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The computer does not see the Samsung connected via USB. Internet on a computer via a Samsung Galaxy phone modem and from other Android smartphones

The question of how to use a phone as a router or modem for a computer via USB is a logical continuation of many the most interesting ways Internet connections, which we have been discussing for a long time on the pages of this blog. It’s especially fun to explore the possibilities mobile connections on Android – these days you have to go somewhere and move around all the time. Therefore, the less tied we are to our desktop, the more ability we have to be online exactly when we really need it.

How to make a modem from an Android phone?

From additional functions It is possible to limit the amount of traffic consumed through an Android mobile hotspot.

And turn off wifi signal upon reaching the permissible limit

Plus, you can further limit the number of connected devices, as well as add them to the blacklist unwanted users.

Today we sorted out different variants connecting your phone as a Bluetooth or USB modem, which are suitable for absolutely different devices, but which have one undeniable advantage - mobility, especially since now everyone has mobile operators There are very attractive tariffs for unlimited Internet. For starters, the promised video about the iPhone, about how to make the phone a modem by connecting it to USB computers cable and also detailed lesson about how to get online different ways from a tablet.

Internet access is a necessity for many people. Users communicate in in social networks, watching videos, working. But what if you need to access the Internet from a computer, but don’t have a modem?

Can a smartphone be used as a modem? Yes, this option is possible, since it will serve to access Global network. The connection procedure is simple, just follow simple rules.

Using a smartphone as a modem via USB

How to use a smartphone as a USB modem? If there is a cable from the phone, then connect it to the computer and use it as external modem. For the procedure to work, you must perform the following steps:

  • You need to open the device settings, and then find the “Other networks” section.
  • You should select "Modem and access point". You will be notified that a connection to your computer is required.
  • The USB cable must be connected to the PC.
  • Then the “USB modem” tab will appear, which you need to click on to activate.
  • Then you need to open the browser and check the Internet.

This completes the procedure. If everything is done correctly, the device can work with the Internet. If there are any failures, the procedure must be completed again.

Using a smartphone as a modem via Wi-Fi

One of the functions needed in the Android OS is the distribution of the Internet using a hotspot. Wi-Fi access. How to use a smartphone as a modem for a computer? The phone will serve as an access point, and other devices can connect to access the Network. In this case, 3G and 4G work.

To configure traffic distribution from using Wi-Fi In your device, you need to visit the “Settings” section, select “Other networks”, and then click “Modem and access point”. Then you need to create an access point, specifying the necessary parameters: name, security level, password. After filling out, you need to save the data and turn on Wi-Fi.

To connect to the point from a computer or other device, you need to connect Wi-Fi, select an access point, and enter a password. It should be taken into account that you need to come up with control information yourself. Then it can be communicated to the person who will use the Internet.

How Easy Tether Lite works

How to use a smartphone as a modem if difficulties arise with other methods? In this case, the Easy Tether Lite program will help, which is needed to turn a smartphone into a modem. It must be downloaded on both devices. After this, you need to connect the smartphone to the PC via a USB cable. The system requires installation of additional drivers. This is necessary for proper operation applications.

Then you need to enable the function on the device. Go to the “Settings” section, click “Applications”, “Development” and “USB Debugging”. You need to find the program on your computer and click on it. When the menu appears, you need to select “Connect Via “Android””. After a few seconds, the device will become operational, after which you can use the Internet.

Using a Samsung phone as a modem

How to use a smartphone as a modem if the equipment is Samsung? This company provides a CD with the product, which includes the program Samsung Kies. If this application is not available, then it should be downloaded from the company’s official website. After installation, you need to visit the settings, turn off the “USB storage” function.

Then you need to connect the device using a USB cable, and also install the driver. In Windows 7 and other versions, installation is performed automatically. Then you need to go to “Settings”, select “Wireless Networks”. In the “Modem and access point” menu, you need to check the boxes next to the “USB modem” and “Mobile AP” items.

Then on your PC you need to enter the “Control Panel” and click “Connection”. This section will show you the network connections from which you need to select your device. If it is present in the list, this means that the technique is working correctly. Then you can use the Internet. How to use Windows smartphone as a modem? You must use the same scheme.

