (almost automatically).

  • 98% of all programs are in a certified store, where you can either buy a program or game or get it for free (by finding an alternative).

Disadvantages of the tablet:
  • Constant connection to the Internet. You shouldn't buy a tablet if you don't have wireless at home. WiFi networks, and there is still no way to connect the Internet in another way (for example, using 3G).

  • Not all programs have alternatives that work on a PC. If you have certain requirements for programs that must be installed on the tablet, then constant problems will arise, since the tablet has a different operating system, which means that not all software companies have made alternatives for it.

  • Weak battery, which, unfortunately, is quite common, unless we are talking about tablets iPad computers And iPad Mini from Apple.

  • You should not buy a tablet if you consider a screen less than 10 inches to be a disadvantage, since this is exactly what the tablet has, although the well-thought-out OS does not make it possible to scold the small diagonal.

Who is the tablet designed for, who is its target audience?! Everything is simple here, the following people need a tablet:
  1. Office workers who are often on the go and need access to basic documents and the Internet;

  2. Modern people who like to spend free time on the Internet or using gadgets.

  3. For movie fans who can't live without movies and TV series. A tablet will be a great lifesaver here, especially if the battery can withstand long periods of watching movies without recharging.

  4. People who travel a lot or are simply often on the road. This gadget is capable of very good entertainment: music, films, games and Internet capabilities.

If you find yourself among the listed candidates, then you should buy a tablet!

Frequently asked questions related to purchasing a tablet

There are a number of related questions that are asked when purchasing a tablet. We would like to highlight them now, giving the necessary answers to them. So let's get started?!

Is it worth buying a Chinese tablet?
Yes, if you are buying for a child or teenager, who still, in principle, does not care what capabilities a real tablet computer should have. For an adult, it is better not to buy Chinese tablet analogues: very weak battery, low-quality screen, lack of most functions (hence, even downloading an application on it will be problematic), low quality plastic, etc.

It is completely unsuitable for full-time work or entertainment; it is better not to save money, but to buy a really good tablet computer from a well-known manufacturer with positive reviews in online stores.

Is it worth buying a cheap tablet?
If your budget is limited to a minimum, but the desire to buy a tablet continues, then in principle you can buy a cheap tablet. However, here you need to choose carefully by finding it on the Internet real reviews people who bought and tested this or that model. Naturally, look at the characteristics, study video reviews, and if all of them suit you, then, of course, it’s worth buying such a tablet.

Is it worth buying a tablet if you have a laptop?
To be honest, such a question can be considered incorrect, since these are two completely different devices, despite the apparent similarity. It’s the same as asking: “Is it worth buying a passenger car if I already have a GAZelle truck?” That is, you, of course, don’t truck you can go to the sea beach, but it will still not look entirely natural, and you will spend much more gasoline than you could.

This is approximately the same situation with a laptop; it is bulky enough to always carry with you and use in public transport or other places. A tablet computer is a more mobile thing that can be used anytime, anywhere, without attracting attention. In addition, as a rule, the battery charge on a tablet lasts for a much longer period of time than on a laptop.

Therefore, to sum up this question, we answer categorically – “YES!” It’s worth buying a tablet, even if you already have a laptop!”

Is it worth buying Graphics tablet?
To begin with, you must understand that a graphic tablet computer is a completely different technique that is used by artists and designers to create images immediately on the computer (they draw on it with a special stylus). It is similar to a tablet, only in name and, in principle, looks a little similar in appearance.

Whether to buy it or not, we cannot clearly answer here. Yes, this is an interesting toy, but how long will it last?! However, if you are engaged in design or art professionally, then, of course, a graphics tablet will be an excellent purchase!

Lately, I often see articles and opinions about whether tablets are needed now and whether it makes sense to buy them. There are many opinions and they are all different. You agree with someone, but someone writes outright nonsense. Since I am a user iPad Air sample 2012, I also want to insert my two cents.

Why did I buy a tablet? From the presentation first iPad It's been a long time, and I'm sure few people use a tablet the way Steve Jobs showed us. He sat in a chair and told me that scrolling sites through big screen- it's comfortable. Here I’ll say right away - yes, it’s convenient. But you know, I can’t say that I often surf the Internet via a tablet. It’s more convenient to open tabs, save files, and what’s called working in a browser on a PC.

