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How to record a Skype conversation on Android. How to record a conversation on Skype

One of the main features of Skype is the ability to make video calls. But there are situations when a user wants to record a video of conversations via Skype. There may be many reasons for this: the desire to always be able to update valuable information in your memory in an undistorted form (this primarily applies to webinars and lessons); using the video as evidence of the words spoken by the interlocutor, if he suddenly begins to refuse them, etc. Let's find out how to record a video from Skype to your computer.

Despite the unconditional demand of users for this function, the Skype application itself does not have built-in tools for recording a video conversation. for a long time did not provide. The problem was solved by using specialized third party programs. But in the fall of 2018, an update was released for Skype 8, allowing you to record video conferences. About algorithms in various ways We'll talk about recording videos on Skype further.

Method 1: Screen Recorder

One of the most convenient programs to capture video from the screen, including during a conversation via Skype, is the Screen Recorder application from the Russian company Movavi.

  1. After downloading the installer from the official website, run it to install the program. A language selection window will immediately appear. The system language should be displayed by default, so often you don’t need to change anything here, you just need to click "OK".
  2. The start window will open "Installation Wizard". Click "Further".
  3. You will then need to confirm your agreement to the license terms. To perform this operation, place the radio button in the position "I accept…" and press "Further".
  4. You will be prompted to install additional software from Yandex. But there is no need to do this at all, unless you yourself think otherwise. To refuse installation unnecessary programs, just uncheck all the checkboxes in the current window and click "Further".
  5. A window for selecting the installation location for Screen Recorder will open. According to the default settings, the folder with the application will be placed in the directory "Program Files" on disk C. Of course, you can change this address by simply entering a different path into the field, but we do not recommend doing this without good reason. Often in this window you do not need to perform any additional actions other than clicking on the button "Further".
  6. In the next window you can select a directory from the menu "Start", where the program icons will be placed. But here, too, it is not at all necessary to change the default settings. To activate the installation, click "Install".
  7. The application installation procedure will begin, the dynamics of which will be displayed using a green indicator.
  8. Once the installation of the application is complete, a shutdown window will open. "Setup Wizard". By placing check marks you can make automatic start Screen Recorder after closing the active window, configure the program to autoload when the system starts, and also allow the sending of anonymous data to Movavi. We advise you to select only the first item out of three. By the way, it is activated by default. Next click "Ready".
  9. After that "Installation Wizard" will be closed, and if you selected the item in the last window "Run...", then you will immediately see the Screen Recorder working shell.
  10. You need to immediately specify the capture settings. The program works with three elements:
    • Webcam;
    • System sound;
    • Microphone.

    Active elements are highlighted in green. To achieve the goal set in this article, it is necessary that the system sound and microphone are turned on, and the webcam is turned off, since we will capture the image directly from the monitor. Therefore, if the settings are not set in the same way as described above, then you just need to click on the appropriate buttons to bring them into the proper form.

  11. As a result, the Screen Recorder panel should look like the screenshot below: the webcam is disabled, and the microphone and system sound are enabled. Activating the microphone allows you to record your speech, and system sounds- speech of the interlocutor.
  12. Now you need to capture the video on Skype. Therefore you need to run this messenger, if you haven't done so before. After this, you should stretch the Screen Recorder capture frame to the size of the plane of the Skype window from which you will record. Or, on the contrary, you will need to narrow it if the size is larger than the size of the Skype shell. To do this, place the cursor on the border of the frame by holding down the left mouse button ( LMB), and drag it in the desired direction to change the size of the captured space. If you need to move the frame along the screen plane, then in this case, place the cursor in its center, which is indicated by a circle with triangles emanating in different directions from it, and click LMB and drag the object in the desired direction.
  13. The result should be a result in the form of a section of the shell framed by a frame. Skype programs, from which the video will be recorded.
  14. Now you can start actually recording. To do this, return to the Screen Recorder panel and click on the button "REC".
  15. When using the trial version of the program, a dialog box will open warning that the recording time will be limited to 120 seconds. If you want to remove this restriction, you will have to purchase a paid version of the program by clicking "Buy". If you do not intend to do this yet, click "Continue". After purchasing a license, this window will not appear in the future.
  16. Another dialog box will then open asking you to disable effects to improve system performance while recording. You will be given options to do this manually or automatically. We recommend using the second method by clicking on the button "Continue".
  17. After this, video recording will begin directly. For trial version users, it will automatically end after 2 minutes, and license holders will be able to record for as long as needed. If necessary, you can cancel the procedure at any time by pressing the button "Cancel", or pause it temporarily by clicking on the element "Pause". To complete recording you need to press "Stop".
  18. After completing the procedure, the built-in Screen Recorder player will automatically open, in which you can view the resulting video. If necessary, you can immediately trim the video or convert it to the desired format.
  19. By default, the video is saved in MKV format along the following path:

    C:\Users\username\Videos\Movavi Screen Recorder

    But it is possible in the settings to assign any other directory for saving recorded videos.

