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Windows 10 create a system restore point.

Points Windows recovery 10 provide the user with the ability to roll back the OS configuration back to a previously saved working state. They represent a certain type files that can be created either by the user or by the system before important changes, such as updates, installation of drivers, programs. These files contain information about registry settings, Windows settings 10 on this moment time and information about changes in files that are essential for the operation of the system.

When returning to a previous state solves the problem

Restore points are not saved in full systems, so with their help, for example, it will not be possible to get back deleted applications. But the rollback to the previous state in the manner described above does not affect all personal user files, so photos, documents, music and similar files will not be erased from the disk.

Reverting to the previous configuration will help in the following cases:

  • if problems occur after installing new software, drivers, codecs, etc.;
  • when file associations fail, i.e. the system cannot determine the application to open certain types of files;
  • if Windows 10 fails to load;
  • if after cleaning the registry the system does not work properly.

It is not always possible to rollback successfully, even if the process starts in the usual way from the system properties window. This may be due to the impact of viruses on the recovery point files themselves.


If you have not changed the factory OS settings, then the automatic saving configuration function should be active by default. But this is only true for your system partition(usually drive C). If you want Windows 10 to be able to track changes to user files on other partitions hard drive and restore their previous versions, then the protection of non-system partitions will need to be activated.

Another reason to change the default protection settings may be a decrease in free disk space. Often the reason is that the reserved volume is too large.

Changing the amount of reserved disk space

Go to the protection settings window. You can do this in different ways:

  1. Open the control panel, select the “System” tab, then “System Protection”;
  2. Right-click on the computer icon in the start menu or in Explorer on the desktop, selecting “Properties” and “System Protection”;
  3. Copy the line rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,4 into the buffer, run the “Run” command (Win + R) and paste the copied text into the input field of the window that opens.

To change security settings:

  • in the list of available disks, select system;
  • go to its settings by clicking the button just below;
  • in the next settings window, move the slider to the value at which the reserved volume disk space will be optimal for you.

It is generally recommended to leave at least 5% of the disk. Anything less is already harmful, since once the specified space is filled, old records are deleted and it will no longer be possible to roll back the system to the values ​​of, say, a week or month ago.

Creating restore points

Windows 10 is saving system parameters before each system event occurs - installing drivers, programs, etc. But even if such events do not occur, the settings are saved automatically weekly. The user himself can, if necessary, create his own point and, moreover, change the frequency of their automatic creation so that the parameters are saved every day, as it was before the advent of the “seven”.

We save the current configuration ourselves

It was described above how to get into the protection window. To manually save the configuration and system files open this window and follow these steps:

  • at the very bottom of the window, click the “Create” button;
  • in the new window, specify a description of the newly created point;

Changing the frequency of automatic point creation

To instruct your computer to save its configuration and system files every day and always be able to roll back the OS a day ago, you need to work with the task scheduler:

Do not forget that recovery points take up disk space, so by increasing the frequency of their creation, it would be useful to increase the reserved space of the system partition.

A perfect return option Windows performance is the so-called “rollback” operating system to a previous, healthy state using a restore point.

Unfortunately, many Windows users neglect this feature by not creating a rollback option. But in vain, because sooner or later the moment may come when the system simply stops working, and there are many reasons for this. And these reasons are not always under the control of the person sitting at the computer. Power failure in the electrical network to which the computer is connected with subsequent damage to system files, virus attacks on the user's computer, incorrect installation of system and other software, and so on - any of these events can lead to the fact that your Windows will not work as usual, or will stop starting altogether!

Why is it important

If errors occur in Windows that can be eliminated by performing a certain sequence of actions, such as with, then there are no problems - we remove the cause of the “glitch” and continue to use the system! But it also happens that it is impossible to return “everything to its place”, to bring Windows back to life, it’s a dead end. And what can we do here - a complete reinstallation of the entire system and all necessary programs? Not a very good, long and tedious option.

With this scenario, there are few options for action - after all, if you are not an experienced Windows user who understands its structure, understands all the nuances of the operation of certain system functions Windows, then in the event of a global failure and malfunction of the operating system, you will have practically only one option - a complete reinstallation of Windows 10, from scratch!