Go ahead. Jobs also showed how convenient it would be to read books and magazines on tablets. There's no arguing here. The iPad, in a sense, gave new life dying press. Now every magazine has an application through which you can buy your favorite “Behind the Wheel,” for example, and read it anywhere. On the other hand, what prevents you from buying a real magazine, taking it on the road and reading it anywhere. In terms of books, the iPad cannot be replaced for me personally. Thanks to Retina screen it's a pleasure to read. Someone will say that electronic readers are still better, they have special ink and everything - you can’t argue with you either. And besides, e-readers “live” longer. Here, as they say, it is more convenient for someone where. I'm used to reading on the iPad, and I'm happy with it.

Films and media. A point that, of course, is a big plus. For the sake of my profession (railroad worker), I sometimes take my tablet with me and, while at the rest house of locomotive crews, I watch films and TV series. In this regard, the iPad is good and all thanks to the same Retina screen and operating time of 10 hours on a single charge. It is also irreplaceable on family trips. When we go to the lake or on vacation, the tablet serves as an excellent media player for us. And here, of course, it kills laptops with its portability - put it in any bag and forget it.

Working on an iPad. But here tablets are not doing well, as Steve Jobs once wanted. He said that we will all soon switch from laptops to tablets and hello to the post-PC era. Alas, this did not happen. Using the iPad as a work computer: working with documents, editing videos, working with photographs, writing articles and other “laptop” tasks - for now this is space for tablets. Yes, you can sketch out some text, but you will still be finalizing it on a PC. Yes, you can buy a separate keyboard and typing will become much more convenient. But for me, the iPad is still only for drafting text. Yes, there is a program called iMovie that allows you to quickly sketch out a short montage, but nothing more. Well, working with files and other complex tasks that we do on PCs are still a dream for tablets.

Games and software. Everything is sad here. If at the time of the release of the first iPad in App Store Remastered versions of old games began to appear, for example command conquer and others - there was hope that this would be on an ongoing basis. But, alas, this did not happen and the developers did not rush to remaster their old games on tablets. They can be understood. It seems to me that no one will play games for 1.5-2 hours on the iPad. It is exclusively suitable for session games - you log in for 10-20 minutes, collect a conditional harvest and leave. For big games we have PC and consoles. But nevertheless, there is “Heroes 3” on the iPad, in which you can easily disappear for 1-2 hours.

Software Every Apple presentation in his videos he shows how the iPad is used in different professions. Doctors, engineers, artists and photographers. Supposedly there is specialized software for every profession and everyone is happy. Perhaps this is true in America and Europe, but tell me - have you seen doctors using tablets in a Russian hospital? Have you ever seen anyone in our country have a tablet at their workplace? Of course not. Our country is terribly wild in this regard, and in the future everything may change. But now everything is sad in this regard and what Apple shows in its videos is nothing more than a beautiful fairy tale.

So do you need a tablet now and is it worth buying? The answer is very simple. If you have a device from 2011-12, of course not. I have a 2012 iPad Air and am very happy with it. It, of course, does not slow down and everything works smoothly. The battery lasted 10 hours, and that's what it does. It would still make sense to update. What has Apple done in 5 years with tablets? She released a large iPad with a stylus and recently with small frames - that's it. Well, you know, for me, changing the device purely because of smaller frames - no thanks. Well, I simply don’t need a big iPad. For what? For what?

If you don’t have a tablet at all, buy and buy only from Apple. WITH Android devices so far everything is bad. Take an iPad and it will serve as an excellent media center for you on the go, an excellent e-reader, an excellent note-taker, and so far this is the best toilet device on the market.

Quite a lot of people are wondering about the relevance of purchasing a tablet in 2019.

This question is really very important. After all, some information sources emphasize that the golden era of tablets is long gone. And this device is gradually disappearing into oblivion.

But is this really the case? In reality, a tablet, like any other device, has its advantages and disadvantages.

Only after weighing all the factors can one draw a conclusion about the need to purchase a tablet computer or whether such a choice is incorrect.

In this article we will weigh all the pros and cons that the tablet offers its potential buyer.


1. Light weight

The first significant advantage of the tablet in 2017 is its low weight.

Of course, here we are talking only about comparison with a laptop or desktop computer. But a tablet is frankly inferior to an ordinary smartphone in this discipline.