The Screen Recorder program is easy to use when recording video in Skype and at the same time has quite developed functionality that allows you to edit the resulting video. But, unfortunately, to fully use this product you need to purchase a paid version, since the trial version has a number of serious limitations: the possibility of use is limited to 7 days; the duration of one video cannot exceed 2 minutes; displaying the background caption on the video.

Method 2: "Screen Camera"

The next program that you can use to record video on Skype is called " Screen camera" Like the previous one, it is also distributed on a paid basis and has a free trial version. But unlike Screen Recorder, the restrictions are not so strict and in fact only consist in the ability to use the program for free for 10 days. In terms of functionality, the trial version is in no way inferior to the licensed version.

  1. After downloading the distribution, run it. A window will open "Installation Wizard". Click "Further".
  2. Then you should act very carefully so that you don’t install a bunch of unnecessary software along with the “Screen Camera”. To do this, move the radio button to position "Settings" and uncheck all checkboxes. Then click "Further".
  3. In the next step, accept license agreement by activating the corresponding radio button and press "Further".
  4. Then you need to select the program folder using the same principle as was done for Screen Recorder. Then click "Further".
  5. In the next window you can create a program icon on "Desktop" and pin the application to "Taskbars". The task is performed by placing checkboxes in the appropriate checkboxes. By default, both functions are enabled. After specifying the parameters, click "Further".
  6. To start the installation, click "Install".
  7. The “Screen Camera” installation process is activated.
  8. After successful installation, the final installer window will be displayed. If you want to activate the program immediately, then place a checkbox in the checkbox "Start Screen Camera". After that press "Complete".
  9. When using a trial version rather than a licensed one, a window will open where you can enter license key(if you have already purchased it), proceed to purchase a key or continue using the trial version for 10 days. In the latter case, click "Continue".
  10. The main window of the On-Screen Camera program will open. Launch Skype if you haven't already done so and click "Screen Recording".
  11. Next, you need to configure the recording and select the capture type. Be sure to check the checkbox "Record audio from microphone". Also note that in the drop-down list "Sound recording" the correct source has been selected, that is, the device through which you will listen to your interlocutor. Here you can also adjust the volume level.
  12. When choosing a capture type for Skype, one of the following two options is suitable:
    • Selected window;
    • Screen fragment.

    In the first case, after selecting an option, you just need to click on the Skype window, click Enter and the entire messenger shell will be captured.

    In the second, the procedure will be approximately the same as when using Screen Recorder.

    That is, you will need to select the area of ​​the screen from which recording will be made by dragging the boundaries of this area.

  13. After the screen capture and audio settings have been made and you are ready to communicate on Skype, click "Record".
  14. The procedure for recording video from Skype will begin. After you finish a call, you can end the recording by pressing the button F10 or click on the element "Stop" in the On-Screen Camera panel.
  15. The built-in On-Screen Camera player will open. In it you can watch the resulting video or edit it. Then click "Close".
  16. Next, you will be asked to save the current video to a project file. To do this, click "Yes".
  17. A window will open where you need to go to the directory where you want to store the video. In field "File name" you must enter its name. Next click "Save".
  18. But the resulting file will not be played in standard video players. Now, in order to watch the video again, you need to open the “Screen Camera” program and click on the block "Open project".
  19. A window will open where you will need to go to the directory in which you saved the video, select required file and press "Open".
  20. The video will be launched in the built-in On-Screen Camera player. To save it in a familiar format so that you can open it in other players, go to the tab "Video Creation". Next, click on the block "Create Screen Video".
  21. In the next window, click on the name of the format in which you prefer to save.
  22. You can then change the video quality settings if necessary. To start the conversion, click "Convert".
  23. A save window will open, in which you need to go to the directory where you intend to store the video and click "Save".
  24. The video conversion procedure will be undertaken. Upon completion, you will receive a video recording of a conversation on Skype, which can be viewed using almost any video player.

Method 3: Built-in Toolkit

The recording options described above are suitable for absolutely all versions of Skype. Now we will talk about a method that is available for the updated version of Skype 8 and, unlike previous methods, is based only on the use of the internal tools of this program.