At the same time you will have to install everything software, with whom you are used to working. In some cases, it is even possible to lose data on the disk - photos and video files, some databases that you previously worked with, and any other types of files and file information.

Based on this, it becomes clear that creating such a “saving” point in Windows 10 will be an excellent, time-saving and understandable tool for you, always at hand, which will quickly and painlessly return the system to working order. In addition to the fact that all operating system files will be rolled back ( file system), will also be restored Windows registry and software responsible for the operation of PC components - device drivers.

Thus, there is practically no more comprehensive and speedy option for bringing Windows 10 to life, and the alternative is a complete Windows reinstallation is not convenient, because You will spend much more time on this, and in some cases you will lose your accumulated information located in a system that suddenly stopped working.

Let's study in detail how you can create restore points. And also how, if such a need arises, you can restore your “OS” using the same pre-prepared points of return to the working form of Windows.

Setting up the Windows 10 recovery system

First, let’s enable the functionality itself, which will allow you to create system copies of Windows 10 “on the fly”; this only needs to be done once, once. We need a settings section Windows security, which can be opened in several ways.

In the first option, we need the “My Computer” shortcut. To do this, right-click the familiar “Start” button, find the “Explorer” item in the spread of the button, and open it:

It may also be that the “My Computer” shortcut is already displayed on your desktop Windows desktop. If it is not on the desktop, but you want to add it there, then simultaneously press the “ Win” + “I", Choose a section " Personalization“, then sequentially click on the links to the sections “ Themes" And " Settings desktop icon“:

In the new window, check the “Computer” shortcut, click the “Apply” button, then “Ok” with the mouse. From now on, the “My Computer” icon will be added and displayed on the desktop:

So, to get to the Windows 10 security settings through the “My Computer” shortcut, click on this label right-click and select “Properties”:

An alternative option for opening the Properties window is to click a combination of two keyboard keys“Win” + “Pause/Break”.

In one way or another of opening the “Properties” window, select “System Protection” in this window:

Alternative action for opening the section window “ System protection” – press the key combination “ Win” + “R” – command line for typing system commands – and then enter a long phrase in English letters
then issue the command for execution by clicking “ OK“, or by pressing the “ key Enter“.

As a result, in one way or another, we will find ourselves in the settings window related to backup settings, in the “System Protection” tab:

As you can see, for everyone Windows drives The option “Disabled” is set. But we are interested in the “C:” drive, as in our screenshot above. It is on this disk that, as a rule, the operating system is installed. Windows system, device drivers and others system utilities. Click the “Configure…” button – we will make settings for the selected disk. Enable the protection option. We also select the required volume (more precisely, a share of the total volume) of the hard drive, which will be used for permanent storage of all created system copies:

After that, click “Ok”, and we see that for drive C: protection is enabled from now on:

Now we can create the first Windows restore point by clicking the “Create...” button:

Enter the name of the control point. The name itself does not carry any special meaning, other than the fact of “recognition” of it by the owner himself Windows account. Next to the name of each recovery point, you will see the date of creation of each such point, accurate to minutes and seconds, so you can easily figure out which recovery point you need - the earliest (the first one created once), or the newest , or another, clearly defined, with a known date of creation.

So, click “Create” and specify a name for the system copy:

Then click the “Create” button and wait for the creation process to finish:

The creation of the restore point is complete. Now your computer is relatively reliably protected from Windows crashes and its applications - if Windows “crashes” and stops responding adequately to your actions, then you can “roll back” the system to a working version at any time.

Let's automate the process: creating Windows 10 restore points on a schedule

In the previous paragraph, we considered the option of manually creating an emergency restore point for the operating system. It is clear that constantly doing this procedure is not very interesting for Windows user exercise. And you can simply forget once again that it’s time to do the procedure for creating a rollback point.

To simplify this issue, in Windows 10 the system developers have built in the function of creating an automatic schedule, which will control the process of the appearance of new points - system copies of Windows 10.

Indeed, it was invented very conveniently and functionally - we set it up once and “forget” about this issue - points are automatically created without human intervention. It is noteworthy that if there is insufficient disk space allocated for these backups, the system proceeds, again, simply and logically - the oldest restore point by date is deleted, and only then the process of creating a new copy of the system begins.

