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I go into my audio recordings and it says an error. What to do if VKontakte has an error when loading an audio recording

Everyone uses the VKontakte network, because it is not just a project for communication, but a huge system with a bunch of different functions.

VKontakte audio recordings are also extremely popular. Some people even log into their profiles just to listen to music, but this feature often causes the same bug.

Surely you have also seen a window with the text “An error occurred while loading the audio recording.” We will tell you how to fix it in this article. The easiest way - this is to refresh the page with clearing the cache(key F5). If this button is responsible for another function, use the Ctrl+R combination.

How to get rid of the error when downloading audio recordings on VKontakte?

The above action will allow you to deal with the error once, but it will recur periodically. To get rid of it permanently, you need to use one of the following actions:

  • try reinstalling Flash Player (read more about this);
  • in the settings of your Internet connection, disable the IPv6 protocol (be sure to restart the connection);
  • using Mozilla Firefox, try disabling automatic control CACHE (remove page caching altogether);
  • completely clear the browser cache and restart the browser (it is advisable to delete all saved data, including cookies);
  • It’s possible that your browser has unnecessary extensions installed that block the downloading of audio recordings from VKontakte (most often these are antivirus extensions);
  • An antivirus can also block the download. In this case, you need to add VKontakte IP addresses to the list of protocol exceptions;
  • browsers can also have errors, so try reinstalling them or using a different platform;
  • update the codecs on your computer (after that, be sure to clear the browser cache and registry);
  • go to VKontakte settings and go to the “Security” tab. There you need to check the box to use a secure connection.

One of these methods will definitely help you, and we remind our readers that any problems with your PC may be associated with the presence of viruses. Therefore, promptly update your security software databases and perform system scans.

Sometimes users encounter problems playing audio recordings in social network In contact with.

In this manual, we will look at the main reasons why problems arise and methods for solving them.

Why doesn't VKontakte music play on my computer?

If you log into VK through Personal Computer, then this means that you are using a browser to view websites, and additional programs, which ensure correct work with multimedia. As you understand, with each of these components, trouble can happen.

To diagnose the problem, you need to check all the points.

Does the sound device work on your computer?

If you can’t play VKontakte music, try running the audio file from any other location. The easiest option is to open “My Computer”, then the “Music” section, and there is the “Music Samples” folder. Here we find and open any file.

If the sound starts to play through headphones, speakers or the built-in speaker, then we have ruled out a problem with them. The opposite situation, when there is no sound, indicates problems with the output device.

Here we must take a number of preventive measures:

At this stage, we must make sure that the devices for playing sound are working correctly, or identify a problem with them. And fix it.

If with a computer and sound devices There are no problems, we check the browser.

Eliminate browser problems that may prevent audio files from playing

If you look at it, there can only be 4 main problems at this stage:

  1. Internet connection malfunction.
  2. Outdated cache.
  3. Necessity Flash updates Player.
  4. Viruses.

Let's go through each point.

Network connection problems

This problem is extremely easy to diagnose. Just open your browser and try to go to a site that is guaranteed to work. The Yandex or Google search engine is good.

We enter the URL in the browser and try to open it. If you succeeded in logging in, it means the Internet is working and there are no problems connecting to the network.

We check the functionality of the Internet connection - if the sites open, then everything is OK

The opposite situation indicates that there are problems with the connection. We try to reboot the router and check the network settings. If it doesn’t help, it’s a good idea to call your provider and find out if there are any problems.

Resetting the browser cache

A very useful operation. Speeds up the program, and sometimes solves the problem with playing music files on VKontakte.

The process will be illustrated using an example Mozilla browser Firefox. For others it is done by analogy.

Open the menu in the upper right corner of the program window. There we select the "Settings" item. Then the "Privacy and Security" tab. Here we find the “Cookies and site data” block and click the “Delete data” button. The next step is to select what you want to delete. And clear the contents by clicking on the "Delete" button.

Don’t forget to confirm the operation and try to turn on music on your VK page.

Let's install a new Flash Player

This software, which provides some functions for working with multimedia data. It should always be installed. And it is advisable to have the current version.

Just go to the official download page using the link:


And click on the "Install Now" button there.

Update Flash Player from the official Adobe website

Then install the software, restart the browser and check audio playback.


My advice to you. If you observe incorrect behavior in the operation of your computer or programs, do not be lazy, download antivirus utility, and check for malicious files. Most often, there is a problem with logging into VK, pictures and videos, music files do not work, precisely because of a virus infection.


Download, run and check.

If threats were found, we eliminate them. Then we go listen to VKontakte music without the Internet. This is also possible.

Music does not work in VK on the phone

Here possible problems will be somewhat less. As well as solution methods.

Updating the application

Most often, users using official application. For all its functions to work correctly, you must have the latest updates.

Your phone may not load them into automatic mode.

He needs help. Launching the client Play Market. Open the menu and go to the “My applications and games” section. Here we find the VKontakte client, and click the “Update” button opposite it.

Remember about the restriction on background listening

As you probably know, VKontakte has a limitation that allows you to listen to music on your phone in background, only 30 minutes a day. After that it stops playing.