  1. After starting a video call, hover over the lower right corner of the Skype window and click "Other options" in the form of a plus sign.
  2. IN context menu select item "Start Recording".
  3. After this, the program will begin video recording, having previously notified all conference participants. text message. The duration of the recording session can be observed in the upper part of the window, where the timer is located.
  4. To complete this procedure, you must click on the element "Stop recording", which is located next to the timer.
  5. The video recording will be saved directly in the current chat. All conference participants will have access to it. You can start watching the video by simply clicking on it.
  6. But in a chat, the video recording is stored for only 30 days, and then it will be deleted. If necessary, you can save the video to HDD computer in order to have access to it even after the specified period. To do this, right-click on the video in Skype chat and select the option "Save as…".
  7. In the standard save window, move to the directory where you want to place the video. In field "File name" Enter the desired video title or leave the one that appears by default. Then click "Save". The video will be saved in MP4 format in the selected folder.

Mobile version of Skype

Recently, Microsoft has been trying to develop desktop and mobile Skype version in parallel, equipping them with identical functions and tools. It is not surprising that the ability to record calls has also appeared. We'll tell you how to use it further.

  1. Having communicated via voice or video with the interlocutor with whom you want to record the conversation,

    Open the conversation menu by double-tapping the plus sign button at the bottom of the screen. In the list of possible actions that appears, select "Start Recording".

  2. Immediately after this, the call will begin recording, both audio and video (if it was a video call), and your interlocutor will receive a corresponding notification. At the end of the conversation or when there is no longer a need to record, tap on the link located to the right of the timer "Stop recording".
  3. A video recording of your conversation will appear in the chat, where it will be stored for 30 days.

  4. This is how easy it is to record a call in mobile version Skype. This is done using the same algorithm as in the updated desktop program, endowed with similar functionality.


If you are using the updated Skype version 8, then you can record a video call using the built-in tools of this program; a similar feature is present in the mobile application for Android and iOS. But users are more earlier versions messenger, this problem can be solved only through specialized software from third-party developers. However, it should be noted that almost all such applications are paid, and their trial versions have significant limitations.

Skype is the most popular program to communicate via worldwide network. Using Skype, you can communicate with interlocutors, create conferences, and much more. But sometimes it happens that you need to record a conversation and save it to your computer. The recording will provide an opportunity to listen to it in the future or use it as evidence. The main problem with recording a conversation is that Skype does not have a built-in recording function. There are many different programs, with which you can record conversations on Skype. The developers have released a couple of cool programs: Amolto Call Recorder, CallTrunk for Skype, Evoca Call, Vodburner, Pamela, iFree Skype Recorder. They are all similar to each other and the choice is yours. This article will describe how iFree Skype Recorder works. Why she? It has no extraneous noise when recording, and it's free. This article will help you learn how to record conversations on Skype using one utility.

Description of the iFree Skype Recorder program for recording conversations on Skype

The first thing that can scare you when installing a program is the English language. Yes, it is entirely in English, but it is easy to understand. Using this utility, you can record all Skype conversations, including conference calls. There are two types of entries: full version, when you can record the entire conversation and the recording of only one of the interlocutors. Absolutely all recordings are saved to your computer in mp3 format. To run iFree Skype Recorder you need:

After authorization is confirmed, “Ready for Recording” will be written.

That's it, the program is ready and you can record a conversation on Skype.

Possible problems with the iFree program

The most common problems with the program are “Searching for Skype” or “Waiting to access Skype” errors.

There may also be an error “Your skype refused me to access it. Please visit the page." Don't worry, such problems are easily solved. To do this you need:

There should be no more problems and recording conversations from Skype will proceed without a hitch.

Instructions for recording sound on Skype

The IFree Skype Recorder program can record in two modes: automatic (sound recording turns on and off independently) and manually (you need to control the recording yourself).

iFree panel:

After you have studied the main window, you need to consider how to record a conversation on Skype. As soon as you turn on the sound recording, the message “Recording in progress” will appear. The pause and stop buttons will be red. This means that recording can be paused or stopped completely at any time.

After you've finished the call, find your entry in History. To find a folder with recordings, click on the “Recording folder” button. The folder can be changed at will to any other one on the computer and all entries will be saved in it.

Instructions for recording a video conversation on Skype

Video calls are the most convenient way to communicate on Skype. With the help of video, you can not only hear, but also see your interlocutor. The “Screen Camera” application will help you record a video conversation.

Record a video conversation on Skype without special application impossible.

First you need to download the program and install it on your PC. After you have downloaded and installed the application, it is time to record your first video from Skype. On the main program window, click the “Screen Recording” button and select the area on the monitor that you want to record. The area easily moves across the screen and you can change camera locations.

All that remains is to make a video call and click on the “Record” button. To stop the video, press the F10 key.