To enable and configure this schedule, click the “Start” button and start typing the phrase “Control Panel”. Will appear in the list this element– go to the Control Panel with a mouse click:

Here we select the “Administration” item:

In the list that opens, select “Task Scheduler”:

In the window that opens, in the left block, open sequentially nested lists along the following path:
“Task Scheduler Library” → “Microsoft” → “Windows”:

In this sublist called “Windows”, find the section called “System Restore”, and left-click on it once. Now in the middle block of the window, right-click on the “SR” item (see screenshot below) and select “Properties” from the pop-up menu:

Great, just a little bit left to do! In the new window, select the “Triggers” tab, and in it click the “Create...” button:

And here it is, the long-awaited final window - planning a schedule for automatically and continuously creating checkpoints to restore the operating system.

Schedule settings are relatively simple. You determine the frequency of the task - one-time, daily, weekly or monthly. Set this option and click “Ok” - that’s it, the schedule is configured. In our example, the schedule is configured to copy the system image weekly, on Fridays:

Click “Ok” - the schedule has been created! Now you don't have to worry about safe work in Windows 10, and fresh copies of the system will be written to disk themselves, in automatic mode.

How to restore the system from a previously created point?

So, for some reason you needed to roll back your Windows system to an earlier date (event).

For example, you just installed new driver devices, and Windows began to work incorrectly. Moreover, the situation is such that you cannot manually remove this driver. We have already considered cases when.

But what if a situation arises where manual recovery is impossible? In this case, you need to start rolling back the system. Of course, we use for this what we prepared in advance - our rollback checkpoints!

Open the “System Protection” window – the procedure is described above. Click the “Restore” button:

The next window is just a system notification about the upcoming recovery procedure, there’s nothing interesting here, just click “Next”:

And here is the main window in which you need to make a choice - which previously created restore point you want to return to. As a rule, the most recent, latest copy of the system is selected. Although the cases are different, you may need the very first point of all those proposed. Select the desired option and click “Next”:

And the last window you will see is a notification about the start of the recovery process. There is also no particularly interesting information here, so click the “Finish” button. The system will roll back, after which the computer will reboot:

Accordingly, after loading you will be presented with the Windows operating system with system settings corresponding to the date of the rollback point. The recovery process is complete.

A possible scenario is that Windows stops functioning so much that working with Windows folders becomes impossible - input devices (keyboard, mouse, touch display) have stopped working, there are any problems with Windows display on the screen.

In this case, it is possible to use an alternative, emergency option of using system restore points.

Boot the system into “Safe”() mode and then run command line, using the well-known keyboard shortcut “Win” + “R”. Either use bootable USB flash drive with the installation version of Windows 10 OS, and after downloading - also select the Windows user operating mode in the command line.

In this window, in the input line, type the following
and press “Enter”:

After this, the usual settings window will appear, and the procedure described above for restoring one of the system dumps will begin.

Deleting system restore points

If you have allocated quite a lot of space to store Windows restore points, and these backups are created automatically, then at some point all this allocated space will be occupied by copies of these points.

In this case, you can clean the system from unnecessary copies, which will free up some disk space. Let's look at how this procedure is done.

Go to the “Device Protection” window, the procedure is described above in the text. Select the “Configure…” item, and then click the “Delete” button:

Conclusion and conclusions

We looked at the procedure for creating backup points to roll back the system to a certain previous form (in time). Without stopping there, we also studied in detail the reverse process - the procedure for restoring the Windows OS system, using previously created backup points (backups). We also told you, and you learned, how you can delete unnecessary copies of point data created and stored in the system.

The creation of rollback points is provided by the operating system developers, and is not complicated; you just need to consistently follow certain steps to create copies of the system.

In return, you will receive the same protection for your operating system from failures. And even the most dangerous attacks from the outside computer viruses teeming in the vastness of the world global network- will not be as scary for you as with the variation of the absence of rollback points. And this statement is true even if your ideally configured antivirus gives up and misses the virus, which will lead to infection of the computer.

Read the article about the basic principles of computer hygiene and malware.

You can also create recovery points manually if you decide that at some very specific point in time you need to obtain and store a copy of the entire system for some time.

Having once taken care of the safety of operability, the possibility quick recovery Windows – You and your computer, your data on your PC will be protected forever.