Be that as it may, any tablet is quite light in weight relative to its own dimensions, which cannot but be interpreted as an advantage.

2. Practicality

A tablet differs from a computer in its practicality. Take, for example, just the absence of the usual keyboard. On the one hand, working with text editors becomes much more complex.

But on the other hand, the absence of a keyboard allows you to use the tablet in conditions in which using a desktop computer or laptop is simply inconvenient. After all, many people love to have dinner in the kitchen while watching a good movie.

A laptop with its keyboard is not so easy to place on a table.

In addition, the keyboard is susceptible to contact with liquids or crumbs. But with a tablet such problems do not arise. So we add one more plus to the tablet’s collection.

3. Versatility

Despite the lack of a traditional keyboard, the tablet is distinguished by its versatility. After all, this device can be purchased on absolutely any operating system.

It could be the operating room Android system or Windows. Every more or less dedicated user knows that these systems are very different. This means that the buyer will be able to choose exactly what he needs.

In addition, using special outputs, you can connect a familiar keyboard and even a computer mouse to the tablet, thereby turning the tablet into a laptop.

And almost all the functions of the laptop in this case become available to the user.

4. Battery life

Tablet computers have a fairly large screen. In this case, the comparison is already with smartphones.

The large screen area allows you to place a high-capacity battery in the tablet body.

So the average tablet compares favorably with both a smartphone and a laptop in terms of autonomy. It is for this advantage that people prefer tablets.

5. Fast loading

We all know what to run personal computer and the system takes some time to boot.

Of course, every year it becomes less and less. But the fact remains a fact. At the same time, in order to activate the tablet, just press the lock button.

The smartphone can also boast a similar advantage. But the diagonal of the tablet’s screen, as well as the large battery capacity, do their job and bring the tablet to first place.

Well, now let’s look at the arguments in favor of not purchasing a tablet.


1. Relatively small amount of memory

When incomparable large sizes A tablet often has a built-in memory capacity that is similar to that of a smartphone. Is it worth talking about an ordinary personal computer here?

Most often, the result differs significantly. As a result, it is impossible to store a large amount of information on the tablet. And excess files lead to malfunctions of the electronic device.

2. Tablets are being replaced by large smartphones

Every year the size of the average smartphone is becoming larger.

If a couple of years ago a smartphone with a 5-inch diagonal was contemptuously called a shovel, then in 2017 screens have become even larger than this value.

And a diagonal of 5 inches is already considered the prerogative of the class of miniature devices.

So why buy a tablet if a smartphone can also boast big screen? After all, the loss of smartphones in this discipline is already minimal today.

3. Unavailability of all the usual laptop functions

No matter what advantages a tablet has, it is unlikely to be able to provide its owner with all the usual functions of a laptop. And for some people this is very important.

Of course you can buy additional keyboard, attach a mouse to the tablet.

But why then are all these events needed? In this case, the autonomy of the tablet is lost. So isn't it easier to just buy a laptop? Quite a controversial point.

4. Expensive repairs

Due to the fact that fewer and fewer users are choosing a tablet, the availability of these devices on the market is also decreasing.

And the decline in the tablet population means that parts for them are becoming increasingly difficult to find. And if there are parts, then their prices are much higher than for similar parts for smartphones.

After all, demand creates supply, and scarce goods always cost more. This is also worth considering when considering purchasing a tablet computer in 2017.

5. Mediocre cameras

Another undoubted disadvantage of tablets is the following. Despite quite high cost, they have very impactful cameras. That's the trend.

After all, theoretically, people don’t take tablets with them on trips very often. Consequently, tablets are rarely used for photography. But quite often there is a need to take a high-quality photograph using a tablet.

Of course, front-camera can be quite simple. Such that it is enough for her to communicate through special programs.

But the main camera will most likely disappoint a large number of potential buyers. This also includes the absence of a flash.

Many manufacturers do not equip their devices with a flash module, which also negatively affects the attractiveness of the tablet for the average user.


It’s too early to completely write off the tablet computer. It boasts its unique advantages.

And although other types of devices can partially replace the tablet in some areas, there is still no complete alternative to it.

At the same time, some users can quite successfully replace the tablet with other similar devices.

In any case, the decision is yours to make! Evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of a tablet computer, and then draw the only correct conclusion for yourself!



Is it worth buying a tablet in 2019? Five pros and five cons of these gadgets



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