Possible connection difficulties

In practice, users face many difficulties, even if they know how to use a smartphone as a modem. A common problem is the lack of access to 3G and 4G networks. In this case, you will not be able to use the Internet, because there is no access to wireless technologies. The way out of the situation is to move to another place, as well as check that the device is working correctly. You can call your telecom operator. There may be restrictions on transmitting and receiving data over the Internet.

Another problem is also likely - the equipment does not connect via USB. The phone does not appear on the computer, so it cannot be used as a modem. It is necessary to check your PC to see if there are viruses, and whether Windows updates. You can try using a different one USB port to connect the cable. Often, manual installation of the driver, which must be downloaded, helps. If such problems are solved, a smartphone can perfectly replace a modem.

To gain access to the mobile Internet, it is customary to use 3G or 4G modems from various operators communications. On the one hand, this is very convenient, but on the other hand, the modem sticking out of the laptop is easy to break, along with the USB port itself. The problem is solved with the help of mobile phones, which replace modems and allow access to the Internet. How to use your phone as a modem?

There are three ways to connect your phone in this mode:

  • By cable;
  • Via Bluetooth;
  • Via Wi-Fi.

Let's see what this looks like in practice.

In order to use the phone as a modem, we can connect it to the computer using a suitable cable. Next, drivers are installed into the system - they are available for download on the manufacturers’ official websites. During the installation of drivers, a modem should appear in the list of devices, which is a mobile phone. After this you need to do the following:

  • Write the initialization string;
  • Create a connection;
  • Place the shortcut on your desktop and connect to the network.

Next, go to “Control Panel – Phone and Modem”. The window that opens will require you to specify the city code and dialing type. Enter your city code here, although we won’t need it, and check the “Tone dialing” box - after that you will be taken to the next window, in which we select the “Modems” tab. On this tab you will see the modem (aka mobile phone) previously installed in the system. Next, we need to write the modem initialization string, for which we call context menu by right-clicking on the selected modem.

After that, select the “Properties” item and go to the “ Extra options connections." Here we specify the initialization string AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","access_point". For example, for the telecom operator MTS the line will look like AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","mts".

You can find out the access point for your telecom operator on the website of the corresponding operator or on our website using the search.

After this, we proceed to create a connection - go to “Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center” shared access– Creating and configuring a new network connection.” Select “Internet Connection”, select a modem and enter the connection parameters:

  • Name – any;
  • Phone number - *99#;
  • Username – mts;
  • Password – mts.

After saving the parameters, you can start testing the connection. Using the phone as a modem for a computer via USB, we provide not only Internet access, but also battery charging.

The username and password depend on the operator used. For some mobile phones the dial-in number may be different, for example *99***1#. For detailed help, please visit your operator's website, in the help section.

But that’s not all - in smartphones of recent years it is possible to activate the “USB modem” function, which works without additional settings. Connect the device with a cable to the PC, activate the function - after a few seconds the computer will be connected to the Internet.

Connection via Bluetooth

A wired connection is inconvenient because there is a wire that gets in the way. And since almost every phone has Bluetooth, we can set up a connection through it. We turn on the modules on the phone and computer, connect, and wait for the drivers to be installed. Next, we configure the modem that appears in the system and create a connection- all by analogy with the above scheme.

The disadvantage of this method is the need for a Bluetooth module on the computer or laptop - most often they are not there. If there is no module, you can buy it separately by choosing a small-sized model. Another disadvantage would be fast discharge battery during intensive data transfer.

Connection via Wi-FI

Using the phone as a modem, connected via USB or Bluetooth, we are faced with the difficulty of setting up the connection. Even with step-by-step instructions, not all users will be able to cope with this task. Therefore, we will look at the process of connecting via Wi-Fi − This feature is present in almost all modern smartphones.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • Disable Wi-Fi on your phone and activate the mobile Internet connection;
  • Go to your phone settings and activate the access point;
  • Turn on Wi-Fi on your laptop/computer and find an access point;
  • Enter the password for the access point and wait for connection.