If any of our readers have something to tell about this, please write your experience in the comments!

One of the Windows 10 recovery options is to use system restore points to undo recent changes to the OS. You can create a restore point manually, in addition, if you configure the system protection settings accordingly. This manual describes in detail the process of creating restore points, the settings necessary for Windows 10 to do this automatically, as well as how to use previously made restore points to roll back changes in drivers, registry and system settings. At the same time, I’ll tell you how to delete the created restore points.

System Recovery Settings

Before you begin, you should look into the recovery settings of Windows 10. To do this, right-click on “Start”, select the “Control Panel” context menu item (View: icons), then “Recovery”.

Click on “System Recovery Settings”. Another way to get to the desired window is to press the Win+R keys on your keyboard and enter systempropertiesprotection then press Enter.

Disabling verification digital signature drivers in Windows 10

The settings window will open (the “System Protection” tab). Recovery points are created for all disks for which system protection is enabled. For example, if for system disk C protection is disabled, you can enable it by selecting this drive and clicking the "Configure" button.

After that, select “Turn on system protection” and specify the amount of space you would like to allocate for creating recovery points: the more space, the more points can be stored, and as the space fills up, old recovery points will be deleted automatically.

How to create a Windows 10 restore point

In order to create a system restore point, on the same “System Protection” tab (which can also be accessed by right-clicking on “Start” - “System” - “System Protection”), click the “Create” button and set the name of the new one dots, then click “Create” again. After some time, the operation will be completed.

Install the Windows 7 start menu in Windows 10

Your computer now contains information that will allow you to undo recent changes made to critical Windows 10 system files if, after installing programs, drivers, or other actions, the OS begins to malfunction.

The created restore points are stored in a hidden system System folder Volume Information in the root of the corresponding disks or partitions, but you do not have access to this folder by default.

How to roll back Windows 10 to a restore point

And now about using restore points. This can be done in several ways - in Windows interface 10, using diagnostic tools in special boot options and on the command line.

Download Windows 10 ISO image from Microsoft website / 4 options

The easiest way, provided that the system starts, is to go to the control panel, select “Recovery”, and then click “Start system recovery”.

The recovery wizard will launch, in the first window of which you may be asked to select a recommended recovery point (created automatically), and in the second (if you check “Select another recovery point”), you can choose one of the manually or automatically created recovery points. Click “Finish” and wait for the system recovery process to complete. After the computer automatically restarts, you will be informed that the recovery was successful.

Open Shell - installing the start menu from Windows 7 in Windows 10 and instead of Classic Shell

The second way to use a restore point is through special boot options, which can be accessed through Settings - Update and Recovery - Recovery or, even faster, directly from the lock screen: press the "power" button at the bottom right, and then, while holding Shift, Click "Reboot".

On the Special Boot Options screen, select Diagnostics - Extra options" - "System Restore", then you can use the available restore points (you will need to enter your account password during the process).

And another way is to launch a rollback to a restore point from the command line. it may be useful to you if the only working option is Windows boot 10 - safe mode with command line support.

Simply type rstrui.exe into the command line and press Enter to launch the recovery wizard (it will launch in the GUI).

How to create a restore point in Windows 7.10 or 8 often arises after the bitter experience of data loss, but we will tell you how to make a restore point!

This happens automatically. Windows also does this when it detects major changes in its operation - for example, when you install OS updates, drivers or some software.

These dots represent the saved state of all files and registry settings - with their help you can launch . If at some point you need to undo some changes, you can quickly return the OS to the time period when these changes had not yet been made.

System Restore uses Windows feature called "System Protection". This function Regularly creates and stores information about your computer's system files, registry settings, and previous versions of files. Reverting the OS to an earlier state affects system Windows files, installed programs, registry settings, changes in scripts, batch files and other types of executable files - but does not affect the user's personal files.

Creating a Wimdows System Restore Point

To create it manually, right-click on the "Computer" icon on your desktop, in context menu select “Properties”, and in the “System” window click on the “System Protection” link.

In the Properties window, click New. The “Protection” window will open.

Enter any title (name) and click on the “Create” button.

The process you start will take less than a minute.

When the process completes, you will see a message indicating that the process completed successfully.

Click Close. Now at any time you can return the computer to this or any other time point.