You can continue listening only with your phone screen turned on. There are a number of tricks that allow you to listen to music on VK without restrictions, but we’re not talking about them now.

If you suddenly stop playing files, you should check whether the daily limit has expired.

Is there 3G/4G internet?

As in the case of a desktop computer, in order to normally play music from VK on your phone, you must have good internet channel. Check your connection.

You can do this exactly the same way as we did in the first part of this instruction. Open any website in your browser that is guaranteed to work. If it works, there is Internet.

Remember that the network connection indicator in “h” or “E” mode does not provide the necessary speed for the correct operation of multimedia files. Need 4G.

For normal music playback, you need a good Internet channel

Vkontakte music does not play, due to the fault of the social network itself

Here we come to the most interesting point. And the simplest one. Why, you ask?

Like any site, VKontakte is not immune from temporary disruptions. When they happen, users experience interruptions in logging in, loading data, and multimedia content. Including problems with music playback.

Malfunctions in the VKontakte social network may affect music playback

There is good news. The VK team has very cool specialists. And they solve problems that arise very quickly. Small ones - within a few minutes. Very serious - a couple of hours.

So the advice here is very simple. You should wait for a while and then try running the music file again. The problems should have been resolved and you should be able to listen to your favorite recordings again.

What to do when audio recordings do not load (music does not play) in the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet? What to do if the music is missing? Here we will give specific solutions to this problem, and also understand why this happens.

This instruction is current for 2020.

Attention: sometimes it happens that VK is buggy. If you play any song, there will be an error when playing the audio recording. And so it is for everyone. In this case, there is nothing to do but wait. Listen to music somewhere on another site. Solutions for other cases are below.

If you have an error in old version VKontakte applications, when you go to “Music”, “My audio recordings”, this is due to the fact that background listening to music on the phone from November 1, 2017 is limited to 30 minutes per day. You will have to update the application to remove the error. Perhaps if you don't do this, you won't have any music at all. It turned out that the freebie was not eternal! Read more at the end of the page.

The music is gone

Solution: log out and log in

Try logging out of your account in the application (that is, from your page) and logging in again. Just make sure you remember your username and password first. This usually fixes the error when the music is missing:

  1. Fifth button on the bottom row.
  2. The gear button at the top right will open the settings.
  3. At the very bottom is the point "Go out".
  4. Log into the application again by entering your username and password.

If you don’t remember your password, you will have to make a new one, that is, restore access: Recovering a password, VKontakte access. The most important thing here is that the page is linked to your current phone number.

Errors when playing audio recordings

You want to turn on music in the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet (most often on Android), but the music does not play and you get one of the errors:

It is also possible that you go to “My Music” and all the music is completely gone. In “Recommendations” there is “Error. Try again". In audio recordings of friends, music also does not show, it seems to have disappeared.

Solution: clear the audio cache in the VK application

For Android smartphones (not iPhones) there is the following solution: clear audio cache. This is the memory on your phone where the songs you play are saved. Gradually it ends and this error occurs. But this setting is not available in all versions of the application.

  1. Open the application settings - the fifth button in the bottom row, then the gear button at the top right.
  2. Next open "Basic".
  3. Find the item "Clear music cache" and press.
  4. Turn off "Cache Music"(switch to the right of this inscription).
  5. Turn it on again "Cache Music" the same switch.

Now try playing the song again. If it works, congratulations! Now you know how to fix the problem.

If it's still an error, what other ways are there to solve the problem?

  1. Change the location where you save the music - if internal memory is selected there, switch to a memory card (go to the application settings, then "Basic" Further "Location").
  2. Delete all VK application data in the phone settings: for example, “Settings - All applications - VKontakte - Erase data” and there too "Clear cache".
  3. Try rebooting your smartphone (turn it off and on again).
  4. Uninstall the VK application completely and install it again from Google Play.
  5. If you open a recording in the application that has music attached, there will be a “three dots” menu at the top right. Click on them and choose "Open in browser." A page with this song will open in the browser, and you can play it.
  6. Change your Android phone to an iPhone (or an Android tablet to an iPad).

Why does this error occur? What should I do to make sure it doesn't exist anymore?

This error occurs when your phone or tablet runs out of memory to save audio. When enabled in application settings "Cache music" it saves each song in memory so that next time you don't have to download it again, but play it right away. And the memory is gradually filled with music. Perhaps this defect will be corrected in the future. Don’t be lazy to update the VK application when new versions appear.

In the meantime, there are two solutions: either disable "Music Caching" in the settings (see above how to do this), or clean the memory from time to time (item in the settings "Clear music cache"). Also, if you are good at Android, you can try changing the location where you save the audio. Maybe now the music is saved in internal memory phone, but you need to save it to a memory card - because there is more space there.

What should I do if I have a Windows Phone and the audio won’t load and it gives me an error?

Phones to Windows Phone become a thing of the past and are no longer supported. The operation of the VK application on them is no longer guaranteed, including music playback. Best buy new phone(iPhone or something normal on Android).

What to do if “Playing this audio is impossible due to the requirements of the copyright holder”?