There is no need to configure anything here, which is already a big plus. If your smartphone does not have the ability to create an access point, try to use third party programs – they can be downloaded from the app store for your mobile platform.

This connection method has two disadvantages. The first disadvantage is the rapid discharge of the battery, and the second is the lack of Wi-FI modules in most desktop PCs (must be purchased separately).

A mobile phone is not just a means of communication and a set of various functions, but also a means of accessing the Internet from a personal computer. To understand USB, advantages and disadvantages this method- will be discussed in this article.

When purchasing a mobile gadget, the kit includes a USB or micro USB cable, with which you can flash the working design, copy files, move from phone to PC, edit, delete, etc. This cable can also be used as a modem (a device for connecting a signal between two points).

You can make your phone a modem to access the Internet in several ways: using a USB cable, wi-fi or Bluetooth. That is, you can connect via cable, and if there is no connector for the cord, via air.

Using a smartphone as a modem is not a difficult procedure and resembles connecting through an access point. Almost all modern Cell phones brands Xiaomi, Samsung, Nokia, Sony Ericson and others with built-in 3G, EDGE, GPRS modem.

Important! The connection speed via a smartphone is much lower than usual - cable or satellite communications. But if there is no Internet, technical work or other problems with the standard connection, this is a way out of the situation.

So, how to connect your phone to a computer via a USB cable as a modem. Let's look at step-by-step recommendations.

1 step. Connect your phone via a USB cable to your PC or laptop. An icon indicating the connection of new equipment will appear on the screen of both devices.

On some Windows computers, you may be asked “Trust this computer?” Click “Trust”.

Step 2. Enable mobile data transfer to directly connect to the network by specifying the card from which mobile traffic will be charged (MTS, Beeline or others). To do this, lower the additional settings curtain and select the desired icon.

Step 3. Go to the settings on your phone in the " Wireless network" or "Other networks".

Click “More” (in older versions), select from the list that appears - “Modem mode” or “Modem and access point”. Here we select “USB modem” and click on its connection.

It is worth noting that this connection is suitable for devices that do not have wireless connection, as well as laptops without a Wi-Fi adapter. In addition, a phone connected via a cable is charged and can serve for a long time, the main thing is the presence of traffic. But do not forget about battery wear when always connected charger, within a month or two the performance of the battery will noticeably decrease.

How to connect your phone to a computer instead of a modem

Using your phone as a modem allows you to transfer and distribute mobile data through your phone when there is no access to the network (no Wi-Fi, technical problems, or simply run out of money in your account).

What to do if the cable is connected, but there is no access to the network? In this case, only the following option is possible: telephone or tariff plan does not support this function or does not have the right to distribute mobile traffic.

Note! To find out, you need to call your mobile operator and ask “Is modem mode available in this tariff plan?”

How to disable tethering mode

How to turn on a USB modem on your phone is clear, but how to properly shut down its operation without causing harm to either the equipment or mobile traffic?

Note! To disable modem mode, it is recommended to unplug the USB cable from your mobile and PC. Data transfer will not apply to a device without a cable.

Connecting your phone as a modem to a computer using special software

The advantage of connecting your phone to a laptop or computer via a USB cable:

  • Fast transfer of information;
  • Access to internal data and directories of a mobile device;
  • Access to the Internet at the expense of mobile operator;
  • Lack of special programs.


  • Availability of USB cord;
  • Attachment to a computer or laptop;
  • The USB ports are working properly on both devices.

Note! When connecting your phone to a personal computer as a router, it is advisable to use unlimited Internet on a mobile gadget. Otherwise, money will be deducted from your account, which may result in a negative balance.

The computer does not see the phone's USB modem

What to do if the USB modem on your phone does not work? This may be caused by the following problems:

  • Hardware malfunction;
  • Uninstalled required drivers;
  • Incorrect device settings;
  • Software failure.

Note! After checking each issue, check to see if the issue is resolved so you don't lose your settings.

Hardware fault

First, we check the hardware: the USB reference cable, the input for the cable in the PC and the input on the connected device. To create a pair between working devices, find “Settings”, after “Modem mode” and check if it is active.