Upon completion, you can save the video in the format you need. There are three options for saving videos. The first one is “Create Screen Video”. Saves the recording to your computer. The second is “Burn video to DVD”. In this case, the recorded conversation on Skype can be downloaded to disk. The third is ready-made settings that will help you upload videos to different video hosting sites. There are other programs for recording video conversations via Skype, the choice is always yours.

Recording a video conversation in Skype on Android OS

It would seem that we have already considered all the possibilities of recording via Skype, but there is another interesting option - recording conversations in Skype on Android. If you have the device itself, a special mobile application Skype and Internet access, this is quite simple to do using the Screen Cast Recorder application. Launch Skype on your phone, call your interlocutor, go to the Screen Cast Recorder application and press the red button, which indicates the start of recording. At the end of the conversation, you need to press the red button again, this will be the end of the recording. The file will be saved to your phone in MP3 format and the folder you set.

So, in order to record a conversation, you need to download a program for recording on Skype. You can record a video conversation from a computer or laptop, and even from a regular smartphone. Using the advice in this article, you can easily record whatever you want and listen to it at a time convenient for you.

You can easily record all conversations in Skype and save the recordings on your computer. Of course, make it built-in Windows functions not possible, but anyone can help you third party software, designed for Skype. This way you can listen to your conversations again and send them to friends and colleagues. If you make calls to Cell phones via Skype, you get the opportunity to record and telephone conversations, which is sometimes simply necessary, as it will easily prove that you are right in a particular issue. This article will discuss two of the most popular and simple programs: Amolto Call Recorder and iFree Recorder.

How to record a conversation on Skype using iFree Recorder

This software is easy to install, small in size, and easy to use. The iFree Recorder program is distributed free of charge, so you can download it freely from the developer’s official website at http://www.ifree-recorder.com

  • Click on the “Free Download” button to start downloading the software.
  • After saving the distribution, double-click on it with the mouse. The installation process is relatively simple and will not cause you any problems.
  • Specify the program save folder and click “Install”; in all other points you just need to click “Ok” and “Next”.

  • As soon as iFree Recorder is installed, you will see Skype program. If you are not authorized in the system, you will need to enter your username and password.
  • An orange frame will appear at the top of the window notifying you that iFree Recorder is trying to access Skype. For it to work properly, you need to give your permission by clicking on the “Give access” field.

This is what the iFree Recorder window looks like. This is a small and simple program:

  • There is a round red button in the upper left corner. It is similar to the “Rec” button on old tape recorders and is intuitive - this starts recording.
  • Next to it is a conversation pause button if you need to interrupt the conversation.
  • The “History” window will display all the entries that you made using this utility.
  • By clicking on the field with the hammer and screwdriver icon, you can adjust the recording quality and other audio options.

To stop recording when needed, simply press the record button again.

How to record a conversation on Skype using Amolto Call Recorder

This program has a more flexible interface for configuration and many more options. With it, you can record not only an audio call, but also a video of the interlocutor. Amolto Call Recorder has a trial version of use for a period of ten days, after which you will be offered to buy it for $29.99. You can download it on the official website at http://amolto.com, or from your own sources.

  • Follow the link above and click on the “Download” button.

  • You will find yourself on the page for choosing versions: trial or full paid. It is better to choose a trial, since it is free and is given for ten days, during which you can have time to record all the conversations you need. Click “Download” again.

  • As soon as the software is saved on your computer, proceed with the installation. The process is not particularly complicated: you only need to specify the installation path and check the license agreement box.

The program window is miniature and has several buttons:

  • The bottom left button starts recording the conversation.
  • Nearby you will see pause and stop buttons. The first one only interrupts the recording, and the second one completely ends it.
  • By clicking the “Options” button, you can adjust the quality of audio and video, as well as the saving path.
  • “Recording History” allows you to view all recorded files through this program.

In the general window, you can see in what format audio and video are recorded, as well as what devices are used for this.

When working with the Skype application, users get a lot of opportunities: from instant messaging to free video calling from anywhere in the world. The only thing that the developers did not take care of was the call recording function, which would undoubtedly be useful. In this article we will tell you how to record a conversation on Skype, and also provide the TOP 3 most popular programs designed for this!

Record a conversation on Skype using Free Video Call Recorder

This free program, which allows you to record audio and video calls, supports several languages, including Russian. When using it, you will not have a limit on the file duration, and all data is saved in mp3 and mp4 format.

After launching the application, you will see a warning message telling you to notify the other party that the conversation will be recorded. Check the box next to “Do not show again”. The first activation will be on English language, so the software should be Russified: open the Tools menu, select Language and select Russian from the drop-down list.