Restoring Windows to a previous state

If problems arise with the operation of your computer, you can return your PC to the “normal” period of its state, and this is done as follows. In the Properties window, click the "Restore" button.

Alternatively, you can open the recovery window using the Run dialog. Press Win + R on your keyboard, enter the command rstrui.exe and press Enter.

The "Recovery" window will open. Click Next.

Select the point to which you want to return your computer and select “Next”.

Now you need to click on the “Finish” button and then confirm the start of the process by clicking on the “Yes” button.

The process also includes restarting the computer. After rebooting, you will see a message confirming that your computer was successfully restored.

More details in critical situations.

Have a great day!

One of the most effective ways System recovery is a rollback to a previously created checkpoint. You can create a dump manually or by setting a task to the OS itself. In the second case, rollback points will be generated automatically. In this article we will tell you how to create a restore point in Windows 10 manually and automatically.

When using the checkpoint rollback method, the drivers, registry and file system will be replaced. You will receive an exact copy of the OS and it will become the same as it was at the time the point was created. The question of deleting these same points will also be raised, because if you have the last snapshot, the previous ones become unnecessary and only waste storage space.

Like any other mechanism, the checkpointing algorithm in Windows 10 requires initial setup. Let's do it.

  1. Launch the control panel. To do this, we will use the Tens search tool. Click on the magnifying glass icon on the taskbar (we designated it with the number “1”) and enter the request in the field that appears. In the search results, click on the item that interests us.

  1. In the control panel that opens, enter search bar word Recovery and click on the item on the left side of the window.

  1. Next, click on the line that we have highlighted with a red rectangle.

  1. There are more quick way access this menu. To do this, use the Win + R hotkey combination and enter the operator in the window that opens systempropertiesprotection .

  1. A new window will open - we need the “System Protection” tab. Dumps can be created for those disks for which protection is active. In this case, it is disabled on both disks. To activate the service, highlight required disk and click on the “Configure” button.

  1. Switch the checkbox to the “Enable system protection” position and use the slider to set the amount of disk space reserved for disk snapshots. The more space you give the recovery system, the more checkpoints it can record at once. When the space is full, old rollback items will be deleted automatically. After making the changes, all we have to do is click the button labeled “OK”.

After this, setting up the creation of control points can be considered complete. Let's move on to the next section - recording the points themselves.

How to create a restore point correctly

You can create a disk snapshot in the same window where we configured it.

  1. To do this, select the disk whose dump will be made and click on the “Create” button.

  1. Next, enter the name of the control point and click “Create” (the name of the object does not affect its operation, it is written only for the user, who will understand when the point was created and why).

The process has begun and will not take much time. Now that a snapshot of the system has been taken, you can return it to its previous state and fix problems caused, for example, by installing faulty software.

All restore points created by a user, program, or Windows 10 system are stored in the directory System Volume Information in the root of the disk on which the process was running.

Restore from a checkpoint

After we managed to make a Windows 10 restore point, let's look at how to roll back the system using it. Moreover, it can be done different ways– read the material and choose the option that is closest to you.

Using the Control Panel

The easiest way to restore the system using a dump is to use the control panel, in which we created a disk snapshot a little higher. You already know how to get to this menu, so let’s proceed directly to the recovery.

  1. To get started, just click the button with the text “Restore”.

  1. The recovery wizard will start, or rather, its first step: here we need to click on the “Next” button.

  1. We select the point to which we want to roll back the system and click “Next”.

On at this stage we can see which drivers, system files or applications will be changed. To see a list of them, click the button indicated in the figure with a red frame.

  1. We continue the restoration.
  1. The system will notify us that everything is ready for restoration. All we have to do is click on “Done”.

  1. Another warning will follow, saying that if we start the process, it will be impossible to stop it. In any case, click “Yes”.

  1. Preparations have begun to roll back Windows 10 to a previously created restore point. Close all programs and save files - the OS will reboot soon.

After the reboot, the OS will return to the form it had when the checkpoint was created. All data that has changed since then will be rolled back to its original state.

Rollback via special boot options

There is another option Windows rollback 10 via disk snapshot - this time we will use special boot options. There are several ways to get to this menu; let’s look at each of them.

  1. The first method involves moving to the goal through Windows settings. First, open them (you can do this through the Start menu by clicking on the gear icon).