To check if the cable is working properly, insert it into another computer.

Note! If the problem of no connection is caused by faulty or damaged parts, replacement is required to solve it.

Error 19

Error 19: what to do? If at Windows connection The modem device does not start, which means that the registry contains missing, incomplete, or damaged information about its configuration. In this case, you need to remove or reinstall the drivers:

  • Select Device Manager and turn on "Search".
  • Choose required device from the list.
  • Delete the selection with the right mouse button.
  • Click "Action".
  • To install or reinstall the driver, select update hardware configuration.

Note! You can also revert to the last known known version of the registry configuration. To do this, restart your PC in safe mode, click "Load Last Known Good Configuration". Another way: system restore when creating a point.

Uninstalled or incorrectly installed drivers

When the drivers have failed or are not yet installed, you need to re-install them or install them first installation disk or other device by downloading latest drivers from the official website of the laptop or computer manufacturer.

In some cases, the problem can be resolved by turning off power to the port. To do this, go to “Control Panel”, then “Power Options”. In this section, you can connect your smartphone to a PC via a USB modem without recharging the device.

Another way to eliminate this problem is to eliminate the “?” or "!" in the Portable Devices menu (Device Manager). If such signs are present, click “Properties” with the right mouse button, remove the device and disconnect the device from the computer. After you connect the device again, the drivers are installed automatically.

Incorrect smartphone settings

There are several possible solutions to the problem:

  • Scan Personal Computer and smartphone for viruses. Afterwards, reboot, synchronize or, better yet, format the memory card.
  • When charging on a PC, reset all settings to factory settings. Just before resetting, do not forget to move all important files, documents, photos to another device. After such a procedure, resumption is not possible.

Note! To reset settings, find a button shaped like a small hole on the panel of your phone or tablet. You can also find the “Recovery” mode in the “Settings” menu and select it.

The computer does not see the phone through the cable

If previously a PC or laptop found a mobile gadget, but now it doesn’t, you need to find out what’s wrong. To fix the problem, you need to update the operating system or install the MTP protocol. You can download the Media Transfer Protocol on the official website. After installation, restart your computer and your smartphone should be detected.

Important! If, when you connect your phone, the PC itself begins unscheduled driver installation, wait until the process completes.

If the above reset methods do not help, you can fix the problem by going to service center and controlling the gadget through a computer. To prevent spending for mobile traffic when connecting the charger to the computer every time, turn off this function in "Modem Mode".

If your computer or other PC device still does not find the connected device and cannot connect to mobile traffic, contact support for help.

Those who tried the cord method of connecting to the network noted its positive qualities and practicality. The main thing is the absence of restrictions on Internet traffic and the permission of the mobile operator to distribute data to other devices.

All articles on our site are audited by a technical consultant. If you have any questions, you can always ask them on his page.

Smartphones Samsung Galaxy S, Ace and tablets Galaxy Tab very popular in Russia and are the main competitors of Apple devices. But not all owners of these Samsung devices are aware that their smartphone or tablet can be connected to a computer as a USB modem and access the Internet through it if necessary. Unfortunately, there are some models in the Galaxy series that do not support this feature. These are mainly tablets without a 3G/4G module. But there are few of them. There are no such problems with other Samsung Galaxy models.

How to enable modem mode on Samsung Galaxy?

1. Connect and configure Mobile Internet on your phone or tablet.

2. Using the included USB cable connect the device to a computer or laptop running Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10. In this case, operating system will begin searching and installing the driver.
If suddenly the driver was not found and installed, then install the Kies program, but do not run it.

3. On your phone or Galaxy tablet go to section Settings >>> Modem and mobile hotspot:

On some versions of Android this item may not be available, then you need to go to “ Additional settings" or more".

4. Check the box USB modem.

If the function has turned on successfully, the corresponding icon will appear in the notification area at the top of the screen.

5. After this, on the computer in Network connections should appear additional connection By local network with Internet access.

The disadvantage of this solution is that only one computer or laptop can be connected to the Internet. But the plus is that your Samsung Galaxy will also be recharged.



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