The fact is that each song has an owner (copyright holder) who controls the rights to copy and reproduce this song. If someone else uploaded a song to the VKontakte website, and then everyone listens to it for free, the copyright holder is not happy with this situation - after all, he does not receive money from it! In essence, they are stealing from him. Therefore, he negotiates with the VKontakte website so that the song cannot be listened to for free. That's when you get this error. What to do? Buy a song or the entire album for money and listen to your pleasure. This is life, nothing personal.

"Background music listening is limited." How to remove the restriction?

There is no way to remove the limitation (error). If you don’t want to subscribe to music, you can only open the full version of VK on your phone (there is no time limit) and turn on the music in it. But this is not very convenient.

There are other paid music services that are no worse, and maybe even better. Many people even do without VK in order to listen to music (after all, before there was no VK, but they still listened to music).

See also

Try “Login” - the start page of the site

If you make a website home page in your browser, then when you launch it, you will immediately see which of your friends is currently online (they won’t see you), whether you have new messages, likes, marks on photos, and the like. You can connect other sites, not only VKontakte. Very comfortably! Login to any site with one click.

It is difficult to imagine a user who would not want all the actions he planned to happen perfectly. But, if it was not possible to avoid troubles, and a VKontakte error occurred when loading an audio recording, there is only one thing left to do: deal with the difficulties that have arisen. But before that, you need to understand the reasons for what happened. The following can cause problems:

  • incorrect format of the uploaded file;
  • conflicts between the site and connected plugins;
  • outdated version browser or application;
  • outdated version of the player;
  • problems on the server;
  • incorrect security settings;
  • errors in the protocol.

Of the listed causes of problems, only problems on the server cannot be fixed with my own hands. In other cases, it is enough to be patient and willing to deal with difficulties in order to understand the current situation. Users do not expect anything complicated.

The most difficult thing will be for those individuals who see error code 0 on the monitor in VK. Restore normal work They will not be able to manage the social network on their own, since the appearance of such a message indicates a malfunction of the servers. Typically, the mentioned entry appears after large-scale updates, when developers are unable to immediately synchronize the operation of all involved systems, and some of its parts turn out to be incompatible.

The only way to deal with such a failure is to wait. Neither changing the file format nor rebooting will help restore network operation. Adding audio recordings, photos and videos will remain unavailable.

What should I do if VK says “an error occurred while loading the audio recording”?

If an error occurs while downloading an audio recording, you should:

  1. restart your computer, Android or iPhone;
  2. make sure that the format and size of the downloaded file meets the requirements, and if necessary, convert the recording to mp3;
  3. update the application on your smartphone or browser on your computer and laptop (updating and enabling automatic update occurs in the application or browser settings);
  4. try to change the browser (even the Yandex browser will do);
  5. temporarily disable the involved plugins and try downloading again;
  6. go to the social network settings and in the “Security” section, check the box next to the item mentioning “encrypted connection”;
  7. go to settings network connection on the PC and uncheck the ipv item

In the event that the listed measures do not help correct the current situation, and the error persists, the last option remains. It consists of contacting VKontakte support agents. But, having decided to write to the contact center, you should be patient, since the first thing the operators will do is offer to perform the actions already listed above. Only after making sure that they do not help, consultants will try to find other ways to deal with difficulties.

Hi all. Today we will discuss the problem of the world famous social network “VKontakte”, namely, we will talk about an error with audio playback. The error message looks like this: “An error occurred while loading the audio recording. Try refreshing the page." Moreover, on some songs the window pops up, but on others it doesn’t. Here is a screenshot of this problem:

During the course of the article we will consider possible reasons, and then we’ll tell you how to correct the situation.

Causes of errors when playing audio recordings.

Users describe the most common problems:

  • Incorrect protocol network connection;
  • Outdated version Adobe Flash Player;
  • Disabled Flash Player in the browser;
  • Inoperative, outdated version of the browser itself;
  • Rarely, but it also happens - IP address conflict;
  • Problems with the “VK Saver” plugin and other extensions for saving audio and video files;
  • If you have FriGate enabled, feel free to disable it, this is often the reason;

To avoid confusion, follow all recommendations in order.

“An error occurred while loading the audio recording” - solution.

As far as we know, the VK Saver plugin for a long time is not updated, other extensions for saving video and audio in a contact can also cause a conflict, the contact is updated, and the developers do not have time to update the extensions. For this reason, we recommend turning them off first.
The second step is to check the network connection protocol, for this:

Let's move on to checking browsers and Flash Player.

More ways to solve the problem.

The above methods always help, but there are people who use the old ones Windows versions, browsers and not updated software. Do not forget to periodically update system components and software.
For those who want to “Dance with a tambourine” - here are other options suggested by users:
In the security settings set Use a secure connection."
If the problem was a conflict with the IP address, install a VPN plugin for Chrome, for example TouchVPN - it is completely free and does not contain advertising. Download here: TouchVpn. There are similar add-ons for other browsers.
I hope you have sorted out the problem. An error occurred while loading the audio recording, try refreshing the page, following the tradition of the YouTube video on this topic:



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