To prevent the program from starting with operating system, open Tools and uncheck the AutoPlay option.

Recording Skype calls begins with a call to the desired interlocutor. After the connection is established, click the “Record” button in the program window. You can interrupt the process by clicking on the “Pause” button, and to complete it you should use the “Stop” command. In the working window there is a timer that counts the total time. You can watch the video or listen to the file by selecting the “Show in folder” command.

How to Record a Skype Conversation Using MP3 Skype Recorder

After installation, the application will automatically launch, and in the future you can turn it on through the Start menu. The working window is small: it contains 3 main buttons and several fields for settings. Like all similar utilities, the software starts working after the connection with your Skype interlocutor has occurred.

By clicking on the “Start” button you activate the process of saving the conversation, and the icon called Off stops it.

Here in the window you can select a location to store the file, set automatic launch with the system and set the necessary recording parameters.

How to record Skype calls in Pamela

In this application you will find a whole range of services: here is a voice answering machine, a contact organizer, a call scheduler, and recording audio and video calls.

The Russian-language interface is extremely simple and anyone can understand it. Recording settings are located on the “General” tab, among the functions you will find:

  • Adjustment of the maximum call duration.
  • Allowing text or audio warnings when a conversation has been recorded.
  • Automatically end a call after exceeding a specified limit.
  • Regulation of program activation (with a request or in automatic mode).
  • Selecting a storage location for files.

Among all Skype features, the ability to make video calls is the most popular. She brings to the conversation personal contact and helps create the feeling that friends, colleagues or loved ones are in the same room with you, and not several thousand kilometers away. And often during such video calls, users need to record some moments (especially if Skype is used for work), that is, to record the conversation. Is it possible?

Directly - no. Skype developers are in no hurry to add this feature to their brainchild. However, third-party companies are actively developing and marketing applications that allow you to save a video conversation on Skype.

Without programs, recording a Skype conversation with picture and sound is not yet possible.

Rules for recording video in Skype

Before downloading recording programs and using them during communication, remember about Internet etiquette. We communicate more and more on the Internet, and here we have our own rules of politeness. Therefore, before you start recording a video call, you need to warn your interlocutor about this, otherwise you risk ruining your relationship with him.

In addition, there are already a number of countries where recording a conversation without notification not only violates Internet etiquette, but is also punishable by law.

Now, knowing this, you can move on to considering popular solutions that allow you to record video on Skype.

Record video on Skype using Free Video Call recorder

Program for recording video from computer Free Video Call recorder is very popular among those who regularly record video conversations on Skype. At least because it was designed specifically for this.

This program is freely available on the Internet. You can download it for free from the official website or third-party trackers.

Step 1 – Installation. When installing this program on your computer, carefully read the text in the windows: there will be a suggestion to install additional programs. If you don't need them, uncheck them before moving on to the next step.

Step 2 – Setup. Most likely, Free Video Call recorder will be in English during the first launch. To change the language to Russian, open the “Tools” menu, then “Languages”, and select Russian in the list that opens. Also, when you first launch the program, a message will appear asking you to notify your interlocutor of your intention to record the conversation. Check the box next to the text “Don’t show again” so you don’t see this message in the future.

Step 3 – Record.

The program interface is quite simple and intuitive. The red button records. Black – stops recording and saves the file. A button with two bars allows you to temporarily pause the recording of a video call or pause it. You can select the recording mode and output folder where the recorded video file will be placed. Working with it is simple: you need to start a conversation, click on the red button, and then save the video to your computer by clicking on the “Stop” button. Step 4 – View.

The video will be saved as mp4 and the audio as mp3. You can find it by clicking on the “Show in folder” button.

Recording video on Skype using On-Screen Camera

Screen Camera is another popular program for recording conversations. It's also free, simple, and easy to install.

The main advantage of this program is that the user himself chooses which parts of the screen to record, that is, the potential recording area is not limited to the window with the video of the interlocutor. Download boot file

and run it. During the process, it is recommended to check the box next to the “Add shortcut to desktop” command.

After installing the program, launch it and select the “Screen Recording” option. In this menu, select the recording mode - fragment, window or Full Screen

– and adjust the video size.

To start recording video via Skype, dial the person you are talking to and wait until their image appears on the screen. After this, you can click on the “Record” button in the “Screen Camera”.

The final video can be viewed in the “Created Video” section.

The program also has the ability to edit videos - cut out the necessary fragments, add audio tracks and titles. in the required format. Once you've edited your project, select "Create Video" and the program will offer you options for saving the video.

The programs considered are far from the only ones that can record video from Skype, but they have already proven themselves to be the simplest and most convenient.



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