  1. Next, click on the tile that we marked in the picture.

  1. In the left half of the window, click on the “Recovery” link, and in the right half we need the “Restart now” button. After pressing it, the PC will reboot and enter the mode we need. Before proceeding, close all programs and save your data.

  1. The computer will restart. On the screen that opens, select “Troubleshooting.”

  1. In the next step, select the designated tile.

  1. This is the rollback to checkpoint menu. Select the desired disk dump and click on it.

  1. The system will ask for a password for the administrator account - enter it and click on “Continue”.

  1. Before starting the rollback procedure, we will be asked again about the correctness of the decision. If everything is correct, then click the “Return to previous version” button.

The system will begin to roll back to the previously created restore point - this is our goal. We are waiting for the process to complete.

Attention: all operations with checkpoints must be performed as an administrator, otherwise you will encounter the error “ System Restore has been disabled by the system administratorWindows 10».

Restoring Windows 10 through the command line

There is another option to roll back to a recovery point. This is the command line. The method will help when your system simply does not start and any other method cannot be used. You can activate the command line on a system that does not boot by using the installation Windows flash drive 10 (we told you how to write it in).

To begin, open a command prompt and enter the following operator: rstrui.exe, then press Enter. As a result, the familiar wizard will launch, which we considered in the recovery method through the control panel. Follow the prompts and restore your Windows 10.

Automatic creation

The system can create points independently. Moreover, it will do this either in time or before some important event, for example, modification of system files. Below we will tell you how to enable this feature.

  1. Launch the control panel (click on the magnifying glass icon on the status bar and enter a search query in the line).

  1. When the control panel launches, enter the word “Administration” in its search bar and click on the result we need.

  1. Click on the task scheduler.

  1. Open “Task Scheduler Library”, then “Microsoft”, “Windows” and “SystemRestore”.

  1. We right-click on the item indicated in the picture with the number “1”, and in the menu that opens, select “Properties”.

  1. Go to the designated tab and click on “Create”.

Now we need to specify the frequency with which the system will take snapshots of the selected disks. Can be set once a day, week or month.

Ready! Now you no longer need to create checkpoints manually.

A limited amount of space on the hard drive is allocated for storing recovery points, so when the number of dumps exceeds the norm, old records will be deleted automatically.

Can't create a restore point?

There are several reasons that may prevent you from creating a system dump. This could be, for example, viruses that managed to damage part of the system, several operating systems installed on the computer at the same time, etc. If none of this is present, most likely when installing the OS you simply disabled the point creation function. Enable protection for the disk you need: we described how this is done above.

Removing unnecessary dumps

If for any reason you need to delete Windows 10 restore points, open system properties (we discussed how this is done a little higher) and click on the “Customize” button.

We are warned that after deleting all records, we will not be able to roll back the system to its original state. If you are sure of your choice, then click “Continue”.

The process of erasing control points has begun; in a few moments it will be completed.

That's all. The computer is completely cleared of all restore points. Click “Close”.

The same can be done in another way. Let's look at how to delete disk dumps using the cleanup tool in Windows 10.

  1. Launch the Run utility using the keyboard shortcut Win + R, enter the word cleanmgr and press Enter.

  1. Select the drive you want to clean and click OK.

  1. The preparatory stage of disk cleaning has begun and the necessary information is being collected.

  1. In the new window you need to click on the “Clear” button.

  1. The system will once again warn us that all entries except the last one will be deleted. Click “Delete”.

After this, all control points will be cleared, only the most recent one will remain on the PC.

Let's consider another way to delete control Windows points 10. Its difference is that we can erase any selected dump, and not all points at once. The CCleaner program copes with this task perfectly. Let's look at an example of deletion.

Initially, download the program and install it (there should be no installation difficulties). When the application starts, go to the “Tools” section, and then to the “System Restore” tab. In the right part of the window, select the point that you want to delete and click the corresponding point.

Let's sum it up

In the article, we looked at the question of how to create a restore point in Windows 10. If after reading the article you do not understand everything, write to us about your problem in the comments, and we, in turn, undertake to give a concise and comprehensive answer. To complete the picture, below you will find a video on the topic.

Video on how to create a restore point in Windows 10



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